Ning realizes that Selina is not going to heal Nang. He mentally tells his brother to maximize a cure on himself if he cam, after using the wand on himself.
[[Excuse me?? Selina is certainly going to cure Nang. She specifically requested aid in combatting the "oppressive influence of the plane"...i.e. Caster level check.]]
(07-28-2020, 03:25 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Excuse me?? Selina is certainly going to cure Nang. She specifically requested aid in combatting the "oppressive influence of the plane"...i.e. Caster level check.]]
[OoC: In case you missed the post, Ning did use the wand on Selina.]
Tomeal says,
"We need to pursue that creature. As long as it exists, others who might explore these caves will be at risk of its insidious control."
[[I did indeed miss the post. I still don't see it. But I'll have Selina cast the spell anyway.]]
Caster Level Check: [1d20+8] = 18+8 = 26
[[Just fine there. Selina channels the divine power of Protection from Chaos into a maximized Cure Light Wounds. 1d4+7 equals 11 points of healing to Nang.]]
(07-28-2020, 03:54 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[I did indeed miss the post. I still don't see it. But I'll have Selina cast the spell anyway.]]
Right here...
DM Marvel Wrote:[Nang will need to take over his brother to use the wand.]
Assuming Ning doesn't take issue, Nang: the hand, will assume control of his brother's body and then use the wand on Selina.
Ning Wrote:Ning does not resist.
[OoC: As mentioned in the house rules, when a Divine caster spends a full minute casting a cure spell it's maximized. We do this so the priest doesn't run out of cure spells as quickly which allows them to adventure longer without needing to rest.
So since you have the time, I assume you will maximize the cure spell? The 15 hit points will heal Nang to exactly max hit points. ]
[[I actually stated in my post that she would spend the time maximizing the spell, so yeah.]]
(07-28-2020, 04:11 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[I actually stated in my post that she would spend the time maximizing the spell, so yeah.]]
[OoC: Duh.... That's what I get for skimming the post.

Selina easily controls the spell and casts a cure spell on Nang: The Hand. The Hand gives Selina a thumbs up in gratitude.
In the meantime, Simon has been consulting his mechanical instruments and scanning the area. He pans back and forth, stopping at each of you for a moment before continuing on to the next. When he stops at Selina, he pauses a moment. Simon taps a few buttons and then smacks the side of his contraption a couple of times. He stares at the priest over the top of his spectacles and then puts the device away.
"Tomeal is correct. Using an abundance of caution, we should quickly pursue the creature."
Nang suggests to Ning that maybe they should cure Tomeal.
Can Nang maximize a cure light, if h e can he will.
Once that is cast Ning begins to fly again, hovering just over the party as it advances.
[OoC: Since the Archivist class is a Divine Caster, I will allow the Archivist to maximize their cures when they cast for 1 min. I will also update the house rules so this is clear. ]
Nang: the Hand takes over his brother to maximize the cure spell. Tomeal gains 10 hit points back. [I think he's only 2 hp's from maximum.
Tomeal thanks Nang and then asks, "ls everyone ready to move out?" If yes, Tomeal gives Selina's hand one last affectionate squeeze before leading the group deeper into the north-east fork.