(02-10-2021, 07:49 AM)Kubo Wrote: [ -> ]Kubo is still 7hp off.
"I am still slightly injured from before!", states Kubo
Selina beckons Kubo over into the anti-chaos field.
Kubo moves into the field at Selina's beckoning.
(02-10-2021, 06:49 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Wand check: [1d20+8]=9+8=17
[[Should be good enough.]]
CLW: [1d8+1]=1+1=2
CLW: [1d8+1]=7+1=8; Wand check: [1d20+8]=3+8=11
[[Ruh roh...]]
The first charge goes off without a hitch. [Cure 2 points] The second charge goes a little haywire but Selina is able to reign in the surge and suddenly the wand suddenly maximizes. [Cure 9 points]
Quote:The spell functions strongly. Saving throws against the spell suffer a -2 penalty. The spell has the maximum possible effect, as if it were cast with the Maximize Spell feat. If the spell is already maximized with the feat, there is no further effect.
[[SUCCESS!! Whew. Okay, he's full up. That's 2 more charges gone. Debating taking another chance and tapping Tomeal to get him to full.]]
" Thankye very much!", exclaims Kubo.
While you heal and a small population of tiny animals accumulate around Ning and Nang...
You slowly become aware that you're being watched. The giant plant-thing that almost relieved itself all over you has sat down on it's haunches about 100 feet away to watch the fight while casually stripping a large bush of it's leaves with its mouth.
From their vantage point, Ning and Simon can both see the vertical wisp of smoke from what you believe to be a campfire or chimney in the distance.
While still affected by the Prot from Chaos, Ning will cast Comprehend Languages on himself, then fly up 10 feet in the air directly above Selina, so she can still cast magic if needed and waves a greeting to the giant creature while greeting it in FLUENT Ragamoll.
He shouts the greeting to span the distance, and hopefully draw it's attention.
"Greetings, we mean you no harm. Is that your fire yonder?"
If the creature doesn't seem to understand he will switch languages, first Undercommon, then Common, then Draconic, then Rock gnome and finally Goblin.
Crozar walks over and collects the chakri it missed with [[OOC: Is there a default way for ammo collection n 3.5?]] while listening to Ning's attempted conversation with the tree thing. If it seems like it doesn't understand Ragamoll, Crozar will replicate the attempt in Sunglari.
(02-11-2021, 02:56 PM)Ningalu Baal'urki Wrote: [ -> ]While still affected by the Prot from Chaos, Ning will cast Comprehend Languages on himself, then fly up 10 feet in the air directly above Selina, so she can still cast magic if needed and waves a greeting to the giant creature while greeting it in FLUENT Ragamoll.
He shouts the greeting to span the distance, and hopefully draw it's attention.
"Greetings, we mean you no harm. Is that your fire yonder?"
If the creature doesn't seem to understand he will switch languages, first Undercommon, then Common, then Draconic, then Rock gnome and finally Goblin.
With another bite the humongous creature finishes stripping the leaves from the bush. While chewing, it turns its head to look in the direction Ning is pointing at then shakes its head much like a dog would when trying to shed excess water from its coat.
Tomeal asks,
"Was that a no?"