(11-01-2021, 07:39 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Don't really have much else to do. I mean, she does, technically. She has a slot of Fly. But she has 3 people around to cast it on, so it's a Sophie's Choice for her.]]
[Everyone's running is being slowed down by one step due to the spongy, slippery ground. So moving x4 = x3; x3 = x2. So because of your heavy armor, you are lagging behind. So casting a fly on yourself might make the most sense. ]
[[i thought Elphaba cleared a path with a lightning bolt.]]
(11-01-2021, 09:33 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[i thought Elphaba cleared a path with a lightning bolt.]]
[She did. That cleared the hair blocking you from running but didn't dry the spongy and slippery ground. To avoid slipping you must slow down a little bit. ]
Selina watches Kubo scamper off with a nod, then gives the two in front of her a little growl.
“I told you all to move. Now MOVE!” Her last word is amplified with divine power as she channels her link once more. This time her target is herself. If they will hold back because of her slowness, she will just have to take that out of the equation. Large, dusky, ethereal wings sprout from the back of her armor, fluttering with strength and…eagerness. She takes a running leap into the air and the wings do the rest, slingshotting her into the sky beside them.
“Do NOT hold anything back because of me!”
[[Selina casts Fly on herself, then moved 40’ into the air diagonally. Her fly speed is 40’.]]
[[Edit: …I just realized I haven’t rolled Torque checks for the last two spells…]]
Torque Longstrider: [1d20+7]=16+7=23; Torque Fly: [1d20+7]=4+7=11 [[Ruh roh! Looks like she's not getting Fly off...]]
[Torque result = The spell functions normally, but any material components are not consumed. The spell is not expended from the caster’s mind (a spell slot or prepared spell can be used again). ]
Selina ascends at half speed (See Fly Spell) diagonally. She feels herself lift off the ground and travel about 15' into the air. Pretty much out of reach of most of the crabs except for the few bugs leaping about at the very top of the hairs.
Kubo manages to keep himself from being overcome with nausea;
Most of the party is well ahead of the trampling throng of crabs. Even Selina taking a moment to cast her fly spell allowed her enough time to escape most of the onslaught. But Crozar being weighed down by Elphaba was being quickly overcome by the wave of creatures. Elphaba lifts her head slightly to see what fate held for them. Even Crozar would likely die from the initial bite attacks even though they'd be targeting mostly her. The old woman once again lifts her boney hand weakly, whispering,
"I knew these little fuckers would get me killed!" She then yells,
"Crozar, ACCEPT this spell!" She utters a single word of magic. Then suddenly Crozar feels his body begin changing. [Assuming he accepts] Crozar's form enlarges to 8' tall as a long mane of tangled black hair grows from his scalp. His green, prickly hide turns to a deep purple, bruised colored skin. Then as his back bends forward and shoulders hunch, breasts suddenly pop out one at a time. His limbs grow long and lanky, ending with wicked talons sprouting from boney, gnarled hands. Now a fully formed Annis hag, Crozar easily carries Elphaba [Strength 25] while pushing through the passage at top speed. While everyone suddenly bursts out the other side of the hair forest the hordes of lice seem to instinctually know to not pursue you any further. They slowly come to a stop and buzz around the threshold of the forest for a while before being drawn away by something else...
[[Now THAT is lucky...]]
Selina soars past everyone, the bitey critters nipping at her heels just briefly enough for her to get the sensation of a close call, but it is all for naught for them. She is simply too far beyond their reach and has no intention of changing that. She stays with Tomeal in a bit of gamesmanship after he had waited for her, and coaches him to get a move on. Crozar...well, she never thought it was particularly attractive to her, but now Elphaba was just being rude. At least it got the job done. As they breach the edge of the horrid place, she swings back around to face the wall of insects, blade at the ready...but they do not move any further than the edge. The priestess immediately wonders why, but knows that they need to move on. Time is running short.
"Elphaba, do you know what comes next for us?"
(11-03-2021, 04:36 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][Torque result = The spell functions normally, but any material components are not consumed. The spell is not expended from the caster’s mind (a spell slot or prepared spell can be used again). ]
Selina ascends at half speed (See Fly Spell) diagonally. She feels herself lift off the ground and travel about 15' into the air. Pretty much out of reach of most of the crabs except for the few bugs leaping about at the very top of the hairs.
