Simon will yell,
"Ning, what are you doing!! You don't know how evil those creatures are! You will lose yourself to that parasite!"
[Still waiting on either a Will save from Ning or giving up his save.]
Selina gives Dog a gentle pat to move aside, so the Wolf-hound takes that as encouragement to attack! The Wolf-Hound sees these humans as its pack. Wolf packs attack by surrounding their prey. His instincts tell him to attack prey from the flanks and from behind.
Dog charges toward crocodile. The beast its AoO and lunges for the pup but with a yelp it just manages to scoot away from its jaws! [By 1!!! ]
AoO: [1d20+11] = 2+11 = 13, Damage: [2d8+12] = 13+12 = 25; MISSED! BY 1 POINT!
The dog then nips at the crocodile's ass end and...
Attack: [1d20+4] = 14+4 = 18, Damage: [1d6+1] = 5+1 = 6; Forgot +2 for Flank; HIT!!
Dog sinks his teeth into it's tender underparts! [The Croc is too big for Dog to try to trip.

Selina, charges at the beast. As she closes the distance she can feel and hear the blade hissing louder and louder while trailing a green energy behind her. Then with a mighty swing Selina hacks her Greatsword into the giant two-head horror and in the same instant the hissing turns to a dragon's roar that causes the beast's wounds to burst apart!
[Bonus damage: The blade is a +2, cold iron, sonic burst weapon...
Sonic Damage: [1d6] = 5 + 2 = +7 damage. New total = 16 damage!]
The beast roars and thrashes in both pain and anger!!!
Tomeal is holding his head trying to control his emotions. Something in his mind was telling him to attack and kill them all! His eyes bloodshot, stares at Selina wanting so bad to stick his blade in the little bitch... but... no... Betimi is closer... Yes... Kill Betimi!!!
"NO!!" He screams!! [
Will Save: [1d20+3] = 11+3 = 14; Save SUCCEEDED!]
Tomeal says,
"We need to kill whatever is in my mind before I hurt one of you!!"
Then realizing he has no choice, he drops his shield [Free action] and charges at the beast, screaming,
"ATTACK ME!!! TAKE ME!!!" With his longsword in both hands!
Attack: [1d20+10] = 13+10 = 23, Damage: [1d8+10] = 2+10 = 12; Damage includes 2pt power attack in two hands = 4 damage + Strength modifier x 1.5 for two hands +6 = +12 damage (too bad he rolled a 2

Betimi resists the tingling in her brain...
[Betimi's turn...]