(09-22-2021, 09:02 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Crozar, I've been offering tactical ideas to both you and Kubo because I know you both are new to 3.5 edition and you might not recall or have no knowledge of certain rules. So I was wondering if there's a specific reason why you moved to I-8? I'm asking this because you moved the elemental to J-10. If you moved to H-8 you both would get a +2 flanking bonus to hit the bug. If you have a plan, that's fine but I just wanted to remind you of the flanking option. ]
[OOC: Thanks for the suggestion. I was moving to I-8 both to narrow down the number of things that might target me, while providing a could of routes of retreat for the lice if me and the elemental can hit it hard enough.]
(09-23-2021, 01:56 AM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ] (09-22-2021, 09:02 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Crozar, I've been offering tactical ideas to both you and Kubo because I know you both are new to 3.5 edition and you might not recall or have no knowledge of certain rules. So I was wondering if there's a specific reason why you moved to I-8? I'm asking this because you moved the elemental to J-10. If you moved to H-8 you both would get a +2 flanking bonus to hit the bug. If you have a plan, that's fine but I just wanted to remind you of the flanking option. ]
[OOC: Thanks for the suggestion. I was moving to I-8 both to narrow down the number of things that might target me, while providing a could of routes of retreat for the lice if me and the elemental can hit it hard enough.]
[[Ok, so are you sticking with your original action?]]
I've been going back and forth, but I think I will take the step to better insure a hit. I will move to H8 instead. I will update my post.
Round 3...
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
20.6 | Kubo | Cure 8(Selina) | 5pts (Med Lice) | 5/31 (Was 39) | --- | +2 saves; -4 Con (12) |
19.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 00/49 | --- | +2 saves; Flying up 10' |
16.1 | Selina | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
10.2 | Tegab | --- | 2pts(sm.Crab); 8pts(Swarm1) | 10/?? | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
14.4 | Betimi | --- | 7pts(Lice1) | 7/52(was 58) | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con (13) |
14.4 | Ning/Nang | --- | --- | 00/27 | --- | Flying up 5' | Breath weapon returns on Round 6 |
11.4 | Medium Lice 1 | --- | 7pts (Betimi);+24pts (Selina);11pts(Nang);4pts(Ning) | 46/?? | Critical | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 2 | --- | 6pts (Kubo)+2pts (Kubo);19pts(Ning) | 27/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 3 | --- | 18pts(Crozar); 8pts(El); 22pts(El) | 48/?? | Critical! | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 4 | --- | 5pts(El); 18pts(Simon);7pts(betimi);44pts(El) | 74/?? | EXPLODED! | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 1 | --- | 24pts(Simon);9pts(Ning) | 33/?? | Bloodied! | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 2 | --- | 19pts (Simon);+26pts (Simon);22pts(El) | 63/?? | FRIED!! | --- |
8.2 | Tomeal | --- | 2pts(sm.crab);7pts (Med Lice);13pts (Swarm2);9pts(Simon);14pts(Swarm2) | 45/48 (Was 66) | CRITICAL!! | +2 Saves; -5 Con (11) |
8.1 | Crozar | --- | 2pts(sm.crab);5pts(med Lice);3pts(Med Lice1) | 10/13 | Critical! | +2 Saves; +2 AC |
4.1 | Elphaba | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | +2 Saves |
Everyone except Ning/Nang has Conviction: +2 Morale bonus on all save throws for 50 minutes.
Ning/Nang emanating Circle vs Chaos. Gain +5 to CL roles for Torque checks. (Everyone except Tomeal gets this bonus)
Goldilocks zone: Everyone gets +2 bonus on Torque checks.
[Elemental Stats: AC: 17+2 = 19; Attack: +7; Damage: 2d6+1 (Slam) ]
Movement: Speed reduced by half and you can't charge or run. 5' steps are still allowed.
The bug latches the tiny hooks on the ends of its legs onto Betimi's armor and starts sucking her blood. [-1 constitution; Loses -6 hit points off maximum]
Crozar commands the elemental to move and he moves to set up a flank. The large Cactacae raises his Great Cleaver over his head and brings it down hard on the Louse that's getting ready to leap on Tegab. The huge blade slices deep into the critter with a loud crunch of shattering chitin. [18 damage! Ouch! And without the flank you would have missed. So good choice.

The element attacks at the same time. A whip solid photons lashes out at the bug...
