[OoC @GM Marvel, - so that would be Selina, Nacesh, Forge, Betimi, Tonreal, Piper, Eek (Ningalu), and Meek... 8 shares.. that makes the math easy.. did I miss anyone?]
[OoC yup.. that's why I asked.. had the naggiung feeling I was forgetting ppl]
Forge stands silently in the background observing the process to make the chitin armor. His unmoving metal face hid his thoughts and he wonders if he had the ability to master that kind of magic...
"Master Creel, how does one learn this magic?"
[OoC: I wonder when my best laid plans won't fail.

Been dealing with a very sick cat. Second time this year. I spent way too much money but I love the little shithead. It's funny how they worm their way into your heart.]
Creel slowly looks Forge up and down, and replies, "Do you fancy yourself a Manufac-turgist? The process behind the making is basically Transmutation. Through the use of such Thaumaturgy as Fabricate and poly-turgy the Manufac-turgist quickly reshapes matter from one shape to another more complex shape. Though I myself have used the powers in reverse to great affect. Imagine the look on a guard's face when his firearm suddenly falls to the floor in pieces. Or a suit of full plate liquefies into molten iron or steel." Schooling his huge grin he continues, "Generally you must at least be of average intelligence. The more informed you are of what different materials are made of and their elemental structures the easier it will be for you to manipulate matter."
Simon says,
"We have mules and and a variety of large lizards all over New Crobuzon. But you may find it difficult to find a beast happy to fly in an airship. I imagine any beasts could be either trained to be used on an airship or even be given brain surgery so it had no fear of flying. Such procedures can have unforeseen consequences. It might come out thinking it's a bird and try to jump off the airship. If this is not acceptable then you could have a mule Re-made or bio-augmented or even a construct created. The construct has no intelligence whatsoever but it will need a some kind of power source but you would have to take that up with their creators."
Creel adds, "I would imagine that someone like yourself might benefit greatly from your armored body being reshaped at your will. If your system could survive the sudden shock of such an aggressive transformation."
"I was thinking of something more.. affordable.. merely to help transport supploes, not to be an expensive investment in its own right."
[OoC: If I knew what you were interested in then I could tell you if they have the creature. They do have all the regular animals that would appear in a standard D&D world. But I will list a few of the more unique creatures to New Crobuzon.]
Simon replies, "I do not know what creatures that are similar in both your world and mine. But a few examples of some possible unique creatures? We do have constructs and if you're only looking for a creature to carry equipment --say a walking chest or barrel-- and not do anything else, then it wouldn't be very pricey. Ptera-Birds [HD:5; Strength 18] are flightless and can be trained to pull carts and wagons so it should be able to carry exotic saddle bags with little issue. Though they can be used as mounts, doing so is notoriously difficult. I do know that a trained remade horse [HD:5; Strength 22] costs around 3000." He taps his chin with one hand and then smiles. "Giant Roosters [HD:4; Strength 12] make excellent mounts and could easily carry equipment for you. Another rather odd option could be the Vinhog [HD:1; Strength 11] It looks like a large pig with grape vines naturally growing out of its skin. Then I suppose you could hire a Wyrman [HD:1; Strength 10]. The little red devils that fly above the city farting on people are well known couriers. They aren't too bright so could likely be convinced to joining you."
Creel asks, "Have you decided if you will take my offer or do you have a counter offer?"
"I believe something a bit more intelligent and less exotic than a walking barrel or chest. A waling chest would not know when to run in abject terror, which might be a good ability to have. I guess just a mule will do fine, with a pack saddle, some sacks, and enough feed for a week. I was unsure you would have such creatures here is why I asked. From what we have seen of your city, I would not have been surprised if the standard pack animal was a three-legged aberration."
"If you can send one of those messengers along with the funds, I will not venture out to get it but have it delivered if possible."
She looks at Selina, who is oddly silent.
"I believe our leader has agreed to accept your offer, divided evenly amongst our group, even those that are but recently joined and yet might need kit."
She nods towards Kee.
[OoC 10 shares 800 gp each = Selina, Nacesh, Forge, Betimi, Tonreal, Piper, Eek (Ningalu), Meek, Gilley, and Kee]
Creel pulls out a tiny square of velvet cloth from inside his jacket chest pocket. Before your eyes he unfolds it and unfolds it and unfolds it until it must be 10'x10'. He lays it on the floor, then walks down into it like he is descending a staircase until he disappears inside. Moments later you hear a heavy thump as a hand with a gold brick shoots up over the edge of the pit and plops down a gold bar; then another and another. Soon there are about 16 small gold bars all lined up along the edge of the pit. Creel then accends the same invisible set of stairs, lifts the cloth off the floor and quickly folds it back up into a pocket square and returns it to the inside of his jacket.
"Portable Cellar. I never leave home without it."
Simon replies to Betimi with a smile, "You can order it to run in abject terror. But if you really only want a mule, that will be easy to find. I will have it for you within the hour."