(09-14-2020, 03:03 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]In the moments of silence while waiting, Betimi feels her grief almost overcome her and seems to retreat into herself, puling her hood up and quietly talking to her self. Her shoulders occasionally wracked by sobs.
Kubo quickly packs up his make shift camp, and doses his small fire, and as he hoists his pack over his shoulders onto his back, he notes the young lady crying and says,
"Is everything ok young one, why da tears?"
"There is plenty of reason to be sad, first we had to sacrifice my friend Beast to save a fool who then left us when we needed him, then we've been stranded on this world. But the true reason it is so overwhelming is my connection to Focalor, his grief is overwhelming. And exaggerates my own. Do not be overly concerned."
(09-14-2020, 03:49 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ][OoC do I needto make another Torque check for Nang, or were there enough uses left in the last identify. Or was it 'outside the cone'?]
[OoC: I believe it was Simon who last used the Identify so he can do it. ]
Simon speaks the command word and points the wand at the sword.
The spell tells him, 'The blade is a +2, Sonic Burst Great Sword.'
Simon grimaces and grips the wand tighter as if he was experiencing resistance. "There is something more but the blade is pushing back. This blade has an Ancestry and it's very headstrong. In the hands of most people it sleeps. But in the hands of a chosen few it will show true fealty. It will punish those who fail in combat, but it rewards those who redeem themselves but there is a limit to its patients. The Blade is refusing to reveal anything more. Demanding you be a proper guardian or steward by learn something of its past before it will give away more secrets."
[FYI: Basically every time you miss in combat the sword gets pissed off and will give you an accumulative -1 penalty on attack until you succeed. Then it will bestow a bonus on damage equal to x2 the penalty on attack (Maximum +10). So if you attack and miss your next attack is -1; miss again -2; miss again -3; miss AGAIN -4; then you finally hit the blade give you a bonus on damage of +8. Then it starts all over again. After a certain number of cumulative misses the sword will lose faith in you and cease to function. There might be a way to return its confidence in you but you'll have to figure that out. And the blade knows if you're purposely trying to miss to get the big bonuses.

[[0.0 Ooooo! Me likey!!]]
Selina blinks several times in surprise at this information, then takes a more solid look at the weapon she carries. Ancestry? What antecedent do I have that merited a magnificent weapon such as this? And how do I learn of its history?...
It was all so fascinating and she was beginning to feel the giddiness of excitement. The weapon itself was wonderful... but if this item had some connection to her past?? It was something she had dreamed of discovering since... well, a very long time.
Licking her lips slightly in anticipation, she nods and absentmindedly says “Wonderful! Uh, Thank you, Simon” but does not take her eyes off the article in her hands.
(09-14-2020, 07:46 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[0.0 Ooooo! Me likey!!]]
Selina blinks several times in surprise at this information, then takes a more solid look at the weapon she carries. Ancestry? What antecedent do I have that merited a magnificent weapon such as this? And how do I learn of its history?...
It was all so fascinating and she was beginning to feel the giddiness of excitement. The weapon itself was wonderful... but if this item had some connection to her past?? It was something she had dreamed of discovering since... well, a very long time.
Licking her lips slightly in anticipation, she nods and absentmindedly says “Wonderful! Uh, Thank you, Simon” but does not take her eyes off the article in her hands.
Simon stops concentrating on the wand and begins rubbing his forehead with his other hand.
"That was intense. The soldiers gave you this sword from the Captain who fell in battle? Did they say where they say where he got the sword from? I know some scientists who would love to ask some questions of the person who gave him such a incredible gift."
When Ning asks if everyone is ready, Tomeal replies,
"I'm ready." And if it seems like everyone else is ready he will lead the party further into the caves.
When you take the other fork, the jungle growth gets much thicker. Again you wonder how this vegetation can thrive in such abundance with only the faint glow from the walls and a few flowering plants whose petals give off an haunting glow. A couple of Fur-bees buzz past you and land on the flower to gather nectar. As they do the pollen gathers onto their legs, causing them to begin glowing too. They float from flower to flower like buzzing lanterns, guiding your path through the thick foliage. Eventually you begin to see a break in the foliage about 20' ahead.
Selina nods in agreement with Ningalu, still a little absentminded given this amazing find the sword has become. Simon's questions seem to startle her out of her reverie. "Hmm? Oh. No, I don't believe they told me any of that. Besides whom it came from, all I know is what you told me, and that it seemed to...wake up when I held it. If what you say is true, and this may be an Ancestral blade, and that it responded to me, perhaps it knows something of my ancestry. Where I came from? Who my parents were? Why they...well, abandoned me? In addition...why was it here, in New Crobuzon? Is this where I am truly from? The questions in my mind only beget more questions. It is all I'm left with and this may be the key to it all. If it seeks in me a proper guardian, it will have none more faithful. Of that, I am certain." She slips the sheathed weapon back over her shoulders, determined to make it home at the very least to find out how to get in touch with it.
Selina might want to make a Perception check if she is following Betimi.

[[Perception? Vas ist das?]]