Selina Wrote:Selina sighs and clenches her fist for a moment, resigning herself to her fate as she slips the glove and gauntlet back on that hand. "Where are our supplies and weapons?"
The Magistrate nods to who you assume is the superior among the guards, who opens his cloak and withdraws a bag. Upon opening you spot all your equipment as well as your weapons which have covers on the point tips. He will begin producing the items one by one and handing them to whomever claims the object.
Nacesh Wrote:"I may have been distracted for a moment but I failed to get what was the business for you in this scene? You used up some favour, as I take it, for our benefit, so I assume it's just right to assume that we are now indebted to you. Right?"
"Typically, yes," the Magistrate replies.
"But in this case, no. I have my own reason for providing you with such a boon. I have no interest in pursuing compensation."
[OoC: Feel free to make Sense Motive checks if you want.]
With his job done, Vansetty wanders quickly away.
With your weapons returned, the Magistrate warns,
"keep your weapons out of hand while in the building. You just received the ambassador's pardoning mark, you don't want to be charged with another crime. As the punishment for most crimes is ReMaking."
"Now that you're free, is there any place you would like to go?
[Sense Motive [1d20+1] = 8+1 = 9]
"I believe my friends had barely begun our negotiations with the weapon and armor merchant. He seemed amenable. If you could transport us back there without having to tread the breadth of the city?"
She scoops up her mace and crossbow, checks the crossbow string before slinging them on her belt and back respectively
"I can transport you to the shop but unfortunately the merchant will not be available to serve you. He's a rebel collaborator. It's how your strange friend with the Cheetah found himself at the shop. The Rebels directed him (Kee) to the Armorer because they knew he is sympathetic to their cause. Justice must be served but Xenian's* are rarely ReMade. I hear his son is currently watching the place."
[* Betimi knows Xenian means non-human.]
Forge was generally quiet unless addressed but he felt a genuine concern for the blacksmith. "What will happen to him?"
(12-20-2017, 08:06 PM)Forge Wrote: [ -> ]Forge was generally quiet unless addressed but he felt a genuine concern for the blacksmith. "What will happen to him?"
"I'm not sure. Last I heard, he was being interrogated like your other friend. Then a Magistrate will be chosen for them to pass judgement. But Xenian's are rarely ReMade and we don't have any prisons." He pauses as if to allow you to imagine what may become of both your friends before adding,
"It's difficult if not impossible to ReMake a Cactacae. They don't even have blood... just sap."
Selina had been collecting her supplies and sheathing her weapons, then her eyes widen slightly when she hears 'other friend.'
"Gilley..." She rounds on the Magistrate.
"Understand this: he is a part of our group, no more or less unwilling to be here than I."
[[Sense Motive a Diplomacy]]
Sense Motive: [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5, Diplomacy: [1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23
(12-20-2017, 08:43 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina had been collecting her supplies and sheathing her weapons, then her eyes widen slightly when she hears 'other friend.' "Gilley..." She rounds on the Magistrate. "Understand this: he is a part of our group, no more or less unwilling to be here than I."
[[Sense Motive a Diplomacy]]
Sense Motive: [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5, Diplomacy: [1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23
"Gilley?" the Magistrate asks.
"No... I don't believe that is his name. I think his name is Agloval, the Vadyanoi.* Your other friends are unharmed. When they were seen investigating the shop after your disappearance I was asked if I wanted them apprehended but I declined. This contract the ambassador gave me will allow me to place the mark on their hands as well."
[ * Betimi knows, the Vadyanoi are the frog people and everyone knows that Agloval is the frog-man who helped you find Simon. ]
[OoC: Also, Betimi knows Xenian means Non-human. I wrote it a few posts ago but I just noticed that it vanished from the final post. So I'm mentioning it here in case it was missed. ]
(12-20-2017, 08:24 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (12-20-2017, 08:06 PM)Forge Wrote: [ -> ]Forge was generally quiet unless addressed but he felt a genuine concern for the blacksmith. "What will happen to him?"
"I'm not sure. Last I heard, he was being interrogated like your other friend. Then a Magistrate will be chosen for them to pass judgement. But Xenian's are rarely ReMade and we don't have any prisons." He pauses as if to allow you to imagine what may become of both your friends before adding, "It's difficult if not impossible to ReMake a Cactacae. They don't even have blood... just sap."
"He's being tortured merely for dealing with us? yet we are pardoned? Your laws have some obvious flaws. no wonder you have a problem with rebels. If the laws made sense to them maybe they'd have nothing to rebel against?"
(12-20-2017, 09:07 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ] (12-20-2017, 08:43 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina had been collecting her supplies and sheathing her weapons, then her eyes widen slightly when she hears 'other friend.' "Gilley..." She rounds on the Magistrate. "Understand this: he is a part of our group, no more or less unwilling to be here than I."
[[Sense Motive a Diplomacy]]
Sense Motive: [1d20+4] = 1+4 = 5, Diplomacy: [1d20+5] = 18+5 = 23
"Gilley?" the Magistrate asks. "No... I don't believe that is his name. I think his name is Agloval, the Vadyanoi.* Your other friends are unharmed. When they were seen investigating the shop after your disappearance I was asked if I wanted them apprehended but I declined. This contract the ambassador gave me will allow me to place the mark on their hands as well."
[ * Betimi knows, the Vadyanoi are the frog people and everyone knows that Agloval is the frog-man who helped you find Simon. ]
[OoC: Also, Betimi knows Xenian means Non-human. I wrote it a few posts ago but I just noticed that it vanished from the final post. So I'm mentioning it here in case it was missed. ]
"All the Vadyanoi in question did was try to help us NOT break any Laws. That seems like the act of a citizen concerned for the well being of his city, not the act of a Rebel."
[Aid Another to Selina's Diplomacy =
Diplomacy Aid another [1d20+5] = 14+5 = 19]
[OoC: What exactly are you using Diplomacy for? Is Betimi going to attempt to Sense Motive?]
Quote:"He's being tortured merely for dealing with us? yet we are pardoned? Your laws have some obvious flaws. no wonder you have a problem with rebels. If the laws made sense to them maybe they'd have nothing to rebel against?"
"No, he is being interrogated because he is a rebel collaborator. Does your world allow those who collaborate with rebel terrorist to go about their business? So they can assist them in murdering citizens of your cities? If it does then it is your laws that don't make sense."
Quote:"All the Vadyanoi in question did was try to help us NOT break any Laws. That seems like the act of a citizen concerned for the well being of his city, not the act of a Rebel."
"A member of the public turned the Vadyanoi in to the authorities for assisting an otherworldly threat. In order to find that threat he was questioned. He refused to provide information so more extreme measures were used to get him talk. For someone who only just met you, he endured quite a bit of interrogation to protect your whereabouts."
New Crobuzon was a strange place, Forge thought,
no stranger than any other place. It had cities, magic, laws, technology, and supported a wide variety of creatures. It had conflict, and in conflict there would always be a place for a creature born for war. He had many questions but kept them to himself as Selina, Betimi, and the Magistrate discussed torture and rebels. There was one question he felt needed to be asked if they were to navigate this world, so he waited for a lull in the conversation to ask,
"What are the laws here?"
Ooc - Perhaps there is a proclamation posted somewhere or a book of law that is available? Remaking seems to be the preferred method of punishment but if there are others that would be good to know. Come to think of it, we should just stop at the visitor center. New Crobuzon does seem to get a lot of tourists