[[When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled!
Yes brave Sir Kubo turned about
And gallantly he chickened out!

Kubo will take out his healing berry for his second action.
(12-30-2021, 07:50 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[When danger reared its ugly head
He bravely turned his tail and fled!
Yes brave Sir Kubo turned about
And gallantly he chickened out!
Damn straight he did, otherwise you'd be scraping up his bubblegum remains off the forearms and fists of that huge creature.
[[I love the horns you added to Crozars token.]]
[[Another funny thing is...I posted that Selina "doesn't have much left", as in in the tank...but the truth is that she has almost all of her spells still unused, including all of her domain spells. She also has the white bandage and CLW wands for healing once combat is over, so...yeah. She's fine. Just low on health.]]
Ning will fly back and up to J3, getting out of AoO reach, then fly up 25' and forward 10' to I-3, but 35' off the ground, hopefully out of the blast area. Then he will spit-sear.
Spit-sear : acid [3d6]=9' fire [3d6]=17 Refl DC 16 for 1/2
Round 5
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
20.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 00/51 | --- | --- |
19.2 | Tomeal | --- | 15pts(cave);20pts(Purple);16pts(Red) | 5/60(66) | --- | -1 Con |
20.1 | Cozar | --- | --- | 00/13 | --- | --- |
16.9 | Red Creature | +6 points healed | 1pt+6pts(Crozar);1pt(Elemental); 14pts+26(Ning);7pts+2pts(Simon); 3pts+16pts (El); 8pts+16pts(Selina) | 84/?? | --- | DEAD!! |
16.9 | Purple Creature | +6 points healed | 19pts+10pts+35+9(Tomeal); 5(Selina); 14pts(Ning);1pt (Simon); 5pts (El) | 81/?? | --- | Critical!! |
14.4 | Tegab | --- | --- | 00/33 | --- | --- |
14.1 | Selina | --- | 2pts(P.Creature);30pts(Cave) | 27/52(58) | --- | Bloodied!!; -1 Con |
22.4 | Betimi | --- | 1(before);7+15(Red);30pts(Cave) | 29/52(58) | --- | Bloodied!!,-2 Con |
14.6 | Kubo | --- | 14pts(R.Creature) | 14/27 | --- | Bloodied; -5 Con |
10.9 | Ning/Nang | --- | --- | 00/27 | --- | Spitsear returns on Round 4 |
9.6 | Elphaba | --- | --- | 00/?? | --- | --- |
Quote:[ONLY Ning/Nang: Primal Instinct: +5 initiative and survival checks; Primal Senses: +5 on Listen/Spot and Low light vision; Uncanny dodge as barbarian. Protection from Chaos: +5 on Torque CL checks.]
[ONLY Simon: Blur effect. 20% miss chance.]
[ONLY Selina: +1 Morale bonus on attacks]
[Sun Elemental: AC:18; HP's: 44/ 48; Attack: +6; Damage: 2d6+1]
[Island of Blades: If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same creature, the two of you gain the benefit for flanking that opponent. You can gain this benefit against multiple opponents at the same time, as can your allies. If both you and an ally are adjacent to the same two creatures, the two of you gain the benefit of flanking against both creatures. ]
Ning flies up until he is 35' above ground. He then takes a deep breath then breathes a shower of flame and acid down upon the beast from head to waist [Range of Spitfire is 30'].
Reflex save: [1d20+2]=10+2=12; FAILED!!
The creature roars as it's almost burnt to a crisp from the waist up. [26 damage!]
Then the two balls of light take up flanking positions and start firing at the last creature!
Attack 1: [1d20+2]=1+2=3, Damage: [1d6]=3; Miss!!
Attack 2: [1d20+2]=20+2=22, Damage: [1d6]=4; HIT!!
Possible crit:
Attack 2: [1d20+2]=14+2=16, Damage: [1d6]=4: SUCCESS!
Attack 1: [1d20+2]=11+2=13, Damage: [1d6]=5; HIT!!
Attack 2: [1d20+2]=15+2=17, Damage: [1d6]=3; HIT!!
A flurry of lasers slice through the darkness and blast away at the creature's flesh. The creature staggers then finally falls into a heap of flesh and bone.
Round 6!!
Suddenly the motes of light within the portal brighten to a blinding intensity. There's a crack of thunder and another cone of lightning blasts out from the portal...
Lightning damage: [5d8]=20
The lightning from the portal seems to help rejuvenate the creatures. But only the Purple Creature begins to stand up.
Simon Delays...
Tomeal charges at the last creature...
Charge attack: [1d20+15]=2+15=17, Damage: [1d8+8]=1+8=9; Hit!!; But only because the creature is prone (+4 to hit). But rolled minimum damage.
The creature roars then falls to the ground again.
"Everyone, attack them before the lightning wakes them again!!"
Assuming everyone attacks as Rax requested, you do enough damage to keep them down and out until you have time to drag enough of the pieces out of area of effect, which causes the portal to immediately shut down the 3 round cycle of electrical blasts.
[[...Wait, so are we still in combat or just pulling the pieces away from the hole?]]
(01-03-2022, 08:26 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[...Wait, so are we still in combat or just pulling the pieces away from the hole?]]
[You are out of combat.]
With the exception of some strange distant noises, the cave is quiet. There are still motes of light dancing just inside the cave opening but they they don't seem to be charging.
Hauling the last of the really large pieces out of the way while the other muscles of the group are healing, Crozar looks to Elphaba [[Whom I assume became visible again after the fight]] and asks, "Do you have some method to dispel or disperse those lightning motes?"