(10-21-2020, 01:58 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ]Is Ning/Nang still under the effects of the anti-Torque wand?
[Yeah, you have a few minutes left on the wand.]
Kubo continues scanning the interior of the cave blissfully unaware of the prescence of anybody else, and when he thinks it's safe will give the all clear
When Kubo calls out his all clear the large plant seems to shift and expand vertically, reaching practically 8 feet tall as Ning had predicted. The plant resembled a large saguaro cactus wearing a belt. Deep set red eyespots were set high on green and spiky face, and a few small pink and white flowers appeared to be growing randomly across the plant's chest and arms. Several deep cuts oozing sap-like fluid can be seen on its arms and legs. It speaks, its mouth splitting wider than one would expect from the size of its head and revealing thin needle like teeth similar to the needles and thorns that cover all but the palms of its hands.
"Is it?" it asks, addressing Kubo with a look of hopeful optimism creasing it's features.
"Those Sanshad damned torque-touched wolves have kept me trapped in here for awhile." The plant leans over and picks up what may have been assumed to be a dead tree that was leaning against the cave wall. This proves to be a large staff butted with a massive metal blade. A bulky bag and exceptionally thick whip are easily visible on it's belt.
"I am Crozar. If you have gotten rid of those wolves, I am in your debt." It doesn't seem to have noticed Ning at all.
Spot Check: [1d20] = 5}
[Backstepping a bit]
When he sees the creature in the corner Ning will cast Dancing lights and send 4 orbs over to hover around it
[OoC you guys are a bit impatient there, not even letting the one who succeeded post]
Torque check [1d20+9] = 15+9 = 24
All basically happening at the same time, Kubo nearly shits himself when the large shadowy figure stands at the back of the cave and Crozar is startled by the sudden flash of dancing lights illuminating before his eyes!
Kubo exclaims, "Gurk! Dang it! wher ya come from!!", as he spins towards the cacti figure with his handaxe at the ready.
(10-21-2020, 03:19 AM)Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote: [ -> ][Backstepping a bit]
When he sees the creature in the corner Ning will cast Dancing lights and send 4 orbs over to hover around it
[OoC you guys are a bit impatient there, not even letting the one who succeeded post]
Torque check [1d20+9] = 15+9 = 24
{OOC: Sorry Ning, just excited to get started. I'll be more patient in the future}
Crozar squints its eyespots as the brilliant light flashed before it's eyes.
"Ah! Sorry, Sorry!" as it holds up it's hands to shield it's vision, dropping it's cleaver as it does so.
The Cactus-man is difficult to understand. He is speaking the same dialect of common that the people in New Crobuzon spoke. He didn't sound as threatening as his huge size might suggest.
[OoC: Only those who spent 1 skill point to pick up pidgin-Ragamoll (which is common on this world) can understand him. Everyone else understands about 50% of what he's saying. This might become a problem in situations where you don't have time to figure what people from this world is saying.
In other words, you haven't slept yet so there is still time to pick it up before your selections are set in stone. Tomeal will be picking it up.
And remember, if you gained a level in your race's favorite class then you gain 1 additional skill point. So there, now you have something to spend it on.

Selina hears the yell and sighs dejectedly, rolling her eyes and giving Tomeal an almost pained look that he is sure to instantly translate as Why ME?
"How many more surprises are we going to let ourselves get surprised by?" she asks rhetorically.
(10-21-2020, 06:53 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina hears the yell and sighs dejectedly, rolling her eyes and giving Tomeal an almost pained look that he is sure to instantly translate as Why ME?
"How many more surprises are we going to let ourselves get surprised by?" she asks rhetorically.
Tomeal hears the exclamation and instantly startles to the ready. But after registering no battle cries or howls of agony or limbs being ripped from bodies, he looks at Selina and replies,
"I've heard the term, herding cats, but never truly understood what it meant until joining this group of Stalwart Adventures. ( See what I did there?
) it seems that no matter which direction we go, someone finds trouble. But I wouldn't want to find trouble with anyone else!" He then moves closer to the cave mouth to find out what the commotion is all about.
When his ears pick up the sounds of conversation Tomeal listens to what is said and realizes someone is speaking Ragamoll. He had listened closely to conversations in the city and asked questions of Simon until he was finally starting to get the hang of common words and phrases. He wasn't fully fluent but he understood enough to get the jist of basic conversations. Before Simon jumps in, Tomeal, eager to test out what he has learned, asks in a mixture of Common and Ragamoll that he hoped both sides would understand,
"What happening?"