OOC - yeah, summer time lapse

but knowing Marvel's DM aptitude I'm sure he won't go splitting hairs over his own wording
Nacesh lives up to Forge's offer.
"I would be grateful if someone of merit would attend to this babe" he says as he hands over his simple spear.
[OoC: Sorry I haven't been around. I have been a little over-extended with real life crap. And work stuck me with all the training of all new staff.
Anywhoo, have you guys come to a decision about the note? I tried to make it kind of vague but with enough information for the Magistrate to hopefully be able to figure it out it's from you guys.]
[[It works for Selina, at least. Not sure, but I think we have a majority agreement on it. I know Nacesh wasn't happy with parts of it, and I'm sorry, but I think we need to move along soon as we're getting a bit bogged down.]]
[OoC: I agree with the game getting bogged down. With my own IRL stuff and the nature of PbP -- making a group decision that none of the players seem sure about can for a DM on pbp, be a little like herding cats. It's just the nature of pbp. It's slow and you have to wait for people to respond and you aren't sure if people aren't responding because of IRL stuff or they just don't have any ideas. One of my characters is the defacto leader of their party and I'm scared to make a bad decision that might get the party killed. Especially at low levels.

Anyways, I'm going to be nudging the game forward very soon so if anyone has anything to add, please do so.]
"Me think note work.. will bring Magi.. Big Man. He will bring flying boat."
Ooc - Don't feel too bad about the game. Like you said it's the nature of pbp and when things get slow I think of this song,
Anticipation. Gotta love some Carly Simon
Forge takes Nacesh's spear with a firm grip, as if holding something precious.
"Thank you." He says, for the privilege of caring for the sorcerer's weapon of choice.
Forge nods in full agreement of the Ningalu's assessment.
Betimi merly nods in agreement with Ningalu, then turns to simon.
"You will need me for the final stages of my request, I believe.. Shall we?"
Simon replies to Betimi, "I will need you tomorrow evening. By then your request should be finished."
[OoC: I believe I said it would take 2 days. It's been a while but I'm pretty sure we are still on the first day.]
While your group are making your final comments about the note, Simon will begin writing another. An impatiently waiting Wyrman will land on one of the mechanical sheens in the lab only to have the contraption suddenly animate and knock the creature off his perch. The sheen, which looks like a 4' tall garbage can on treads, with a broom on one appendage and a dustpan on the other, begins sweeping and tidying up the room. When Simon is finished his note, he shows you all that it is addressed to a colleague and the content asks what the person can tell Simon about the different effects of the Stain, especially when magic is cast within its boundaries. Once you are all satified that he's not up to any shennanigans, Simon will give the letters to the gargoyle-like, Wyrman. The creature giggles and snorts, then flies out the window. You're sure you hear the Wyrman say, "blast off," before releasing a long, wet sounding, fart.
While everyone is getting ready to go to bed, Simon will bring everyone some pillows and blankets. "I will set the clock for eight. Hopefully the notes will be returned by that time." As Simon is talking, Forge feels for a second, like something is watching him. He doesn't notice anything different in the room or see anyone spying on him through a window. Forge doesn't hear anything different either. Just his group, Simon, the bubbling of fluids, the sweeping of brooms, and the distant noises from the street outside.
The night is fairly uneventful. The sheen is ordered to stop it's cleaning so it moves back to its corner and plugs itself into a docking port. Eventually everyone but Forge falls asleep. Once in a while the train's HOOT will wake everyone up but you all are pretty exhausted so it's not difficult to fall back to sleep. [I assume] Forge is left to keep watch. The strange shadows in the room, the light breathing (or snores) and the distant noises from the street feel a little creepy to him. Then Forge begins to get that strange feeling again that he was being watched but nothing seemed out of order...
Everyone is startled awake by a loud bird, Coo Cooing...
[OoC2: I jumped a bit forward but feel free to post about anything during the night or jump right to the morning.]
Betimi stands up and stretches very cat-like. Or maybe it's el-like, it doesn't look entirely natural, she bends just a little too far in sme odd directions while stretching.
"Good morning all." When she speaks her voice is once again the fluid, melodic feminine voice, the gravelly snarl of yesterday is gone.
"Sir Simon, even if we are given the use of an airship right away how long do you think the journey will be to reach this Cacotopic Stain, not the ruins, but the Stain itself?"
"My reason in asking is that it may be better for me to wait to summon Hagenti until he is needed. There may be one who is better suited to our day ahead if we will not reach the Stain today."
When everyone was asleep, Forge took a moment form his work to introduce himself to the garbage can, whose duty it seemed was to sweep the floors. "I am Forge, what is your name?" He asked it. He felt comforted that there were other beings like him in this world, that the creators felt safe with them in their homes...
Out of respect for the sleeping, Forge kept his conversations quiet. He never raised his deep voice. Just talked cooly with the phantoms of his mind as he worked. Then the strange feeling came upon him, as if something was looking at him, but it was hard to separate his psychosis from the real sometimes. Forge had doubts about what was real, or believed too much what was unreal.
"Good morning Master Betimi."
When Nacesh awakes he will find his spear beside him, well taken care of.