(01-22-2021, 06:46 AM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]Oops, yes I meant i-7. And yes h-15 for the movement, trying to space ourselves out.
Doesn't Simon need to be within 10' of nang or lose the prot from chaos?
[OoC: Yes, but you can come and go as you wish. Bombs are Supernatural explosions. So much like Betimi's Supernatural powers, they aren't affected by the Torque. If he wants to cast another Extract, he will have to return to the circle or cast without the benefit of the Circle. I should change the Protection from Chaos from Markers to just a Circle surrounding Ning/Nang. Thanks ]
[OoC2: Imagine this pic is not a top down view but a side view with Ning in the middle.
Ok, just to be clear about how you moved. If you flew 15' off the ground the most you could effect is a 15x15 square under you (blue line), which means Selina, Dog and Crozar is in the radius. I was confusing myself with 10' EMANATION and 10' radius.]
![[Image: RmR4eRVm.png]](https://i.imgur.com/RmR4eRVm.png)
Kubo will start his movement by moving 5' into j7 and then moving his remaining 25' to j12, then as a double move action will move another 6 squares ending up in f14.
[[I was referring to the “being more than 5’ away” part. I’ll try to get a post up today.]]
(01-22-2021, 02:58 AM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar moves forward {to I11}, drawing the long, scourge like whip on its belt. Dramatically, with a soft creaking from it's wooden joints and a stern look of deep concentration on its face, it spun the gnoscourge in a large circle over it's head and snapped it through the air, attempting to rip open a portal.
{OOC: Summoning Concentration Check: [1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16, I can't actually find anything that defines what my DC would be for this. The Elementarii description says that it is dependent on the type of the elemental. I would be pulling a Luceate (Sun) elemental, hopefully is a flash of Sunshad's blessed glare.}
{OOC: Marvel, before it gets too far along, can I get a call on what the DC is for this?}
Selina clutches her symbol and looks at the area where the...weird Undead-looking things are surrounding an invisible Kubo, and whispers a few words of prayer and request to Selune...
[[I've forgotten what the mod for the caster level check is, so if she gets any more of a bonus from anything, please add it to:]]
Caster Level check(?): [1d20+4] = 8+4 = 12
[[Nevermind, just found it, +6 from the Prot from Chaos, so she, literally, just barely hit the DC18.]]
...and she is answered in the form of a beautiful longsword made entirely out of moonlight.
The weapon immediately attacks the nearest visible enemy.
[[Moonblade at L6! Attack L7 with Blade of Darkness!]]
Attack: [1d20+8] = 4+8 = 12; Damage: [1d8+1] = 1+1 = 2
Selina then draws her own weapon and advances to contact. [[F13]]
[[In summary:
Standard: Cast Spiritual Weapon
Free: Draw sword
Move: Move 20']]
[[I totally forgot to declare Selina's maneuvers at the start of combat:
Crusader Strike
Vanguard Strike
Charging Minotaur
Douse the Flames
Leading the Attack
Maneuver1: [1d5] = 3; Maneuver2: [1d4] = 1
That's Charging Minotaur and Crusader Strike. Okay then. She'll set herself in Iron Guard's Glare when she gets closer.]]
(01-22-2021, 12:25 PM)Kubo Wrote: [ -> ]Kubo will start his movement by moving 5' into j7 and then moving his remaining 25' to j12, then as a double move action will move another 6 squares ending up in f14.
[OoC: Ok... Now what about the spores that turn you into an undead-looking devil plant? Are you inhaling deeply hoping to get psychedelic high or are you going to hold your breath?]
(01-22-2021, 02:01 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ] (01-22-2021, 02:58 AM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar moves forward {to I11}, drawing the long, scourge like whip on its belt. Dramatically, with a soft creaking from it's wooden joints and a stern look of deep concentration on its face, it spun the gnoscourge in a large circle over it's head and snapped it through the air, attempting to rip open a portal.
{OOC: Summoning Concentration Check: [1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16, I can't actually find anything that defines what my DC would be for this. The Elementarii description says that it is dependent on the type of the elemental. I would be pulling a Luceate (Sun) elemental, hopefully is a flash of Sunshad's blessed glare.}
{OOC: Marvel, before it gets too far along, can I get a call on what the DC is for this?}
[OoC: Yes I will. I just have to re-familiarize myself with the class. ]
(01-22-2021, 02:58 AM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar moves forward {to I11}, drawing the long, scourge like whip on its belt. Dramatically, with a soft creaking from it's wooden joints and a stern look of deep concentration on its face, it spun the gnoscourge in a large circle over it's head and snapped it through the air, attempting to rip open a portal.
{OOC: Summoning Concentration Check: [1d20+5] = 11+5 = 16, I can't actually find anything that defines what my DC would be for this. The Elementarii description says that it is dependent on the type of the elemental. I would be pulling a Luceate (Sun) elemental, hopefully is a flash of Sunshad's blessed glare.}
[OoC: The Sun Elemental (Luceate) states they act as fire elementals with the changes outlined below. As for the Caster level checks and even the range of summoning, I haven't found anything. For the range, for now (unless you spotted something I missed which is entirely possible) I suggest the same range as other summonings (25'+5' per 2 levels). For CL checks,

Ummm... lets go with 5+hit dice. If it seems too easy then we will bump it up to 10+hit dice. So for a medium Luceat you'd need CL8 unless you augmented its hit dice.
And I checked the class and unfortunately summoning an elemental is a Spell-like ability. So that would require a Torque CL check too.

Remember, failing a Torque check doesn't mean the spell or Spell-like ability fails. It just means something 'interesting' might happen.
Quote:Elemental, Luceat
Elementals of the sun are known as luceat.
Treat luceat identically to elementals of fire (yags,) with
the following exceptions:
*Remove vulnerability to cold, replace with
vulnerability to darkness.
*Double the range of darkvision.
*Remove the burn ability.
*Spell-Like Abilities: 8/day-Daylight.
*For elementals of size ڋLargeڌor largerڄܛڙday-
Sunbeam. 1/day-Sunburst. (Caster level is same
as creatureڈs challenge rating.
Quote:Additional Elemental abilities:
An elemental has the following features:
* Immunity to bleed, paralysis, poison, sleep effects, and
* Not subject to critical hits or flanking. Does not take
additional damage from precision-based attacks, such as
sneak attack.
* Proficient with natural weapons only, unless generally
humanoid in form, in which case proficient with all
simple weapons and any weapons mentioned in its entry.
* Proficient with whatever type of armor (light, medium, or
heavy) it is described as wearing, as well as all lighter
types. Elementals not indicated as wearing armor are not
proficient with armor. Elementals are proficient with
shields if they are proficient with any form of armor.
* Elementals do not breathe, eat, or sleep.
Kubo will try and hold his breath