(09-21-2018, 05:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Betimi Wrote:Betimi tries on the new black, chitin armour, marvelling at its flexibility.
"This is perfect, I must thank you. If we are still here later I might come to you with more requests like this."
Creel nods. "I'd be happy to help."
"Are you able to transmogrify weapons as well as arnor?""
(09-21-2018, 05:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Betimi Wrote:Does Simon share the contents of these packages. Hard to imagine a wyrman delivering a mule.
[OoC: Sorry, I forgot to mention your mule. It does arrive within the hour. As for the packages, Simon doesn't say anything about them but you're free to ask.]
Betimi simply watches, not asking, respecting his privacy as their host.
(09-21-2018, 05:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Betimi Wrote:Betimi disappears behind the screen with Simon, after requesting that the party stay clear no matter what they hear.
There are the sounds of first pained whimpers, soon followed by a muffled scream, as if someone is biting down on a leather strap to stop from screaming.
A few minutes later Betimi comes out from behind the screen looking exhausted, covered in sweat, but she has a smile on her face, a tired but happy glow.
Simon follows Betimi out from behind the screen. He looks at her with a little concern and says, "Are you sure you're alright. It is pretty big. I hope it didn't hurt too much."
"It hurt as much as such bonds are supposed to. My child is quite invigorating, and Naberius will help me heal momentarily."
(09-21-2018, 05:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Selina Wrote:She shakes herself out of her reverie at the subject of a carnival. "Are you certain it would be wise for us to be seen at such a public event? Especially given our outsider status and the obvious...discomfort the local constabulary views us with?"
Betimi Wrote:Almost immediately after coming out from behind the screen her ill condition seems to improve, and soon she is once more hale and healthy.
However when she speaks, her vice is again like gravel, no longer her light, feminine tone.
"I do not think we should go to this carnival, but if we choose to I can again disguise myself."
Nacesh Wrote:The spearman bows at Selina's omnipresent wisdom and notes with due respect,
"I agree that us humans may be outstanding but kobolds may blend in... if they want to... Personally, I wouldn't start any risky activities before our departure."
Creel gives Selina, Betimi and Nacesh a puzzled expression. "Oh? Interesting..."
"This is a human city, I would think that the kobolds would stand out more, if they were seen that is. I imagine most of the time they'd be hidden from view."
Abruptly her appearance changes to that of a skinny, pale looking man, short in stature and covered in the soot and grime of the streets. Emulating the look of some man she had seen on the street after they had left the smuthy, on their way back to Simon's. She does not try to perfectly emulate his face, actually trying to make the appearance slightly more masculine to match her gravellyvoice.
(09-21-2018, 05:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote:"Car..neeval?? What is car-ni-val? Will they has food?"
"Yes, there will be loads of food of all kinds to satisfy even the most exotic or picky eaters," replies Creel.
"It would be safer to stay here, we could have food brought to us."
The the short, skinny street sweep points out.
In draconic
"Only thing that wells up inside me is bad food. You not chew your maggots?"
"Talk to our elder, he may know"
Creel replies to Betimi, "Transmogrifying inanimate objects is not easy. The greater the change the more powerful the magic needed. Turning a steel item to another steel item of equal quantity is fairly easy when compared to turning leather to steel or steel to chitin. But almost anything is possible, if not by me then by one of my peers or senior colleague."
Quote:Quote:Quote:Selina Wrote:She shakes herself out of her reverie at the subject of a carnival. "Are you certain it would be wise for us to be seen at such a public event? Especially given our outsider status and the obvious...discomfort the local constabulary views us with?"
Betimi Wrote: Wrote:Almost immediately after coming out from behind the screen her ill condition seems to improve, and soon she is once more hale and healthy.
However when she speaks, her vice is again like gravel, no longer her light, feminine tone.
"I do not think we should go to this carnival, but if we choose to I can again disguise myself."
Nacesh Wrote: Wrote:The spearman bows at Selina's omnipresent wisdom and notes with due respect,
"I agree that us humans may be outstanding but kobolds may blend in... if they want to... Personally, I wouldn't start any risky activities before our departure."
Creel gives Selina, Betimi and Nacesh a puzzled expression. "Oh? Interesting..."
"This is a human city, I would think that the kobolds would stand out more, if they were seen that is. I imagine most of the time they'd be hidden from view."
Abruptly her appearance changes to that of a skinny, pale looking man, short in stature and covered in the soot and grime of the streets. Emulating the look of some man she had seen on the street after they had left the smuthy, on their way back to Simon's. She does not try to perfectly emulate his face, actually trying to make the appearance slightly more masculine to match her gravellyvoice.
Simon whispers to the members of the group,
"I think Creel's 'interesting' comment was made because he is not privy to your conversation with the Magistrate and he may have been surprised to find out you've had a run in with the local constabulary. As for the Kobolds going to the Carnival, there are all types of fantastical creatures that come to New Crobuzon. But one Xenian (non-human) is pretty much viewed here, in the city, and any other Xenian. Your Kobold friend would likely be seen as a lizard-man or lizard-child. Some may be curious but most will mind their own business. Especially if you wear hooded cloaks to cover most of their features."
When Betimi changes form, Simon whispers,
"I still think we are safest staying inside until it comes time to go. But if others wish to explore this carnival I will accompany them."
[OoC: Please do not think that I am trying to make the group go to the carnival. I presented it only as an option. If the group would rather just jump forward to the night of the launch I am perfectly happy doing that. The carnival will still be there for you to explore or ignore when you get back.]
(09-29-2018, 01:01 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Please do not think that I am trying to make the group go to the carnival. I presented it only as an option. If the group would rather just jump forward to the night of the launch I am perfectly happy doing that. The carnival will still be there for you to explore or ignore when you get back.]
Ooc- Forge really doesn't care for that kind of thing, unless someone drags him away from the...cough...forge...

but as a player this city would be worth exploring.
Forge appears from nowhere, having slipped off unnoticed for a short while. "I am in need of materials. Permission to go to the market?" He requests.
[OoC: Unless I'm mistaken, most of you would prefer to avoid the carnival? ]
[OoC: PM coming to Forge. ]
When Forge asks permission to go to the market, Simon replies, "For the same reasons why that your friends do not want to go to the carnival, I would suggest not going to the market. If there is anything specific you need, I can go get it or we can send a Wyrman to fetch it for you."
Meek ponders his tribesmen's input and finally says, "I think I will continue the path laid out for me by the Great Green Mother. The Green Mother has taught us how to survive. She nurtures and guides us throughout our lives. Even inspiring our priests how to warm our clutch of eggs to produce whatever type of green offspring -- male or female -- the tribe will need most in the coming seasons. We all have free will but with the warming of our own eggs, we each are granted certain unique abilities that will be useful to the tribe. Who is Meek to question what the Green Mother wishes during this terrible time for our people. I must now step away to meditate and molt into what I am to become for the good of our people." Meek says goodbye to each of you but spends special time with Piper and especially his Twin, Ningalu. He then quietly finds a dark spot under the stairs and covers himself with a blanket to put away childish ideas and become the Kobold he was meant to become.
Ningalu hugs his twin.. "We shared an egg, but we each must walk the path the Green Mother sets out." in Draconic
[OoC Eek is interested in the carnival but Eeks player thinks we should come back to it after some experience]