"Thank you for the information. Now, I recommend you depart before we direct our friend," she gestures back at Forge "to re-open the curtains."
"I am sorry you were infected by this, but I will not let you risk infecting me, my babies, nor any of my allies."
"My field of study is not diseases," Simon replies to Kee. "I focus more on the studying new species and extra-dimensional phenomena. There is a bit of overlap, such as the Vampyr, who is a creature. From what I know of the disease, it can't survive outside the body. It quickly ravages the body and once a victim has turned, they are a carrier but no longer technically infected as the body is dead and become immune to Cure Disease. Such a spell 'might' work before the transformation but like I stated, once infected they turn very quickly. It's a wonder why they haven't been more successful as a species. They do have an aversion to others of their kind most because they greedily fight over food sources."
"Babies?" the Vampyr hisses as its head jerks to face Betimi. The vampyr inhales a deep breath through it's nose and when it exhales a forked tongue licks at the air. "I smell no babies..." Its voice seems deeply saddened. "Tease..." Then with a speed you not thought possible, the cloaked figure backs out of the lab with the door slamming behind it.
((OOC - finally back with some spare time to catch up with all the adventures!))
Nacesh snickers on the notion of Betimi's babies. She had some curious charm in her, and her devotion to her... things... was adorable at least, but still... the way the spearman was thinking about her was more like a teammate than a roommate. A valuable teammate.
Not to mention how he reacted in general to ladies announcing pregnancy in the first place...
Once the creature is gone, he patted Selina on the shoulder and quietly noted,
"I wouldn't say that some blood-sucking undead is necessarily the greatest of evil we have encountered so far, let alone whatever is ahead of us."
Ningalu reappears, peeking out of the dustbin, having utterly vanished when the creature entered the warehouse.
"It gone??" He sniffs the air.
(08-08-2018, 02:24 PM)Nacesh Wrote: [ -> ]((OOC - finally back with some spare time to catch up with all the adventures!))
Once the creature is gone, he patted Selina on the shoulder and quietly noted,
"I wouldn't say that some blood-sucking undead is necessarily the greatest of evil we have encountered so far, let alone whatever is ahead of us."
Selina had visibly relaxed when the vampyr had left and was, seemingly, no longer on-edge. Nevertheless, when Nacesh gives her a comradely pat on the shoulder, her head jerks in an angry motion at his words.
"And you would have me ignore my duties as a cleric simply because he is a 'lesser evil'? The Ambassador is the true danger here, true, but that does not mean I will ignore the presence of undead in this city."
When Ningalu reveals himself, Selina will sigh and nod, rising into a more restful position.
"Yes. It is gone...for now."
"So we have until midnight tomorrow. Anotheer full day away."
She realizes something she does need to acquire. But decides that this time perhaps it is best done through intermediary.
"Sir Simon? Does this world have common pack animals that might be purchased? In their world they have these mammalian creatures called mules. In my realm, things are... different."
"If we are to do any travel by foot, I will need to acquire such a beast. Not necessarily a mule, but something pliable, that will carry burdens in difficult terrain."
"Two sleeps? But .. we..?" He gestures at his twin Meek, as he searches for the word "Bored."
((OOC - two more days... as if, the DM wanted to say, "um... guys... you have forgotten taking care of some important thing... so here's two more days to think about it"

Nacesh opens his mouth to correct Eek's math but then he realises the kobold probably meant "days" by "sleeps" as they are more likely nocturnal while on the surface. He hasn't paid much attention on dragonkin lore on the academy but this just felt.... right... in his veins.
"We may as well play a game. Anyone have cards? or dice? or we could set up a practice range, have some sparring sessions... Get to know how to defend each other better"
Simon continues to answer Kee's question. "It's my understanding that the Vampyr can fill their bellies with animal blood and may even feel full, they don't receive any nourishment from the blood of non-sentient creatures. Which means they would begin to waste away and would soon be overcome by a ravenous hunger. A strange feeling it must be to feel full but ravenous at the same time."
About ten minutes later there is another knock on the door. Simon sighs nervously then walks over to answer the door. When the door cracks open you all hear him share a loud and friendly greeting with the person on the other side. He opens the door for the visitor and the man strolls into the lab with the tapping of a sterling cane with what appears to be a large crystal -- maybe even a diamond -- as a round handle. The man is a little over 6' tall and thin. He wears a long trench coat that sweeps along the floor as he walks. The visitor removes a top hat and introduces himself.
"Good morn. I'm Creel Unlundun. I was asked here by Simon to examine an over sized arach-noid corpse. Perhaps assist in creating some kind of chitinous armor from the beast?"
Simon waves toward Betimi while saying, "Yes, it's just over here." He guides the man to the corpse.
While they go look at the corpse, Piper asks, "Is everyone going with you to this dangerous place Simon wants to take you? Including me, Eek, Meek, and Jonath? Or do you plan to investigate and then return afterward?"
Selina sighs and frowns at the question. It was quite valid, but there was very little they could do about it. “I will not force anyone to follow me under any circumstances. I leave you all to do as you would choose of your own volition. I will only caution you that we will likely not be returning from the cacotopic stain as it would require us all to endure its effects more than once. I am personally unwilling to do so and certainly will not coerce anyone else to do so.”