(10-13-2021, 01:45 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar bows to the elemental and says, "Thank you for your aid, servant of Sunshad. Please take my prayers to your Lord." With that, the Cacatae dismisses the elemental and approaches Ephaba. It says, "That was amazing summoning work. Surely you are greatly blessed by Sunshad. You are right to celebrate as I do not think we would have survived this without you." Looking over the condition of the group, especially as Selina issues a healing wave for those nearby, Crozar suggests, "We have several of those healing berries I produced as well, if you are concerned about the expenditure of your wand or it possibly Torqueing dangerously."
If looks could kill, Crozar would be dead. The elemental suddenly turns away and vanishes through another portal.
"Thank you," Elphaba replies to Crozar.
"My vestiges are quite helpful. Unlike you, one of my vestiges allow me to summon new creatures from the Far Realm every 30 seconds." She mumbles to someone,
"Yes I know. They really are..."
(10-13-2021, 04:38 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]She barely has time for that thought to finish as Tomeal sweeps her up in a bearhug. She leans into it for the time it lasts, then looks at him with a mildly-amused, slightly horrified smile. "Brave One, you've...looked...better." She surreptitiously collects her wand and touches him with it. Several times. She realizes she will have to do this for everyone after this battle.
Tomeal looks down at himself and replies,
"Yeah. I think I'll need to set myself on fire then jump into a tub of acid, a few hundred times, before I'll ever feel clean again!"
Selina does nod and wait for Nangalu to perform his special capabilities through Ningalu, letting Tomeal hold her for the moment and grins. "I think we all feel that way. 'Flesh Lands' indeed." Then she notices that Kubo is no longer there and in his place is a massive Cube of acid. Not one to make snap decisions, she stares for a few moments in thought, then turns to Elphaba. "Another of your additions to our plight? You are quite talented." The old woman alerts them all to her changes and Selina knows that there is at least one other already in the group who understands, firsthand, what Elphaba is referring to. She then gently disengages from Tomeal so she can sheathe her weapon so as not to accidentally injure anyone, and draws her wand.
[[Okay, so what's the bonus to Torque checks here? I think there's a Circle under her, but are we still in the 'Cinderella' zone?]]
[OoC: Nang is 5th level and the Goldilocks Zone is +2 = +7 to your CL checks (or to the wand's CL checks).] DC equals 15 plus Spell Level.
[FYI: Nang has a Cure Light Wounds and Cure Moderate Wounds available. (Feel free to choose who gets them)
He also has 1 Lesser Restoration spell that will cure 1-4 Con. Remember by tomorrow everyone will be healed +1 Con from getting sleep. So that will completely heal Selina.
In the morning Nang can get 2 Restorations that will fully heal all ability damage which probably should be saved for Tomeal and Kubo because their Con is in the worst shape. ]
Current Constitution situation:
Kubo -6 Con
Tomeal -5 Con
Selina -1 Con
Tegab -2 Con
Betimi -2 Con
[OoC2: A reminder that some of your magic items need to be identified. It can only be checked once per day and I don't believe it hasn't been done yet today. ]
[[Agree that Nang's Restorations should go to those two, for sure. Selina only has 2 Lesser Restorations right now and can get a few more in the morning. Best to press on and keep Kubo and Tomeal protected. Oh. I think Selina will want to cast one of her Restorations on Tegab because he's a dog and doesn't have the best Con or HP base.]]
[OoC: You'll need a CL check to cast Lesser Restoration on the doggo. ]
You all follow the Gelatinous Cube as it burns its way through the forest of 6" to 12" tree-like hairs growing out of the sickly, fleshy ground. Whatever hairs that aren't burned away by the Cube's acid are damaged enough to be swiftly hacked down by whomever follows directly behind the Dwarf. This allows the group to make pretty good time through the 'forest' until the polymorph spell's magic finally runs out. The kobolds have been keeping watch mostly ahead of you to avoid running into any patches of vermin.
When the duration runs out, the Cube transforms back into a Dwarf so you're all abruptly stopped in your tracks. From their vantage point above the group, Ning/Nang can see the 'Forest's' edge in the distance so they call down to the group, "We'll be out s..." They pause a moment like something has caught their attention. Then suddenly they point behind the group and scream, "THERE'S MORE!!"
When you all look back, you just barely spot a wall of Lice and Crabs of various sizes weaving in and around the hairs toward the group some 60' to 100' away. Due to the Cube mowing everything down, you've been able to stay safely ahead of them. But now, without the Cube, your speed has reduced considerably so the gathering horde that's been following you have started to gain on the group.
[[Nightmare fuel, that is… CL check would be…5+7, I think. Be right there with it and my post…]]
CL check: [1d20+12]=11+12=23
CL check: [1d20+12]=15+12=27 ((...see what I meant?))
[[Selina is going to cast one on Tomeal. As much as she wants to protect Tegab, Tomeal is really struggling. Kubo too, but Kubo is currently a Cube and not in any real danger from anything.]]
Lesser Rest: [1d4]=4; Lesser Rest: [1d4]=2 ((Oh, well I guess that makes things easier

Before everyone leaves, Selina looks Tomeal over, gives his hair her familiar sweep with a hand, and surreptitiously whispers a few words, fortifying his body with divine vigor, allowing him to fight off the debilitating weakness the blood loss has caused him. [[4 Con back to Tomeal!]]
She then kneels beside Tegab, seeing in his poor face a great deal of pain. She whispers the same words as she gives his tummy a rub. [[2 Con back to Tegab!! I think he's whole now.]]
That being complete, she nods to Kubo, as if to say that she hasn't forgotten about him. And then they are off.
Following a massive Cube of semi-solid acid is...not exactly a normal situation. But they are making good time...until the effect wears off and Kubo returns to his normal form. Then Ning/Nangalu alerts them with a yell and she turns back, eyes slowly widening as she draws her blade and points it forward.
"EVERYONE MOVE! Ningalu! Nangalu! How far is it to the end of this blasted place?"
Kubo not having the hp or CON left to fight another horde of lice, Kubo double moves his ass towards the edge of the flesh lands.
(10-14-2021, 12:47 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Nang is 5th level and the Goldilocks Zone is +2 = +7 to your CL checks (or to the wand's CL checks).] DC equals 15 plus Spell Level.
[FYI: Nang has a Cure Light Wounds and Cure Moderate Wounds available. (Feel free to choose who gets them)
He also has 1 Lesser Restoration spell that will cure 1-4 Con. Remember by tomorrow everyone will be healed +1 Con from getting sleep. So that will completely heal Selina.
In the morning Nang can get 2 Restorations that will fully heal all ability damage which probably should be saved for Tomeal and Kubo because their Con is in the worst shape. ]
Current Constitution situation:
Kubo -6 Con
Tomeal -5 Con
Selina -1 Con
Tegab -2 Con
Betimi -2 Con
[OoC2: A reminder that some of your magic items need to be identified. It can only be checked once per day and I don't believe it hasn't been done yet today. ]
Betimi normally has 11 temporary hit points from her babies, so with the 12 damage meant she was only 1 hp off max. So with the -2 Con her new max is 41 HP.
then with a nights rest will give her +1 Con healed, restoring her hit points max to 47 (+11 for her babies) = 578 hp
So for now Betimi is in actually pretty good shape compared to others.