[Did my post casting and concentrating]
Selina draws the massive weapon, and she can almost feeling the energy filling her as she holds the blade aloft, watching it crackle and rumble around her as the feeling of warmth caresses her soul.
[[OoC: 'Thundercats! HOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!"

Then she is brought back to earth, so to speak (figuratively! Only figuratively!!) by news that this plane's version of the undead are nearly upon them. Gritting her teeth angrily, she brings the blade back down and readies herself with four simple words"
"I hate the undead."
Betimi will go out on deck , bow i hand to assess the sutuation. As soon as the pirate vessel comes in range she will start shooting, choosing tp target any creatures/people she can see that appear to be figures of authority first. At the extreme range [10 range increments for a bow = 1000ft ; -20 to hit] she knows she is unlikely to hit anything, but there is that slim chance..
[OoC: Actually, I believe the conversation with Nang happened the night before. You all slept your 8 hours. Then the Ab-dead chose to attack pre-dawn, just as the sky was just starting to lighten. ]
With Ning's spell cast and silently concentrating on maintaining the illusion and Betimi firing arrows in the closing ship's general direction, Nang asks to use the spy glass. When he looks through the glass he sees many humanoid beings who all look quite pale and dead, scurrying round tending to the ship's functions. There is one ab-dead in particular who looks like the captain of the ship. He is tall with paper thin, desiccated flesh, that clings tightly to his skeletal frame. The dried skin that were once lips are sewn closed with delicate stitching resembling arcane symbols. Glowing yellow eyes lifelessly stare back at the little Kobold through dry slits. Standing beside him is a shorter ab-dead who seems to be yelling orders to the crew. Suddenly an arrow strikes the bow. The shorter humanoid looks to the captain who seem to have no reaction but it nods like it understood some unspoken command. He then moves to the bow of the ship and yanks the arrow out of the wood and returns to the captain's side. It then begins to slowly wave it's hand over the arrow as if it is casting some incantation.
"Betimi," Nang says.
"They have one of your arrows and one of them seem to be casting a spell with it. I doubt that will be anything good..."
Meanwhile, downstairs, Tomeal has asked some of the guards to help with donning Selina's armor.
"Maybe we should move this upstairs so we can see what's going on while we put you together."
Simon goes upstairs to assess the situation.
[Last night...]
Nang says,
"The sword certainly did not act that way when I examined the blade. Perhaps it prefers your alignment or even your deity. Though it would be strange if it were your deity it's reacting to since, Selune doesn't truly exist here."
"Yes, That would be wise. Then we would not be caught belowdecks when someone is in need of us."
"Divination magic. They may have our location now regardless of the illusion." She hefts the 'perhaps-magical' weapon and grips it tightly, feeling the straps dig into her palms. I will find you Samara. I swear it by the pale light.
Her face is grim as she intones to the crew. "Prepare for another boarding."
[[Last night...]]
Fascinating... "As you say. Unless it is reacting to general Divine alignment, rather than something specific. I am certain that there is a moon goddess on this plane or I would have not received any spells at all when I prayed. Whether Selune or some other, there is a goddess of the Moon here. "
Selina and Tomeal move up to the main deck while one unit of guards joins them to prepare for boarding. Suddenly Betimi's eyes turn white and out of her mouth you hear a deep spectral voice hiss, "Surrender your vessel or prepare to be added to our Ab-dead crew!"
[OoC: Betimi is not being controlled. She is basically being effected by a powerful ventriloquism spell. ]
[OoC: And a side note, before I forget again, Selina can use the idea she had for the Prestige Class. ]
[[Err...which idea was that? I'm sorry, I've got so many things on my mind lately.]]
Selina sets her jaw, draws the massive blade and points it directly at the ship containing the...creature she can only assume is the source of the spell. "If you want us...you will just have to come through me. And believe you me, I despise all creatures of your kind and would relish any opportunity to set your tortured souls to rest by grinding your bodies into the dust."
She then turns to address the crew.
"No quarter shall they give us, so give none of your own. Fight for yourselves. Fight for your friends. Fight for all you believe to be right. Leave none standing. To Battle!"
(07-23-2019, 12:52 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Err...which idea was that? I'm sorry, I've got so many things on my mind lately.]]
[OoC: You wanted to know if you could adjust a Prestige Class for full casting but you lose all the classes abilities except one.]
"Our souls are not tortured nor in need of being put to rest," Betimi hisses.
"We chose our existence and have dealt with those who displayed such prejudices against our kind for a millennia. Your fate will be the same as all others who refuse to submit to the High Cromlech's supremacy. So come! Our Vampyr hunger for your pulsating throats. Once infected you can join their lowly debased ranks. We could use more slaves to swab the entrails off our decks."
Nang shutters and barely manages to force a whisper out of his throat which was suddenly bone dry from terror,
"Are we positive we don't want to negotiate?"
While hiding and concentrating on his spell Ning hisses a whisper at his brother .
in Draconic"
"Seek shelter brother! And tell us everything you can about how we fight intelligent walking dead. These things are not mindless, so they are doubly dangerous."