Attack: [1d20+9]=5+9=14, Damage: [2d6+1]=8+1=9; MISSES!! By 1 point.
The critters natural armor repels the elemental's attack.
The strange fire elemental turns its attention toward the bug Crozar is fighting. Eyeball covered tentacles of flame lash out its face at Lice3...
Attack: [1d20+6]=17+6=23, Damage: [1d6+1]=1+1=2, Fire: [1d6]=6; HIT!!; 2 slam + 6 Fire = 8 damage!
Reflex save: [1d20+2]=17+2=19; Succeeded...
The tentacles slam the creature but fails to set the creature on fire!
Suddenly, a split second later, Elphaba appears beside Tomeal, startling the Paladin. She's pointing her old crooked finger in Crozar's direction and cries out an incantation...
LIGHTNING BOLT! (44 damage)
As the bolt of lightning slices through the swarm and the 2 medium Lice everyone hears the critters shriek and chitter from pain. The Louse fighting Crozar manages to dodge part of the blast but its chitin still crackles and snaps as the electricity passes through its body. Lice4 that's well fed off Tomeal is bloated with blood and not as quick as the other. Lighting surges through its body, causing the blood in its tummy to flash boil. The Critter seizures in pain then with a 'POP!' it to erupt in a shower of blood! The swarm2 instinctually attempts to spread out to avoid the suddenly shock with some success but the throngs of tiny insects rolling over one another just conduct the electricity throughout the swarm causing them all to suddenly burst in a sickening chorus of pops and splurches until they're all burnt away to ashes!
Elphaba leans heavily on her staff and yells,
"See that, you young whipper-snappers!? That's how it's done!"
ROUND 4!!!
It's now Kubo, Simon, Selina, Tegab, Betimi, and Ning/Nang!! (Ning suggests either trying to heal someone or let him summon a creature to help fight.)
For a few moments...it all looked quite hopeless. Terrified that her lover(?...perhaps? She wasn't quite sure yet. He was certainly giving her all the right signs for it. But how could someone be attracted to a freakshow like her?) was about to become dinner for a group of oversized maggots, as well as one of their newest allies in Crozar, who seemed to be ill-equipped to take many attacks, Selina's heart quailed. She looked as though she were about ready to cry. But then several helpful things occurred. Crozar somehow found his way out of danger, Tomeal pulled the disgusting insect off of him and moved away, and Elphaba emerged at precisely the correct moment to reduce the multitudes to dust. She begins to breathe a bit more easily and refocuses herself. She had a job to do.
"Tomeal, Crozar, good work, now go heal up! Thank you Elphaba, your assistance is appreciated. Simon? Bombs away! Time to see if this weapon is forgiving or not..."
With that, she turns to Betimi, the ally who had been with her the longest and the one who, despite her great strangeness, was an advisor Selina held in deepest esteem. Her ally had a bit of a bug problem, one that Selina was, hopefully, about to rectify. She raises her blade ceiling-ward and brings it down onto the critter who grabbed Betimi.
Strike: [1d20+8]=9+8=17; Damage: [2d6+3]=5+3=8; Sonic: [1d6]=5
[[If that's enough to hit, it's +2 damage
and she grants...]]
For the healz!: [1d6+4]=2+4=6
[[...6 healing to Crozar. Sorry Tomeal. You have your fruit and you're out of danger. Crozar is not. That means Crusader's Strike goes back in the bin until next turn.]]
[[Just re-checked my sheet. She still had Charging Minotaur to ready before Crusader's Strike became available. She can't heal anyone with CS just yet. The damage goes through and I...think...there's no reason to use another Maneuver right now, so she'll hold onto it. I doubt that louse has an AC of 18 while grappled and having a Dex bonus of 0. I, futhermore, doubt very much it can withstand a strike of 15 damage from Selina, especially given it was "critical" beforehand. Those are just my presumptions, obviously. She does ready Crusader's Strike at the end of her turn, giving her the full complement of her maneuvers.]]
[[Side note: Crusader maneuver readying is, apparently, a hotly-debated topic (See here:
https://forums.giantitp.com/showthread.p...-maneuvers). There's an argument that if the Crusader does not expend a maneuver, s/he must withhold all of her maneuvers and randomly select 2 (or 3 in Selina's case) new ones. It's entirely up to you which direction you'd rather she take. I'm totally okay with either.]]
