(10-03-2020, 03:18 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]"There are three more in range of our senses, but thosr thrre rays came from even further away, we have a lot more coming."
Ning is going to use the scroll of Haste.
Torque check [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14 (+5 if the wand suceeded last round, you didn't say)
I do not know what spells Nang has memorized , or if he can even cast if Ning is.
[There's actually only 2 creatures within your blindsight. But 3 rays from further away.]
(10-03-2020, 03:24 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (10-03-2020, 03:18 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]"There are three more in range of our senses, but thosr thrre rays came from even further away, we have a lot more coming."
Ning is going to use the scroll of Haste.
Torque check [1d20+5] = 9+5 = 14 (+5 if the wand suceeded last round, you didn't say)
I do not know what spells Nang has memorized , or if he can even cast if Ning is.
[There's actually only 2 creatures within your blindsight. But 3 rays from further away.]
[OoC: I didn't catch this last round but in order for Nang to use the wand he needs to say a command word. That means you can't do anything with your mouth while Nang activates the wand as a standard action, which would include a breath weapon.
And I thought I said you failed the Torque check and took 2 damage out of 2-12 damage.]
EDIT... Yes I did.
(09-24-2020, 04:04 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Initiatives:
- Ning 23.4
- Kubo 19.6
- Monster A 12.5
- Monster B
- Monster C
- Monster D
While Ning flies backward, the torque wand fails causing the energy to surge up the shaft and scorch his hand. [I rolled a whole 2 pts of damage out of 2d6. ]
Kubo gets a shot off with his crossbow which hits one of the creatures in the shoulder. [Make a Spot check]
The creatures bound after the duo and burst through the wall of foliage in search of their prey but they don't quite reach you this round.
[OoC: It's not difficult for Selina to hear all the shouting and the foliage rustling and snapping.]
[OoC2: Everyone else should roll Initiative!]
[I will get a map soon. I completely forgot yesterday.
The 2 damage was the first failed Torque check, not the 2nd. But since the 2nd could not have happened due to the breath weapon, no worries.
So what happened with a 14 lol
Spot: [1d20+5] = 8+5 = 13
[[Quite a lot happened, it seems, while I was on holiday. I'll try to post a bit more when time becomes more available.]]
[OoC: Sorry for the delayed reply. After the shift from hell I had to just shut off my brain and rest. ]
(10-04-2020, 03:57 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]The 2 damage was the first failed Torque check, not the 2nd. But since the 2nd could not have happened due to the breath weapon, no worries.
So what happened with a 14 lol
Nang tries to activate the wand and once again the chaotic Torque effect causes the magic to go haywire. However...
Suddenly Selina feels a tingling sensation as the magic of the wand affects her instead! [Selina you now gain +5 on Caster Level checks for 5 minutes.]
[OoC: Kubo, you are moving through difficult terrain. If you move directly to the east you will be running through an area that's currently on fire. You don't have enough movement to move around the fire because the second diagonal is 10' x 2 = 20' of movement. Is there somewhere else you'd like to move? My suggestion would be D10.]
[OoC: Yeah that is fine Kubo will move to D10 instead]
(10-07-2020, 06:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Sorry for the delayed reply. After the shift from hell I had to just shut off my brain and rest. ]
Nang tries to activate the wand and once again the chaotic Torque effect causes the magic to go haywire. However...
Suddenly Selina feels a tingling sensation as the magic of the wand affects her instead! [Selina you now gain +5 on Caster Level checks for 5 minutes.]
[OoC: Kubo, you are moving through difficult terrain. If you move directly to the east you will be running through an area that's currently on fire. You don't have enough movement to move around the fire because the second diagonal is 10' x 2 = 20' of movement. Is there somewhere else you'd like to move? My suggestion would be D10.]
[[OoC: Oh! How lovely! And with no real magic to cast

[[Check for readied maneuver:
Maneuver: [1d2] = 2 Charging Minotaur...useless.]]
Selina's eyes widen at the barrage and she raises her blade once more.
"Tomeal! Everyone! Fall back, now! You! Beasties! It's ME you want!" That familiar glint appears in her eyes once again as she clutches her symbol and whispers a soft prayer to the Moonmaiden, then pushes rapidly through the underbrush past Tomeal.
[[Swift action: set Iron Guard's Glare stance. Standard Action: Selina casts Longstrider on herself, granting her a bit more movement. Then she moves up in front of Tomeal.]]
Anti-Torque: [1d20+9] = 9+9 = 18
[[That should be fine.]]
(10-08-2020, 04:12 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ] (10-07-2020, 06:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Sorry for the delayed reply. After the shift from hell I had to just shut off my brain and rest. ]
Nang tries to activate the wand and once again the chaotic Torque effect causes the magic to go haywire. However...
Suddenly Selina feels a tingling sensation as the magic of the wand affects her instead! [Selina you now gain +5 on Caster Level checks for 5 minutes.]
[OoC: Kubo, you are moving through difficult terrain. If you move directly to the east you will be running through an area that's currently on fire. You don't have enough movement to move around the fire because the second diagonal is 10' x 2 = 20' of movement. Is there somewhere else you'd like to move? My suggestion would be D10.]
[[OoC: Oh! How lovely! And with no real magic to cast
Well, Tomeal just did get Flambéd and is on his last legs.
[[Just edited my post with her action. Any healing she provides in combat will not prevent him from getting fricasseed again next round.]]