Kubo manages to keep himself from being overcome with nausea;
Most of the party is well ahead of the trampling throng of crabs. Even Selina taking a moment to cast her fly spell allowed her enough time to escape most of the onslaught. But Crozar being weighed down by Elphaba was being quickly overcome by the wave of creatures. Elphaba lifts her head slightly to see what fate held for them. Even Crozar would likely die from the initial bite attacks even though they'd be targeting mostly her. The old woman once again lifts her boney hand weakly, whispering, "I knew these little fuckers would get me killed!" She then yells, "Crozar, ACCEPT this spell!" She utters a single word of magic. Then suddenly Crozar feels his body begin changing. [Assuming he accepts] Crozar's form enlarges to 8' tall as a long mane of tangled black hair grows from his scalp. His green, prickly hide turns to a deep purple, bruised colored skin. Then as his back bends forward and shoulders hunch, breasts suddenly pop out one at a time. His limbs grow long and lanky, ending with wicked talons sprouting from boney, gnarled hands. Now a fully formed Annis hag, Crozar easily carries Elphaba [Strength 25] while pushing through the passage at top speed. While everyone suddenly bursts out the other side of the hair forest the hordes of lice seem to instinctually know to not pursue you any further. They slowly come to a stop and buzz around the threshold of the forest for a while before being drawn away by something else...
[[Crozar has powerful build, so I wouldn't think carrying a medium sized creature would so impactful on his movement, but this is a fun thing thing so...]]
Crozar accepts the spell and cackles with glee as the transformation took hold. "Thank you dearie!" she shrieked as she shifted Elphaba over her shoulder and bolted for the fleshy clearing, her long clawlike toe nails digging furrows in the skin as she runs.
[OoC: I'm pretty sure Powerful Build only allows you to use weapons that are 1 sized larger than your size. So unless you're using her to bludgeon the crabs...

While being set down and taking a moment to catch her breath, Elpaba gives Crozar a smirk at his/her apparent glee due to the transformation. The old woman takes a moment to manage a weak victory dance with her boney fingers before taking another minute or so catching her breath. When finally feeling a bit stronger, she holds out a hand to the Annis Hag to be helped to her feet.
[Assuming Crozar helps her to stand]
Elphaba stands and everyone hears the cracking of what sounds like every joint in her body.
"Owwww... I think my knots have knots!! I haven't been thrown around like that since my days in the New Crobazon flesh markets. Good times..." The old woman slowly turns to regard Selina with her mirrored eyes
* and a look of annoyance
"I personally haven't travelled much further. We are now close to where I was stopped by the cave-in I mentioned that will take us to the underground short cut that will bypass an extremely lengthy and treacherous mountain hike."
*Just a reminder she is under the influence of multiple vestiges.]
(11-03-2021, 03:46 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I'm pretty sure Powerful Build only allows you to use weapons that are 1 sized larger than your size. So unless you're using her to bludgeon the crabs...
While being set down and taking a moment to catch her breath, Elpaba gives Crozar a smirk at his/her apparent glee due to the transformation. The old woman takes a moment to manage a weak victory dance with her boney fingers before taking another minute or so catching her breath. When finally feeling a bit stronger, she holds out a hand to the Annis Hag to be helped to her feet.
[Assuming Crozar helps her to stand]
Elphaba stands and everyone hears the cracking of what sounds like every joint in her body. "Owwww... I think my knots have knots!! I haven't been thrown around like that since my days in the New Crobazon flesh markets. Good times..." The old woman slowly turns to regard Selina with her mirrored eyes* and a look of annoyance*. "I personally haven't travelled much further. We are now close to where I was stopped by the cave-in I mentioned that will take us to the underground short cut that will bypass an extremely lengthy and treacherous mountain hike."
[*Just a reminder she is under the influence of multiple vestiges.]
[[OOC: it does appear to only apply to contested checks when advantage, although Cacatae have a racial benefit of not having a speed impact due to Medium or Heavy loads and he does have a 19 STR.]]
Crozar helps Elphaba to stand and is obviously fascinated exploring the spry flexibility of the hag body and trying to catalogue the various feelings of being mammalian. "I don't understand how you deal with this constant booming in your chest. That is so weird."
[[Good lord, we'll all be level 10 before we get off this plane.]]
Selina nods and flexes and releases her hands a few times to release the tension, not even recognizing that she is still floating in mid-air on a pair of massive, ethereal wings that flap tirelessly to keep her there. "We are all here for a reason. We all wish to return home. That is what we all came through this blasted place to do. I would like to take a brief moment and ask where everyone stands. Shall we press on, or shall we take a brief moment to rest?"
She smiles to Crozar, "We are all quite used to it from birth. Pumping blood is, quite literally, all the heart is designed to do. So we pay it no mind until something changes in that regard. That is where my occupation comes into play a bit more regularly."