Kubo's base speed is 30, and he is lightly encumbered.
[OoC: Sorry for taking so long to update. My Unemployment Insurance ran out over 3 weeks ago and I'm trying to get Long Term Disability that might only last a month because my next foot appointment to get xrays is on November 10th.

But the process is extremely stressful and dependent upon my doctor, work and myself filling out pages of forms before they start processing the claim. I had 8 pages of mostly ridiculous questions that I have no idea why they would think I would know the answers to which took what felt like forever to complete. At this point, I'm just waiting for work to get off their asses to send in their answers because everything else is done. I'm about to pull my hair out. End of rant! ]
[OoC2: Betimi, yes the polymorph is done. ]
Elphaba nods at Crozar's request but then adds,
"Sure but first I must do something to save you young whippersnappers, AGAIN!" The old woman raises her hands into the air and after speaking a single syllable, crackling energy gathers around her wrinkled hands. Suddenly a coursing stream of lightning lashes out and incinerates every obstacle ahead of you! After a split second to blink the flash away from your eyes, you see a smoldering 5' wide and 120' path burnt straight through to the border of the jungle of hair, exposing the empty plain of flesh beyond.
"Run...", Elphaba gasps weakly as she collapses into Crozar's hands.
Breath weapon duration: [1d4]=1, BW: [1d4]=1, BW: [1d4]=2; Wow!
Ning/Nang continue hovering above the group ready to unleash Acid/Fire hell on any following creatures.
While you all had started to fight your way through the thick jungle of hair, the wall of critters scurrying up the Gelatinous cube's path are now merely 30' away [slowed slightly by the Acid Fire] and 30' deep. They're obviously starving for new blood and you're it!
[[Edited. Forget it, Freedom of Movement doesn’t do what I thought it could.]]
Selina jumps slightly as Elphaba once more proves her effectiveness at making everyone in the group look foolish. She just grins and shakes her head, then gets serious and places a hand each on Tomeal’s and Kubo’s back. Kubo feels the spark of magic as Selina draws on her divine connection directly, making him suddenly feel as though his legs have lengthened and become stronger, more agile.
[[Selina casts Longstrider on Kubo, giving him +10 to base land speed. I’d suggest we all go full x4 run.]]
“You both heard her. Run! Don’t look back for me!”
She pushes them forward as she does so, moving as fast as she currently can. She still has one more trick up her sleeve.
[[So basically, Selina casts Longstrider on Kubo, then encourages them to get a move on and don’t look back, then goes her full movement speed of 20. Next ‘round’ of actions will see her casting Fly on herself, then moving the full 40’ diagonally up and ahead. I’ll describe it after giving everyone a chance to post.]]
Crozar will handle Elphaba with as much care as possible as the plant-man leans forward and runs full speed down the no cleared path.
Kubo feels Selina's magic take hold and lengthen each of his stubby legs strides and increasing the speed at which he covers the ground (now 40'), and when he hears her shout for him to run as fast as he can, he pumps his legs in a flat out sprint propelling himself towards the edge of the forest at a x4 speed along the cleared path.
One by one, each of you surge into the lightning charred path with the critters following in hot pursuit. Anyone who looks back sees a the mites charging up the path, tumbling over one another trying to get to your blood. Above them, you see even more crabs hopping toward you on the tapering strands of hair. If this throng of lice catch up to you all hope will be lost.
[OoC: Crozar/ Elphaba is moving 20' and Selina moves 20' (unless she has somehow increased her speed too). So I assume they will be behind everyone. Kubo is now the fastest on foot. ]
Kubo charges down the path, followed by Betimi, Simon (whose fly spell duration has ended), Tomeal, Selina and Crozar/Elphaba. When Crozar/Elphaba finally enter, Ning/Nang hovers above the 5' wide entrance and blasts another cone of AcidFire, hoping to help slow the throng of bugs. He catches at least 15 to 20 critters stumbling over one another in the 15' cone at the mouth of the path. They squeal and chitter in pain but the rolling wave of crabs literally buries them as more bugs are carried overtop and deposited in front of the mass in a continuous cycle.
The spongy ground is still making running difficult but with the boost from Selina, Kubo just passes the outer edge of the forest where with his darkvision he sees a fairly empty field of flesh. Suddenly, he hears a gross sound, similar to a fart but sounding much wetter, emanate from his right and seconds later something that smells like death showers down on top of him, covering the dwarf from head to toe in some sticky foul substance. [Kubo, please make a Fortitude save. ]
Betimi and Simon make it to around 30' from the exit when they both witness in the shadowy light or darkvision the sticky shower splashing down all around the dwarf. Then a wave of ghastly stench assaults your nostrils, making your eyes weep. [Betimi and Simon, please make fort saves with a slight bonus]
Finally, Tomeal just stays ahead of Selina. He didn't want to move too far away in case they needed help with something. So Tomeal, Selina and Crozar/Elphaba make it about half way to the exit. You all can hear the rumbling sounds behind you get louder and louder as the terrifying wave of spear-like mouths draw closer and closer.
[[Pausing for a moment for saves and to see if anyone is doing anything else other than running.]]
[[Selina's player is wishing he had selected Spontaneous Domain as an ACF. Would be very helpful to spend the unnecessary and unused Lesser Restoration and Sanctuary slots on extra castings of Longstrider. But we can't do anything about that right now. She has one casting of Fly and that's about all she can do. There's 3 people who can use it. So I would suggest we all book it and run x4 (x3 for Selina since she's in Full Plate). They have less of a chance of actually hitting Selina than the other two, if it comes to it.]]
(11-01-2021, 06:16 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Selina's player is wishing he had selected Spontaneous Domain as an ACF. Would be very helpful to spend the unnecessary and unused Lesser Restoration and Sanctuary slots on extra castings of Longstrider. But we can't do anything about that right now. She has one casting of Fly and that's about all she can do. There's 3 people who can use it. So I would suggest we all book it and run x4 (x3 for Selina since she's in Full Plate). They have less of a chance of actually hitting Selina than the other two, if it comes to it.]]
[Retrain that later.]
Kubo manages to hold his stomach contents in!
[[Don't really have much else to do. I mean, she does, technically. She has a slot of Fly. But she has 3 people around to cast it on, so it's a Sophie's Choice for her.]]