(07-20-2020, 08:25 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina just smiles at Tomeal, not able to do much else as there was still the matter of the remaining creature to dispose of.
[OoC: Ooops! I got ahead of myself! Tomeal is still crabby! I edited my previous post.

[Oh? Very well then. Post deleted.]
Ningalu...flying? Why hadn't he told her about this capability before?? Why hadn't he used it before??
Suspicious Selina:
Know arcana: [1d20] = 14
[OoC because I am now the kobol GOD bow before me.. wait why aren't you bowing.. dammit where are you going? I said bow.. *whimper*]
[[Hehe. Finally get a solid roll for that and it's probably not arcana related.

(07-21-2020, 01:49 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Ningalu...flying? Why hadn't he told her about this capability before?? Why hadn't he used it before??
Suspicious Selina: Know arcana: [1d20] = 14
[OoC: Unfortunately, Selina doesn't have any ranks in Know: Arcana. So that means she is only possibly aware of common (DC:10) information. Whatever is happening is not common information. The only knowledge skills you have ranks in are Religion and History. Unfortunately, neither will be of help here.
What I do think is funny is how Selina is surprised by the flight but apparently thinks nothing about Ning belching forth a 30' cone of acidic fire!

- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Dog 17
- Selina 16
- Tomeal 15
- Betimi 10
Ning launches an invisible attack at the creature hiding in the trees.
Will Save: [1d20+5] = 1+5 = 6; Failed!!
The little creature reels in pain while releasing a shrill, chalk board scratching, sound. Tomeal yells in pain at the same time.
"Stop it!"
[Tomeal takes 6 points of subdual damage.]
[The creature looks pretty wobbly.]
The little critter spreads its batlike wings and suddenly a burst of dazzling light explodes from its body. It then flies (half speed) through the canopy, deeper into the cave! [K-0; at the very top.]
[Betimi must make a DC14 Fortitude save or be dazzled. Suffering -1 penalty to all attack rolls for 1 HOUR!]
[OoC: In Selina's mind, Ning is a kobold. Related to dragons. It's not entirely out of the ordinary. Flight without (until recently) wings or a spell? Weeeeird. Anyway, post incoming.]
Selina notes the remaining creature's shrill cry and nods to herself, wincing slightly as her resolve weakens, allowing the damage she took to wash over her form in a slightly more...controlled circumstance. The others can handle the creature, even as it flees. Selina's ability in ranged combat was not very strong in the first place, but she also had to take care of Tomeal. She knew, without a doubt, that he wasn't himself, that he was being taken advantage of and he would likely feel terrible about anything he did to her or any of his companions. It wasn't his fault, Selina knew this. So she had to protect him from himself, even at her own expense. Sighing, she brings her hand up to gently clutch her holy symbol, praying to Selune to guide her actions. She was ready to take every attack he could send at her, ready to be the punching bag he needed to have until that annoying creature was removed from existence. She had the healing capability and the toughness for it. She was ready. Selina's prayer is answered as a gentle light, like a moonbeam, spreads through her form, healing herself for most of the damage she took from the twin-headed crocodilian.
[[Standard Action: Converts Avoid Planar Effects into Cure Moderate Wounds, targeting herself. As per the house rules, she regains 2x(1d4+4)+3 (her caster level) HP from it.]]
CMW:[2d4+11] = 5+11 = 16
Sighing pleasantly and able to breathe a bit more easily, she returns her focus to Tomeal. The others would be fine. He is her focus. She slips in front of him, shading the others from his view and gazing into his eyes once more, the Crusader gone, the gentle, caring priestess all he sees.
[[5' Step to F8]]
"Tomeal. I know you are still in there. I know this isn't who you are. I know that...thing is toying with your mind, as it attempted to with me. You know that I would never willingly hurt you and I know you took an oath to protect us...to protect me. So it is now my duty to protect you. Do not worry, I can take it. I am here for you, and with you."
Then...the Priestess of Selune braces herself, ready to take whatever pain the creature controlling Tomeal is planning for her.
[[No actions left.]]
[[OoC2: Off-topic...would you like me to take over Dog or do you still want him to be a DMPC/NPC?]]
Dog barks a couple of more times at the fallen behemoth then prances triumphantly over to Selina, its de facto master. The dog's head tilts and ears perk up while it curiously watches Selina say some words and seems to feel better. Dog happily wags his tail. The priest then steps toward the angry Tomeal making the dog instinctively snarl its muzzle slightly to bare its teeth in warning at the warrior.
[Selina is cured 16 points of damage.]
Since Selina is the closest, with both hands, Tomeal swings his blade wildly overhead to hack into the priest. He blinks his eyes, shakes his head, and then submissively drops his longsword and then falls to his knees.
"I... I'm so sorry," Tomeal whispers in distress. "I don't know what came over me. All I wanted to do was kill and there was nothing I could do to stop it."
[OoC: Strangely, even though the creature could 'incite rage,' within 30', the ability gave no actual rage bonuses, like a barbarian would get. Tomeal just saw everything (including the flying creatures) within 60' as his enemy. ]
[It's now BETIMI'S turn. Then SIMON and Ning/Nang's turn.]