Betimi will go next then, Ningalu's 14 STR should be enough to get her across, then her Str and Ningalu's can combine to get Tomreal across, and with Tomreal across we can get everyone else across.
Betimi has to make a balance check again. But she gets a +5 bonus with the rope. So a 6" ledge is DC15. As long as you roll a DC6+ you make it across. A roll of 2 -5 you make no progress. A roll of 1, you fall.
Keep rolling until you succeed!
Once Betimi gets across, Tomeal will squeeze Selina's hand and whispers,
"Don't worry. I got this..." Tomeal then takes hold of the rope to steady himself and he... [Needs DC11]
Balance: [1d20-1] = 19-1 = 18
Practically dances across the ledge. [Even with a -1 to the check

Simon steps up... [Needs DC5; no chance to fall]
Balance: [1d20+5] = 1+5 = 6
Simon was a bit wobbly but he made it across.
[OoC: Unless I'm mistaken, Selina will need a DC15 (including her -6ACP); Kubo needs a DC6+; And Crozar doesn't have his character linked to his Signature but I suspect he will need a DC9+. Cactacae are Medium size but they have the Powerful build trait which lets them act as 1 sized larger when it's advantages of them to do so.
I'm going to assume Ning will fly back and get Dog.]
Selina's eyebrows rise as Tomeal demonstrates his...dexterity as well.
"Indeed!" It is all she can say as the memories of her recent failings in this area bubble back to the surface. She gulps a little and tentatively walks her armor-clad self onto the tightrope.
LOL Balance: [1d20-6] = 12-6 = 6
[[I think DC15 is literally impossible for her with a -6 penalty.]]
[OoC: I think I overly complicated the roll. The DC would be a base 15 minus 5 for the rope for a DC10.
Your ACP is -6 but you have a 12 dex so that gives you a total of -5 to your roll.
So you just missed DC 10 by 3pts (because you should have rolled a -5 not a -6)]
This round Selina makes no progress; but when Crozar tries, he somersaults across.
Crozar shimmies across the ledge, the spines on its feet giving exceptional footing as it easily steps across it. Noting Selina's difficulties it suggests "Perhaps if you took off at least some of your armor, we could pull that across separately and you enable you to cross easier. There are no immediate threats, so you should have time to redress before we press on."
If no one else is doing so, Crozar will be attempting to keep an eye on the tunnel in case a threat presents itself, rivebow at the ready.
LOL Balance: [1d20-5] = 17-5 = 12
[[well that was lucky.]]
Selina utters a mildly frustrated oath at the difficulty she is experiencing, and is about to respond to Crozar when she suddenly puts on a burst of speed combined with surprising quickness.
You both make it across surprisingly easily. But Dog begins to whimper as Selina leaves him back in the tunnel.
(01-08-2021, 04:46 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]I'm going to assume Ning will fly back and get Dog.]
[[Blink. Blink.]]
[[Once Tomeal is across, he can basically pull Selina’s comparatively minor weight himself while Ning gets The dog.]]
[OoC: Yes, but Dog doesn't know Ning is coming back for him.

When he does, Dog will be whimpering impatiently in his arms until he gets to you.]