Crozar will pause as a thought strikes it. Turning to the old woman, the cactacae will ask, "My apologies, ma'am, but if you gave us your name earlier, I have forgotten it. I believe I had said my name was Crozar. I am guessing you have some preferred form of address?"
"If you have a ladder or some other means of reaching your roof top, those of us resting outside can have the advantage of high ground and an elevated place to set a watch upon, while those that can rest safely inside your abode. Mame?", inquires and suggests Kubo.
"Good idea friend Kubo."
Without waiting for a reply to Kubo's request for a ladder, Ning merely flies up to the roof to first assess if it's capable of holding someone of Kubo's weight, then to find a spot to tie off a rope if the roof is strong enough.
"There's an ladder behind the shack. You will have to dig it out of the weeds. It doesn't often get used and the weeds can be quite pernicious."
After Crozar dismisses his elemental and he addresses her, the old woman then turns to Crozar, replying, "Oh... it's been such a long time since anyone asked me my name. I had almost forgotten it! But it's, Elphaba 0r just El for short. That's a useful pet you got there!"
While wiping the blood off her blade, Selina can't help but feel disappointment emanating from the blade. It clearly doesn't like that it was sidelined during the battle.
"Take it easy," Tomeal will say while shouldering some of her weight before she collapses. "You need to just relax for a few moments. Those whirling undead seem to have knocked the wind out of you. You drank the two restoration potions but it was clearly not enough. You're lucky you have a strong endurance. Many others would likely have crumbled from all those blows. So sit while I help Crozar move the giant spider-thing." [Tomeal has 21 strength thanks to the gauntlets of Ogre power] Tomeal helps Selina take a seat on a large, sturdy pumpkin and then steps away to help Crozar.
Nang mentally speaks with his brother, ~We could push the spider creature against the side of the shack and use it as a kind of trampoline to climb off and onto the roof. It would likely be faster than a ladder albeit a lot more gross. The Humans and Dwarf might reject the idea for being too icky.~
(05-18-2021, 12:49 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]"There's an ladder behind the shack. You will have to dig it out of the weeds. It doesn't often get used and the weeds can be quite pernicious."
After Crozar dismisses his elemental and he addresses her, the old woman then turns to Crozar, replying, "Oh... it's been such a long time since anyone asked me my name. I had almost forgotten it! But it's, Elphaba 0r just El for short. That's a useful pet you got there!"
While wiping the blood off her blade, Selina can't help but feel disappointment emanating from the blade. It clearly doesn't like that it was sidelined during the battle.
"Take it easy," Tomeal will say while shouldering some of her weight before she collapses. "You need to just relax for a few moments. Those whirling undead seem to have knocked the wind out of you. You drank the two restoration potions but it was clearly not enough. You're lucky you have a strong endurance. Many others would likely have crumbled from all those blows. So sit while I help Crozar move the giant spider-thing." [Tomeal has 21 strength thanks to the gauntlets of Ogre power] Tomeal helps Selina take a seat on a large, sturdy pumpkin and then steps away to help Crozar.
Nang mentally speaks with his brother, ~We could push the spider creature against the side of the shack and use it as a kind of trampoline to climb off and onto the roof. It would likely be faster than a ladder albeit a lot more gross. The Humans and Dwarf might reject the idea for being too icky.~
[[Erm...I could be mistaken, but I believe Selina attacked one of the Undead Whirlwinds and struck it once. I also don't believe she has a penalty to her blade because she only took two swings, the other being the most recent crit on the potentially dead Spider-Thing.]]
Selina leans heavily on her strong companion and smiles her thanks. She wasn't going to argue. She didn't have enough pride to be wounded by the implication that she was feeling weak and frail as a kitten (she was and she knew it) nor that she wasn't the strongest member of the group physically (she was somewhere in the middle, she supposed).
"We thank you for your hospitality, Ms. Elphaba."
"Thank you for your hospitality, Elphaba, blessing of Sunshad upon you." says Crozar as Tomeal and the plant-man pick up the spider thing and toss it off into the tree line.
Kubo will begin liberating the ladder from the weeds, saying "Thankyou mam!".
Thankful for t6he chance to escape the idea of staying in the crowded hut trying to suppress her emotions, Betimi will help Kubo retrieve the ladder.
Despite Crozar's gentle words, the elemental looks at the Plantman with annoyance. At the end of the day, the elemental was just ripped from its Quasi-Elemental Plane and forced to fight a horrifying monstrosity. Even though it couldn't be permanently destroyed on the prime material it was still painful to be beaten and crushed by the spider-thing. Normally the elemental would be quite angry but this summoner didn't seem as bad as most others it had encountered. So the elemental just nods, then steps through the rip in the planar barrier and disappears.
Both Tomeal and Crozar decide to lift the spider over the vines rather than drag it which would risk more damage the the circle.
Betimi and Kubo search for the ladder and they find an old wooden one tangled in long grass and vines at the back of the shack, just like Ela had said. They cut it free and set it up [up to you which side] against the outside wall of the shack. When you climb onto the roof, the three of you (including) Ning/Nang can see the wooden giant still watching from the other side of the stream. Probably concerned about the attack.
Ela accepts everyone's gratitude for allowing them to stay at her home. When the spider is moved a safe distance she will begin the weaving of the vines and replacing any squashed squash. "I wish I had you young lads and ladies when I got here. Things would have been so much easier! I don't expect any more attacks tonight. This was an odd occurrence. Maybe the creatures were attracted to the extra activity. It's been a long time since the shack has been assaulted so furiously. Usually the Circle keeps most unintelligent creatures away. For the animals, even the mutated ones, it's easier to hunt the cave's wildlife then deal with the discomfort of the Circle."
[I don't know why but the last post wouldn't let me add this text...]
[I said the sword is disappointed not angry. If it was angry the sword would be giving you resistance. The sword is disappointed because even though it was used once or twice, it still had sit back and watch while you healed the party instead of letting it slashy-slashy. The sword is neither good nor evil. It's Chaotic Neutral and one characteristic of the CN alignment is to be self centered. So it doesn't care about people being healed. It wants what it wants, and what it wants is to be
used skillfully! Selina happens to be Chaotic Good, which is one step away from CN so it's perfectly happy with her using it. The sword just wants to be used skillfully, as much as possible. As an intelligent sword it has a one track mind. It would find people needing to rest to be disappointing too but it's not going to penalize you for sleeping.
