[OoC: Sorry I took so long to respond. Real life sneaked up on me again. ]
[OoC2: For most of you (maybe all) the only way to fail the Caster Level check is if you roll a 1. ]
[OoC3: I decided we'd try the Pathfinder variant. Selina's Turn damage just so happened to be 2d6 so I'm going to use this number (12) to determine damage. Will Save = 10 + half level (2) + Cha Mod (3). Total: DC15.]
Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
- 25.5 Simon > Drinks Displacement Extract
- 24.4 Ning > Casts Mirror Image
- 19.1 Selina: Damage 10 > Turns undead and preps Stances
- 18.4 Undead A: Damage 5 > Attacks
- 18.4 Undead B: Damage 11 >Attacks
- 11.6 Kubo
- 10.4 Betimi
- 9.5 Dog
- 7.2 Tomeal
- 5.1 Crozar
Simon drinks an extract and suddenly his body fades away and then materializes 2' away from where he was last standing.
CL check: [1d20+20]=4+20=24; Succeeds casting Displacement; duration 8 rounds; Effect: 50% miss chance.]
Ning grants himself some cover by staying partially inside the house. He then casts his his spell and suddenly there are 4 Ning images who mimic each other perfectly, making it impossible to figure out which image is the real Ning.
[Selina, I moved you 5' so you could catch both of them in your Channel Positive Energy which is a 30' radius instead of 60' radius.]
Quote:Selina steps out to confront the creatures, eyes narrowed to thin slits. In her right hand she grips her sword fiercely. In her left, the metal circle of her symbol of Selune almost shines with softly glowing light as the residual effect of a recent spell slowly wears off.
If you are of the undead or anything at all similar, Begone!
Her eyes open and flare with pale light to match the symbol. The glow pulses out to fill the area with moonlight.
Wave after wave of moonlit energy strikes the creatures. The creature sneaking in from the North-East seems to take the brunt of the blast! An instant later their bodies fly apart into clouds of particulated bone and leathery flesh surrounding 2 arms, 2 legs, a skull and torso.
Will save 1: [1d20+6]=15+6=21, Will save 2: [1d20+6]=2+6=8; Succeeded (Damage 6); Failed (Damage 12)]
The creatures Turns...
Both clouds of body parts move toward Selina. Tomeal yells for Selina to pull back!
Selina's exposed flesh is immediately assaulted with stinging bits of bone and leathery flesh...
Automatic damage: [1d3]=2, [1d3]=2; They inflict 4 damage
The body parts then begin slamming against her from both sides.
Cloud A:
R Arm: [1d20+7]=7+7=14, L Arm: [1d20+7]=10+7=17, Skull: [1d20+7]=20+7=27; Miss; Miss; HIT!! Possible Crit!
Possible Crit: [1d20+7]=6+7=13 ; Crit Failed!
R Leg: [1d20+7]=12+7=19, L Leg: [1d20+7]=10+7=17, Torso: [1d20+7]=6+7=13 ; Miss, Miss, Miss
Cloud B:
R Arm: [1d20+7]=5+7=12, L Arm: [1d20+7]=12+7=19, Skull: [1d20+7]=2+7=9 ; Miss, Miss, Miss
R Leg: [1d20+7]=16+7=23, L Leg: [1d20+7]=15+7=22, Torso: [1d20+7]=6+7=13 ; HIT!, HIT!, Miss
Most of the body parts just bounce off different parts of her armor. But she's struck by a skull [1 dam] from the creature on the left and both legs from the creature on the right. [1 dam; 4 dam]
Skull dam: [1d4]=1, L Leg dam: [1d4]=1, R Leg Dam: [1d4]=4 ; Total 6 damage
[Selina must make 3 Fortitude Saves. One for each hit!: DC15 ]
[Round 1, Continued: Kubo, Betimi, Dog, Tomeal, Crozar's turns. Remember, you have a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects. ]
![[Image: 4qQIkzF.png]](https://i.imgur.com/4qQIkzF.png)