Selina calls back to Simon "STOP! YOUR ENEMIES ARE OUT THERE!" She points towards the still hidden foes.
(07-15-2020, 08:52 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I'm not sure if I told you but in my game, when you confirm a critical you automatically do maximum damage on the initial damage roll and then you roll for the crit damage. This makes criticals feel more potent. Otherwise, on a critical, someone with a Greataxe could roll two 1's on a d12 and inflict hardly any damage. Not much of a critical.
Additional damage from other sources such as from a flaming weapon are rolled normally as usual.]
- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Selina 17
- Dog 17
- Tomeal 16
- Betimi 10
[OoC: Poor Nang. No one seems to care that the Torque just turned him into essentially a crawling claw.
Selina feels the slight tingling at the top of her skull but brushes it off as easily as one might blow away a gnat. Then despite distance and distraction, Selina was the only one to succeed on both listen and spot. Quickly she points out the direction from which the creature approaches to the party and then stands ready for any approaching enemy.
Dog whimpers from whatever effect the trio were being assaulted by but remains close to Selina. The wolf-hound begins growling at the treetops above both him and Selina and then changes position slightly to indicate that he also detects the creature approaching form the south. Dog's glare flickers back and forth toward both creatures.
Tomeal feels the tingling in his mind. He fights against it, whatever it is. He also stands ready for any attack.
Betimi moves North-East and stops beside Dog. Then she flips a shard up into her hand and throws it at... [ No target square was indicated... ]
Simon is startled by the sudden transformation of the small lizard man into a creature he's only heard about but never seen. He pulls out his rapier [move action] and immediately stabs into Nang (the hand)! The hand silently squirms in pain on the tip of his blade!
"Die, fiend!" Simon growls.
In defiance, the hand gives Simon the middle finger and [with 1hp left] begins attempting to drag itself toward Ning.
Attack: [1d20+7] = 11+7 = 18, Damage: [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4; POSSIBLE CRIT!!
Confirm Crit: [1d20+7] = 10+7 = 17, CRITICAL CONFIRMED!
[Damage: Auto max first roll (8) + 4 = 12 points! ]
[NING'S TURN! And Betimi still needs to tell me what square she's shooting at! ]
No target square was indicated because I thought we could see roughly where the creatur was, just it has full concealment. Is there any sign of any movement in the canopy, if so what square(s)?
[OoC: I updated the map in my last post. Not a lot changed but I like to try to stay up to date with player's action.]
"You don't understand. This creature is an insidious parasite of great intelligence! It's better destroyed then to take the chance it will escape!"
Tomeal will yell, "You don't even know for what happened. Nang could still be in there! His thoughts and morality may be completely unchanged. This transformation could be totally cosmetic!"
Selina, almost not hearing Tomeal speak, growls back at Simon "If you harm that creature before I have the chance to try and change him back, I'm going to leave you here to complete your research alone!"
(07-15-2020, 09:55 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]No target square was indicated because I thought we could see roughly where the creatur was, just it has full concealment. Is there any sign of any movement in the canopy, if so what square(s)?
[OoC: You actually made no indication which direction you were shooting. You just ran to the north-east so I assumed you were targeting the creature(s) in the trees. I didn't know you were running away from whatever is to the south.
It was Simon, Selina, Dog, and Tomeal who could see parts of the creature's body moving around behind the foliage. Selina pointing in the direction doesn't automatically allow everyone to see the creature's movements. Because Selina pointed it out, everyone else would need to make another spot check at a +4 bonus to spot it. If successful, you have a 20% miss chance. If you fail you have to pick a square, hope it's in that square, and shoot at it blindly which is a 50% miss chance.
At your distance, you need a DC14 to Spot it. Remember you get a +4 bonus.
There is no sign of movement in the canopy. The creature(s) are just sitting up there tossing mental attacks at everyone.]
(07-15-2020, 09:55 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ] (07-15-2020, 08:52 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I'm not sure if I told you but in my game, when you confirm a critical you automatically do maximum damage on the initial damage roll and then you roll for the crit damage. This makes criticals feel more potent. Otherwise, on a critical, someone with a Greataxe could roll two 1's on a d12 and inflict hardly any damage. Not much of a critical.
Additional damage from other sources such as from a flaming weapon are rolled normally as usual.]
- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Selina 17
- Dog 17
- Tomeal 16
- Betimi 10
[OoC: Poor Nang. No one seems to care that the Torque just turned him into essentially a crawling claw.
Selina feels the slight tingling at the top of her skull but brushes it off as easily as one might blow away a gnat. Then despite distance and distraction, Selina was the only one to succeed on both listen and spot. Quickly she points out the direction from which the creature approaches to the party and then stands ready for any approaching enemy.
