With everyone voicing their desire to leave, the Magistrate escorts you all back to the airship that is parked in the sky outside Perdido Street Station.
"Like I said, I will try to have the Xenians [non-humans] released. And if you require further assistance then have a message sent to me and I might be able to offer some help or advise. In the mean time, take my Air-Yacht and fly back to the Cactacae's Shop."
When you've finished with questions or goodbyes [Feel free to ask anything else you need to know before you leave], you all walk along the narrow metal bridges that connect the top floor of Perdido Street Station with the Air-Ship. It's quite windy and in many places you have to hold on tight to the handrails out of fear you will be whisked away in brisk air currents and plummet to your deaths. When you all finally board the ship, you all hear a man bellow above the blowing wind, "Start the turbines! Set course, East South East for Brock Marsh! Fly when ready!!" Many sailors run about following his orders until you all suddenly hear rumbling coming from the giant metal windmills as they begin to slowly start spinning and picking up the pace. Soon the ship gives a slight lurch and you start pulling away from the huge Perdido Street Station building. In the distance you see you're flying in the direction of a tall, narrow, tower that sits on a small islet encircled by the river Gross Tar, near Brock Marsh. Betimi informs you all that the island is named, Strack Island and the tower is the Parliament building, the seat of the city's government and home of the Mayor. It is connected to the rest of the city by the Militia Sky-Rail transport network that also links to the Spike [Headquarters of the Militia] and other Militia towers. Just southeast is an uninhabited and undeveloped smaller islet known as Little Strack.
(01-19-2018, 12:51 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina murmurs to her ad-hoc advisers. "Nevertheless, he did, indeed, offer a sincere attempt at doing so. Something is occurring in this place which makes me quite uneasy. I do not trust the 'Magistrate' under any circumstances, but I'm certain we would all, including the two people held against their will in reference to us, like to return home as soon as possible."
[[Just to clarify...I meant the Ambassador, not the Magistrate.]]
(01-22-2018, 07:53 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]With everyone voicing their desire to leave, the Magistrate escorts you all back to the airship that is parked in the sky outside Perdido Street Station.
"Like I said, I will try to have the Xenians [non-humans] released. And if you require further assistance then have a message sent to me and I might be able to offer some help or advise. In the mean time, take my Air-Yacht and fly back to the Cactacae's Shop."
When you've finished with questions or goodbyes [Feel free to ask anything else you need to know before you leave], you all walk along the narrow metal bridges that connect the top floor of Perdido Street Station with the Air-Ship. It's quite windy and in many places you have to hold on tight to the handrails out of fear you will be whisked away in brisk air currents and plummet to your deaths. When you all finally board the ship, you all hear a man bellow above the blowing wind, "Start the turbines! Set course, East South East for Brock Marsh! Fly when ready!!" Many sailors run about following his orders until you all suddenly hear rumbling coming from the giant metal windmills as they begin to slowly start spinning and picking up the pace. Soon the ship gives a slight lurch and you start pulling away from the huge Perdido Street Station building. In the distance you see you're flying in the direction of a tall, narrow, tower that sits on a small islet encircled by the river Gross Tar, near Brock Marsh. Betimi informs you all that the island is named, Strack Island and the tower is the Parliament building, the seat of the city's government and home of the Mayor. It is connected to the rest of the city by the Militia Sky-Rail transport network that also links to the Spike [Headquarters of the Militia] and other Militia towers. Just southeast is an uninhabited and undeveloped smaller islet known as Little Strack.
Forge took the Magistrates word at face value, that he would try to have the Xenians released. Being granted permission to ride the Magistrate's Air-Yacht seemed awfully generous for a group of recently pardoned criminals but he wasn't about to object. There was an air of familiarity for Forge in New Crobuzon. The blend of magic, technology, and diverse people was actually promising. At least this place had laws to govern it, even if they seemed so foreign and strange to him.
"Where I come from we have Lightning-Rails that connect cities far across Khorvaire. These Sky-Rails remind me of home." Says Forge to whoever will listen.
Ooc - I bet if we get one of these Sky-Rails up to 88mph and charge the flux capaciter with 1.21 gigawatts we can travel to other dimensions and other times, thus getting out of this place!!
"We should go to the smithy first. Let the smith's son knowwe pled for his father's release with the Magistrate and that the Magistrate is attempting to assist. Those of uyou buying or repairing armour and weapons never did complete your business. Then we should get back to Simon, Gilley , and Piper."
Betimi is again along mainly for aid, as he purchases were conducted with Simon.
Nacesh casually observes the scenery with no apparent feelings on his face.
[OoC: I don't know if I ate something I shouldn't have or got a touch of the flu but the last couple of days has been pretty rough.

