"It may not be a feeding orifice, but the opposite. Those do look similar to an affliction I have heard you mammalian species suffer.. something called hemorrhoids."
(11-13-2021, 04:34 AM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]"It may not be a feeding orifice, but the opposite. Those do look similar to an affliction I have heard you mammalian species suffer.. something called hemorrhoids."
Simon and Elphaba both step away from the cave.
[OoC now get that image out of your head.... I dare you]
[[Selina’s player is desperately trying to stop laughing…and failing miserably.]]
[[Nope. Still laughing at that. You're awesome, Betimi.

Selina makes a queer face at Betimi's words. Weapon still drawn and in hand, and quite fed up with this place, she points it at one of the fleshy tumors.
"I suppose there is really one way to find out, Betimi." Not really sure she wants to be at ground zero for this, she prepares herself to strike.
[[...waiting for someone to stop her and offer another option...anyone? Um...please?]]
"Well, I have a vestige that allows me to summon monsters every 30 seconds. Perhaps we could use one of them to tickle the possible roids rather than put yourself in danger, no matter how amusing my mind's mental visuals of the outcome might be."
"The only thing I have to offer is to attack them from a distance with acid crystals or electricity. Someone with a long weapon could perhaps lance them like boils. I would not suggest standing next to them when you attack."
At Elphaba's mention of summoned creatures, she asks, "Does anything you can summon have the ability to attack from a step back?" [Ooc in other words Reach]
Crozar says, "I can shoot it with chakri or strike one with my greatcleaver. That probably has the longest reach of any melee weapon we have."
(11-15-2021, 02:05 AM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]"The only thing I have to offer is to attack them from a distance with acid crystals or electricity. Someone with a long weapon could perhaps lance them like boils. I would not suggest standing next to them when you attack."
At Elphaba's mention of summoned creatures, she asks, "Does anything you can summon have the ability to attack from a step back?" [Ooc in other words Reach]
"Off the top of my head, I can summon Mephits. They have breath weapons." Elphaba turns to Crozar and says,
"But if you physically attack it, it might lash out at you and inflict serious harm upon you."
Crozar nodded with appreciate of Elphaba's statement of fact, "That is why I suggested the chakri first. They are large and do more damage than normal arrows, but are not as rare a commodity Simon's bombs."