Betimi just pants from the exertion of the run, and emotionless from the recent close call simply moves to the front to look what lies ahead as they assess their next path.
Once everyone is free from the hairs Ningalu acends as high as the cave ceiling allows and examines the path ahead in his darkvision. He calls down what he sees.
Kubo collapses on the ground, having never run so fast in all his life. Before rising to begin trying to clean himself of the sticky foul substance, disgustingly saying, "Why do I keep getting shat on! Does any one have any magics that can help get tis gods awful stench offa me!"
Quote:[[OOC: it does appear to only apply to contested checks when advantage, although Cacatae have a racial benefit of not having a speed impact due to Medium or Heavy loads and he does have a 19 STR.]]
[OoC: Oh yeah... Then Elphaba didn't need to cast polymorph on you. Oh well. Her loss of a spell is your gain.

Tomeal replies,
"If we are close, as Elphaba says, then we should probably keep going. I don't like the idea of being so close to the bugs. What if they decide we're worth leaving their shelter and decide to attack?"
Fort save: [1d20+8]=2+8=10
"Blaaaahhhhhhhhhhh," pauses a moment. Dry heaves a few times then,
[Waiting on Betimi's Fort save]
Nang speaks through Ning, saying,
"It doesn't matter to me. I have unlimited flying so as long as I'm awake I'm safe from the bugs."
Elphaba says to Selina,
"Typical... Just Typical... As soon as we have a moment you want to sit on your ass. I'm far older than you and.... <back gruesomely cracks>
and you... don't see me... whining to... stop." She leans on Crozar for support.
Crozar the Hag lends her prodigious strength to the old woman while turning her senses in the same direction Betimi was looking, trying to see the next trouble that awaited them. "Elphaba is right, to a point. Unless the rest of us want to wind up as fertilized as Kubo, we should clear this area at the least before stopping to clean and heal. If it has a geyser like that often enough to coincidentally fire just as we approached, then we likely only have a few minutes before it goes again."
(11-04-2021, 04:07 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:[[OOC: it does appear to only apply to contested checks when advantage, although Cacatae have a racial benefit of not having a speed impact due to Medium or Heavy loads and he does have a 19 STR.]]
[OoC: Oh yeah... Then Elphaba didn't need to cast polymorph on you. Oh well. Her loss of a spell is your gain.
Tomeal replies, "If we are close, as Elphaba says, then we should probably keep going. I don't like the idea of being so close to the bugs. What if they decide we're worth leaving their shelter and decide to attack?"
Fort save: [1d20+8]=2+8=10
Simon: "Blaaaahhhhhhhhhhh," pauses a moment. Dry heaves a few times then, "BLAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!"
[Waiting on Betimi's Fort save]
Nang speaks through Ning, saying, "It doesn't matter to me. I have unlimited flying so as long as I'm awake I'm safe from the bugs."
Elphaba says to Selina, "Typical... Just Typical... As soon as we have a moment you want to sit on your ass. I'm far older than you and.... <back gruesomely cracks> and you... don't see me... whining to... stop." She leans on Crozar for support.
With just a cute, little smirk on the right side of her face, Selina's only response to Elphaba is to roll her eyes extremely visibly and then gracefully roll that into a hand offered to indicate the road ahead.
"Well--by ALL means--after you, then. And, please, don't let any of us stop you."
[[Don't forget that everyone is under the effects of Conviction. At least I think it's still active.]]
(11-05-2021, 12:29 AM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ][OoC sorry missed that you needed a save ]
Fort [1d20+8]=6+8=14
Betimi has experienced fetid stenches from her home in the underdark so while she feels this smells pretty bad, she's able to control her gag reflex.
After about a minute, Simon finally stops vomiting long enough to gasp, "Let's get out of here!"
You all take off, trying to put as much distance between you and the bugs as possible. In the far off distance you see rays of light presumably emanating from an open sky, illuminating what you think is the path Elphaba mention. The path appears to snake upward along a stone wall until it disappears near the top. Elpahga says,
"That is the path I was speaking of. It is long and treacherous especially if you don't have any climbing equipment. I tried to traverse the path years ago but I could never get very far because of the sudden deadfalls. This is why I suggested we take the other path, which I believe is a shortcut through the mountains." The old woman points in the direction of a faint path. Your eyes try to follow it but you soon get lost in the deepening darkness beyond Selina's Continual Flame Cameo (necklace).
(11-06-2021, 06:09 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Don't forget that everyone is under the effects of Conviction. At least I think it's still active.]]
[[...I...guess it's worn off? Or maybe Kubo and Simon included it in their rolls and still failed?]]
Selina floats in mid-air, the massive, ghostly wings flapping energetically to keep her there, but passing
through everyone else so as not to be impeded.
"Such a shame that I do not have a wand full of this spell to make the climb easier."