Quote:Ooc - I bet if we get one of these Sky-Rails up to 88mph and charge the flux capaciter with 1.21 gigawatts we can travel to other dimensions and other times, thus getting out of this place!!
[OoC: HA!!! Nice. But I thought only Deloreans could do something like that!

While Forge reminisces about his home world, specifically about the Lightning-Rails that connect cities far across Khorvaire, Betimi's Vestige whispers lore to her, that the people and leaders of New Crobuzon are far too Xenophobic to connect their Sky-Rails to other cities. Even strangers to the city are usually watched with suspicion and it's truly a miracle you all weren't put to death for being Out-Worlders.
As you watch the skyline you think you yourselves that New Crobuzon suffers from a remarkable lack of city planning. Much of the city seems almost squeezed in upon itself. Open sewers flow through the slums, and houses are built at random or even on top of other houses. The old slowly being forced into the earth under the weight of the new. In the direction you're traveling you see gigantic ribs looming over a section of the city called Bonetown. Ivory shards of a leviathan, these arching ribs of a fallen giant almost meet about two hundred feet about the ground. Betimi's Vestige whispers that the land around them are unlucky; tools breakd projects run away into the dust and dirt, nothing prospers. They do make a useful landmark to a visitor: just look up, and if you see the Ribs, you can orient yourself. The Ribs themselves are a bit of a draw for gawkers, so most residents here are hawkers, buskers, salespeople, and acrobats.
Soon you approach the fork in the river where the River Tar and River Canker join together to form the River Gross Tar and where Strack Island the Parliament builder rest. Over the whir of the engines you hear the Captain bellow, "Arriving at Brock Marsh. Prepare to disembark!" The Sky-Yacht's engines begin to slow as you start to descend. Eventually the ship stops and the Yacht moors itself near the top of a militia tower. The wind is blowing in gusts as you carefully step off the ship and make your way down the long spiral staircase that hugs the side of the tower all the way to solid ground. One of the ship's crew who joins you tells you all that he was instructed by the Magistrate to make sure you get to the Smith safely. So as ordered he guides you through Brock Marsh until you arrive at the Shop.
[OoC: A couple of images of The Ribs. ]
(01-26-2018, 01:19 AM)Forge Wrote: [ -> ]Ooc - You are mistaken my good sir Back to the Future 3 
OoC: Very true!! I completely forgot about the train!! I heard they were thinking of rebooting the movies too!
OoC2: Ummmmm hello? Is anyone else here? I understand that not everyone has business at the Smith but this was where you asked to be dropped off.

Forge approaches the shop, not sure what he was going to find there. Would the Smith's progeny keep the business open after the day's events? If anything, he felt it his duty to deliver the news of it's father current fate since their presence caused the trouble, to Forge's understanding.
Ooc - is the boy here, shop open for business?
Nacesh leaves the sky yacht with gaping maws rolling around, leaning his head left to right to left a few times until finally he feels satisfied that the monotonous engine noise is gone from his ears. With a sigh, he follows the others filing down on the [wrought iron] staircase, even the dynamic clanking of the steps being refreshing music to his exhausted ears.
As they approach the smithy the spearman notes,
"We bring grave news to the lad. I propose not to gang up on him, maybe no more than two people should enter. I'm waiting outside."
Turning to Eek, he asks in Draconic,
"Does *Ningalu* stay with Dragonfriend?"