Dog whimpers from whatever effect the trio were being assaulted by but remains close to Selina. The wolf-hound begins growling at the treetops above both him and Selina and then changes position slightly to indicate that he also detects the creature approaching form the south. Dog's glare flickers back and forth toward both creatures.
Tomeal feels the tingling in his mind. He fights against it, whatever it is. He also stands ready for any attack.
Betimi moves North-East and stops beside Dog. Then she flips a shard up into her hand and throws it at... [ No target square was indicated... ]
Simon is startled by the sudden transformation of the small lizard man into a creature he's only heard about but never seen. He pulls out his rapier [move action] and immediately stabs into Nang (the hand)! The hand silently squirms in pain on the tip of his blade!
"Die, fiend!" Simon growls.
In defiance, the hand gives Simon the middle finger and [with 1hp left] begins attempting to drag itself toward Ning.
Attack: [1d20+7] = 11+7 = 18, Damage: [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4; POSSIBLE CRIT!!
Confirm Crit: [1d20+7] = 10+7 = 17, CRITICAL CONFIRMED!
[Damage: Auto max first roll (8) + 4 = 12 points! ]
[NING'S TURN! And Betimi still needs to tell me what square she's shooting at! ]
No target square was indicated because I thought we could see roughly where the creatur was, just it has full concealment. Is there any sign of any movement in the canopy, if so what square(s)?
Ning yells at Simon.
"You IDIOT, that's my brother .. he justchanged shape."
He immediately cast
color spray... at Simon.
Quote:Cloaked Casting (Ex): Starting at 2nd level, a beguiler's spells become more effective when cast against an unwary foe. You gain a +1 bonus to the spell's save DC when you cast a spell that targets any foe who would be denied a Dexterity bonus to AC (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not). At 8th level, you gain a +2 bonus on rolls made to overcome the spell resistance of any affected target.
Quote:Color Spray
Illusion (Pattern) [Mind-Affecting]
Level: Sor/Wiz 1
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 15 ft.
Area: Cone-shaped burst
Duration: Instantaneous; see text
Saving Throw: Will negates
Spell Resistance: Yes
A vivid cone of clashing colors springs forth from your hand, causing creatures to become stunned, perhaps also blinded, and possibly knocking them unconscious.
Each creature within the cone is affected according to its Hit Dice.
2 HD or less
The creature is unconscious, blinded, and stunned for 2d4 rounds, then blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, and then stunned for 1 round. (Only living creatures are knocked unconscious.)
3 or 4 HD
The creature is blinded and stunned for 1d4 rounds, then stunned for 1 round.
5 or more HD
The creature is stunned for 1 round.
Sightless creatures are not affected by color spray.
Material Component
A pinch each of powder or sand that is colored red, yellow, and blue.
Will save DC 14 (15 id I get cloaked casting)
[ooc what do I need to do vs Torque?]
[She does not know there is anything in the south, she moved forward because of the shareds range, she is targetting the dreature(s) in the trees. Just we as players were tokd they are in the trees but not what squares.]
Quote:Will save DC 14 (15 id I get cloaked casting)
[ooc what do I need to do vs Torque?]
[OoC: For the Torque effects you must make a caster level check of DC15 + the level of the spell. You gain +5 on the roll from the wand.
And yes, you would get cloaked casting. ]
Quote:[She does not know there is anything in the south, she moved forward because of the shareds range, she is targetting the dreature(s) in the trees. Just we as players were tokd they are in the trees but not what squares.]
[OoC: That is because it (or they) are small, hiding behind gigantic leaves. It would be like trying to see someone on the other side of a wall. Since the creature(s) haven't moved, there is nothing to tip you off. So, please select a square and hope for the best. ]
(07-15-2020, 11:12 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Will save DC 14 (15 id I get cloaked casting)
[ooc what do I need to do vs Torque?]
[OoC: For the Torque effects you must make a caster level check of DC15 + the level of the spell. You gain +5 on the roll from the wand.
And yes, you would get cloaked casting. ]
Quote:[She does not know there is anything in the south, she moved forward because of the shareds range, she is targetting the dreature(s) in the trees. Just we as players were tokd they are in the trees but not what squares.]
[OoC: That is because it (or they) are small, hiding behind gigantic leaves. It would be like trying to see someone on the other side of a wall. Since the creature(s) haven't moved, there is nothing to tip you off. So, please select a square and hope for the best. ]
She will target G3 then.
Spot [1d20+5] = 14+5 = 19] dor he creature in the south, but she is not targetting. Maybe it's friendly or neutral.
She yells at Simon
"Stop you fool, he's probably just changed his outer form, not his mind!"