[[The only person with anything like a spellbook is Nang. But he's not possibly destroying his spellbook just to get past this door especially when there's another way to get to our destination]]

“Well what else represents knowledge? I doubt any of us who own a Spell book are going to just give it away. What else could we sacrifice?”
Crozar says, "We could also try to say something else that would make a keyhole in the shape of something we don't mind to lose, like a throwing axe or chakri."
Betimi finally snaps out of her reverie.
"Wait, I do have a book we could try the worst that could happen is it fails, which is no great loss. It may not contain enough knowledge to satisy the riddle, but it is worth a try."
She reaches deep into the depth of her haversack and pulls out the photo book they had found in t5he boat just after they first met Tomreal, what seemed so long ago.
[OoC 1 x photo album with a lot of family pictures]
Selina's eyebrows perk at Betimi's suggestion and it breaks her from her musings. She hadn't thought of that. Ordinarily, she wouldn't be so quick to use someone else's property in such a way as it would likely be destroyed, but there was no reason to hold it back. Besides, if they didn't take the chance and use it now, they wouldn't have a chance of getting back home to return it in the first place. She nods and responds "Sound suggestion, Betimi. Thank you for remembering."
Crozar nods approvingly. "An interesting kind of book, let's hope it works."
[Sorry for the absence. Just some things going on.]
Betimi pulls out the book and when she holds it up to slide into the rectangular hole it's obvious the book is the wrong size.
Simon says, "Didn't we find a book? Back in the cave where we found Crozar?"
[[This got hidden by posts in the other game.]]
Selina shrugs as the photo album doesn't work. It was a long shot in the first place, but they were trapped here until they escaped so they had to try everything. When Simon mentions a book and the cave they found Crozar in, Selina's brows furl in deep thought. "Crozar? We found Crozar in the cave with the wolf monstrosities. I do not recall finding a book there. We did find a spellbook on the elf wizard after killing those winged creatures, did we not?"
Crozar nods, "I don't recall having seen a book while I was trapped."