[OoC: When you say alone does that include your dog? Cuz the dog would have followed you unless you tell it to wait outside your cabin. It will do what it's told but will look up at you with puppy-dog eyes as if to say, 'Why would you want to go anywhere without me?' ]
[OoC2: I'd like to reiterate that I LMAO at the mental image I got of Selina being dragged through the sky while tangled in a parachute, screaming, "I REGRET NOTHING!!"

Tomeal is caught off guard by Selina's sudden show of appreciation. When she kisses him, his eyes widen like saucers and he's momentary paralyzed with surprise before returning her kiss.
Selina Parcellus Wrote:After a few seconds, she slowly pulls away and whispers "For my life I owe you that and far more."
"You're wel... welcome." Tomeal replies with a hint of bashfulness in his voice.
"I have similar feelings as well. If it weren't for you, I would have died in that gatehouse. But you all did more than just save my life. By joining you, I have been opened up to possibilities that Tomeal, the naive Gate Guard, never dreamed possible. You have given my life purpose beyond collecting tolls. I'm happy I was able to return the gift you gave me but in reality I will always be in your debt. You're an incredible woman, Selina. I can see why those guards asked you to lead them."
[[OoC1: Nah. The dog can come along. What's it going to say? "Arf Arf"?


Now it is Selina's turn to smile and blush bashfully.
"There is no debt here, Tomeal. Only the desire to help others and leave this world a better place than it was when I entered it. If leading others is what is necessary for me to leave that sort of mark, then so be it. I must use what gifts the Goddess provided me with or I am a hypocrite and a fool."
"Thank you for offering to free me of any debt," Tomeal replies. "But I promised to do whatever I can to aid you and your companions at least until we return to Cantus. It's true that when I made that promise I never dreamed I would end up traveling to another universe to fulfill the debt but never the less I'm happy to do so, especially since in doing so it has allowed me more time to spend with you."
(04-14-2019, 02:17 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]"The skies look clear, once you have settled your leadership and given your fallen the respects they are due, shall we resume practice?"
She begins getting reharnessed, as if expecting this to not take very long. [Among her people it would not.]
[OoC: I believe, out of all the PC's only Ning has yet to volunteer to practice. I'm going to assume the NPC's are successful because I don't want to run through all their rolls.]
One by one each guard does the jump. Most succeed and the individuals who fail are rescued. Eventually only Ning and Nang are left. Simon looks at both and says,
(04-19-2019, 05:18 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (04-14-2019, 02:17 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]"The skies look clear, once you have settled your leadership and given your fallen the respects they are due, shall we resume practice?"
She begins getting reharnessed, as if expecting this to not take very long. [Among her people it would not.]
[OoC: I believe, out of all the PC's only Ning has yet to volunteer to practice. I'm going to assume the NPC's are successful because I don't want to run through all their rolls.]
One by one each guard does the jump. Most succeed and the individuals who fail are rescued. Eventually only Ning and Nang are left. Simon looks at both and says, "Well?"
[OoC: Oops! I forgot that Nacesh also needs to volunteer. ]
Nang will look at his only slightly older brother and visibly shivers in terror.
"Me too young to die."
When approached to get into the harness Ning shakes his head. If pressed he runs below deck to hide.
Ooc - wow I'm gone for a mere fortnight and ask those posts... ;-)
The spearman looks around as people recover from the wind of battle, and ponders the situation. Were these some kind of aerial pirates? Or were they protecting something? He wanders around to see if he can find some clue. Like, a leftover trace of the invisible menace. He also risks bending over the rails to see what land is below.
If an imp dropped dead on board, he could even check the corpse...
He also sends a mental thought to Mil to reassure him that all's right.
Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
I think I've expressly mentioned that Nacesh won't volunteer. I keep myself to his decision.
Tapatalkkal küldve az én ALE-L21 eszközömről
"Ning, Nacesh, you need to practice. While we have the safety of a tether to draw you back. Make a mistake when we actually descend, and your remains will be but a wet splatter on teh earth. We will not have much to give you last rites over."
[OoC: Ok, so my free time has finally recovered. So I'm bumping this cuz we seem to be waiting for Selina to end the awkward silence with Tomeal and also Ning and Nacesh need to say something to Betimi. Is this when Ning scurried below deck? ]