Kubo desperate to get the lice off of himself while he still has some CON, will desperately try to swipe it off by hitting it with a throwing axe weilded as a hand axe.
Handax(Primary) Attack = [1d20+5]=6+5=11-4 = 7[miss damn!]
[OoC: Kubo, you mentioned offline that you thought you'd only lost 3pts of Con. So I checked...
Total: 4pts of Con lost ]
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
20.6 | Kubo | Cure 8(Selina) | 5pts (Med Lice) | 5/31 (Was 39) | --- | +2 saves; -4 Con (12) |
19.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 00/49 | --- | +2 saves; Flying up 10' |
16.1 | Selina | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
10.2 | Tegab | --- | 2pts(sm.Crab); 8pts(Swarm1) | 10/?? | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
14.4 | Betimi | --- | 7pts(Lice1) | 7/52(was 58) | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con (13) |
14.4 | Ning/Nang | --- | --- | 00/27 | --- | Flying up 5' | Breath weapon returns on Round 6 |
11.4 | Medium Lice 1 | --- | 7pts (Betimi);+24pts (Selina);11pts(Nang);4pts(Ning);15pts(Selina) | 61/?? | DEAD! | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 2 | --- | 6pts (Kubo);+2pts (Kubo);19pts(Ning);10pts(Simon);5pts(Tegab) | 42/?? | Bloodied! | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 3 | --- | 18pts(Crozar); 8pts(El); 22pts(El) | 48/?? | Critical! | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 1 | --- | 24pts(Simon);9pts(Ning);22pts(Simon) | 55/?? | Critical!! | --- |
8.2 | Tomeal | --- | 2pts(sm.crab);7pts (Med Lice);13pts (Swarm2);9pts(Simon);14pts(Swarm2) | 45/48 (Was 66) | CRITICAL!! | +2 Saves; -5 Con (11) |
8.1 | Crozar | --- | 2pts(sm.crab);5pts(med Lice);3pts(Med Lice1) | 10/13 | Critical! | +2 Saves; +2 AC |
4.1 | Elphaba | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | +2 Saves |
Everyone except Ning/Nang has Conviction: +2 Morale bonus on all save throws for 50 minutes.
Ning/Nang emanating Circle vs Chaos. Gain +5 to CL roles for Torque checks. (Everyone except Tomeal gets this bonus)
Goldilocks zone: Everyone gets +2 bonus on Torque checks.
[Elemental Stats: AC: 17+2 = 19; Attack: +7; Damage: 2d6+1 (Slam) ]
Movement: Speed reduced by half and you can't charge or run. 5' steps are still allowed.
Kubo tries to desperately shave the giant Lice2 off his chest but he's unfortunately unable to maneuver his axe into position to strike it and completely misses!
Simon searches for another bomb and he finds 1 or 2 more. He floats 5' (to G-9) and drops the bomb exactly over his target.
"Bombs away..." He calculates where to drop it so the splash hits no one else other than the Swarm1 and splashes Lice2. The acid miraculously avoids everyone else in the party!
Throw Acid Bomb: [1d20+11]=18+11=29, Damage: [4d6+12]=10+12=22; HIT!!!; 22 damage on Swarm1
Reflex Save for Splash damage:
Reflex save: [1d20+2]=1+2=3; FAILED!! 10 damage on Lice2
Selina nearly loses hope when suddenly, for a moment the battle begins to turn around for the party. She calls out some actions for the party and then raises her blade ceiling-ward and brings it down onto the critter who grabbed Betimi. As Selina feels the blade rejoice at her successful strike, the blade crunches through Lice1's chitin with ease and then releases a hissing roar that rattles through it's guts! [15 damage!] The critter's body explodes in a disgusting but pretty satisfying splurch! [Dead!] The blade emanates waves of emotional celebration into Selina's mind. [What's amusing is without that +2 points of damage, it would be still alive!]
Tegab stays close to his master while also escaping the swarm. He runs through Betimi's square and then up to E-10. The Wolf-hound then nips at the critter stuck on Kubo!
Dog Attack: [1d20+8]=6+8=14, Damage: [1d8+2]=3+2=5; HIT!
Dog bites Lice2, cracking part of it's chitin! [5 damage]
Betimi and Ning/Nang's turns!!!
Oops jumped the gun a little, consider the above Kubo's next action please.