[OoC: I am, thanks. Weekends are chaotic. ]
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
24.7 | Spider Creature | --- | +8 +52 +13+ 9 | 115/???? | --- | --- |
24.4 | Ning/Nang | +6pts +5pts | 7pts +19pts + 10pts | 2/ 27 | --- | Mirror Image 2; Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4; (start of 3nd round) |
19.1 | Selina | --- | --- | 29/ 30 (max 50) | 10pts Con damage | --- |
19.0 | Plow | --- | --- | 90/90 | --- | --- |
18.9 | Old Woman | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
18.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 49/ 49 | --- | --- |
11.6 | Kubo | --- | --- | 31/ 31 | --- | --- |
10.5 | Betimi | --- | --- | 51/ 40 (+11 bonus refreshed every day) | --- | --- |
4.2 | Dog | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
5.1 | Crozar | --- | --- | 7/ 7 | --- | --- |
5.1 | Elemental | +5pts | +11pts +11pts +8pts | 20/ 45 | Grappled | --- |
5.0 | Tomeal | --- | --- | 57/ 57 | --- | --- |
[Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13); Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse]
After Ning sees his vision go foggy and the old woman yells at him to, "FLY!" the fog cloud surges into the ceiling of the shack and flows through the minute cracks and suddenly materializes 20' in the air.
Simon continues to offer himself up as bait. Expecting to be hit (even with his displacement) he cringes as he pulls out another bomb. The creature immediately thrusts its spear-like leg at the alchemist...
AoO: [1d20+15]=8+15=23, Damage: [1d6+6]=1+6=7, Displacement 1-50 misses: [1d100]=47
The leg slices past Simon's head, burying itself in the ground beside him. The creature wails and stomps (stabs) the ground in frustration.
Simon then pulls back his arm and lobs another bomb at the creature...
Attack: [1d20+11]=13+11=24, Damage: [4d6+10]=19+10=29, Forgot to add Bless and Dark Knowledge
(attack 26) HIT!!!
When the bomb hits, the blast blows off several legs that shower down upon him. Simon then pulls out another vial, shakes it up, then tosses it too...
Attack: [1d20+11]=2+11=13, Damage: [4d6+10]=13+10=23, Forgot to add Bless and Dark Knowledge
(attack 15) HIT!!
Simon throws the second bomb and a falling spiderleg splats onto him, nearly causing him to miss. But the second bomb does find its mark and with a loud explosion, blows off more of its endless supply of limbs!
Kubo then fires off his crossbow but unfortunately misses.
Betimi then summons another lightning bolt...
Reflex save DC16: [1d20+7]=2+7=9, Fail.
And blasts another couple legs off the creature. More stomping and wailing ensues.
Dog continues to bark viciously at the creature. He then lunges at creature...
Dog attack: [1d20+8]=17+8=25, Bite: [1d8+2]=7+2=9, HIT!! WTF!!
Then sinks its teeth into one of its legs.
Crozar then fires a buzzsaw blade at the creature but he misses.
His grappled elemental, struggles to escape from the creature...
Elemental Grapple Check: [1d20+4]=18+4=22
Monster Grapple check: [1d20+19]=20+19=39,Succeeded!!!
But the elemental is unable to escape.
Tomeal then moves to flank the creature with the plow...
Attack: [1d20+17]=5+17=22, Damage: [2d6+9]=7+9=16, Hit!! Good thing I didn't go with the Power Attack!
Tomeal drives his longsword into the center of the beast. It squeals and shakes in pain. Then slowly all of its remaining legs contract in upon one another. There's a few twitches but the creature appears to be dead.
[Thank god... I was afraid I might have to roll all of its attacks again.
