Betimi hopes for the best and throws the scarab into the canopy of huge leaves. Almost instantly she hears shrill cry, like nails on a chalkboard, from above and with a couple of thumps something drops from the trees 10' away from her.
Everyone who sees the thing is taken aback a little [Well except Betimi. She could have dated something similar...

] The vile creature's body is a tangled mass of feelers, tendrils, and strange sensory organs between a large pair of bat-like wings that span about 3' apart. Two dozen spindly legs trail below its body, and a long rat-like tail with a triangular fin at its tip. The neck of the creature is long and bald, and its head is like that of an eyeless lamprey with three large mandibles surrounding rows of rasping teeth.
After Simon skewers Nang, he's verbally reprimanded by pretty much everyone. Even Dog doesn't look too happy with him. Unexpectedly, Ning suddenly lashes out at Simon and blasts him with a vivid cone of clashing colors...
Simon Will Save: [1d20+2] = 14+2 = 16
Simon just manages to cover his eye in time to avoid being stunned,
"ALL RIGHT! ALL RIGHT! But don't blame me if this turns bad. I tried to want yous!"
[To be continued very shortly... ]
Betimi will walk forward and launch another shard nto the thing on the ground..
[OoC Full round action coup de Grace.. not rolling because we might still in init with something approaching'
- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Selina 17
- Dog 17
- Tomeal 16
- Betimi 10
Betimi suddenly feels something crawling around in her head too. [Please make a DC14 Will save. This won't affect your next action.]
Tomeal begins to breath heavily and shake his head slightly as he mumbles,
"I don't know why but I'm starting to feel very... angry."
Suddenly at blinding speed an enormous [one might even call it huge

] reptilian creature charges out of the shrubbery from the south, directly at Ning, Simon and the Hand! It resembles a giant crocodile with a deformed hunched back and worst of all, it has what seems to be a second siamese twin HEAD! One of its enormous maws lunge for Ning. As the small Kobold dives for the ground, the foul putrid breath of the beast washes over him as its jaw snaps overhead, with a bite Ning knew would have sliced him nearly in half!
Two-Headed Crocodile attack: [1d20+11] = 7+11 = 18, Damage: [2d8+12] = 9+12 = 21; forgot to add +2 for charge attack; MISSED!
The second head lunges for Simon but he backpedals just in time to avoid being chomped by the beast!
Two-Headed Crocodile attack: [1d20+13] = 2+13 = 15, Damage: [2d8+12] = 9+12 = 21; MISSED!
[OoC: My god you all have a horseshoe up your asses!

The Hand jumps in terror to the tips of its fingers and instinctively it runs to its brother. It then jumps on him, then [once again instinctively] has an overwhelming urge to initiate a grapple.
Riding: [1d20+4] = 14+4 = 18; Touch attack; HIT!!
[Ning, are you going to resist your brother's grapple? (Evil Grin). Hey, you like parasites don't you? He's just trying to cuddle!!
I'll have to check if engaging in a grappling contest will cause you any penalties while you're within reach of the Giant Two-Headed Crocodile.

[It's now Selina, Dog, Tomeal, and Betimi's turns. Then a new round! ]
[[Wow...okayyy. First thing's first. Please remember that all enemies Roll for new Maneuver gained:
1 = Vanguard Strike, 2 = Charging Minotaur
Maneuver: [1d2] = 1
Vanguard Strike it is. Second of all, why attack his brother when he could just grapple Simon

(07-16-2020, 03:55 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Vanguard Strike it is. Second of all, why attack his brother when he could just grapple Simon
[OoC: Nang feels safer with his brother and has no clue what he's capable of as a this Hand. He honestly didn't know he'd want to grapple the first person he touched. And for being tiny, this thing gets a huge bonus to its grappling check. It would even have a chance to grapple the Crocodile!! ]
Quote:Wow...okayyy. First thing's first. Please remember that all enemies Roll for new Maneuver gained:
1 = Vanguard Strike, 2 = Charging Minotaur
Maneuver: [1d2] = 1
I'm not that familiar with maneuvers. What do you mean, "all enemies roll for new maneuver gained."
[[Next thing I'm going to do is Will save to disbelieve in case this is an illusion of some sort because that is a freaking massive two-headed crocodile with a +13 attack bonus and a +12 damage mod.]]
Will save: [1d20+7] = 12+7 = 19
Ning does not resist the grapple, because it is just a grab, and a size Tiny grab should not hinder his next move. He let's his brother climb on, while he considers pushing Simon into the creatures mouth(s). [He will wait for his turn]
(07-16-2020, 04:05 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Wow...okayyy. First thing's first. Please remember that all enemies Roll for new Maneuver gained:
1 = Vanguard Strike, 2 = Charging Minotaur
Maneuver: [1d2] = 1
I'm not that familiar with maneuvers. What do you mean, "all enemies roll for new maneuver gained."
[[Sorry, that was supposed to say "Please remember to roll each turn for new Maneuver gained." Reminder for me.]]