[[Selina is Neutral Good, though, unless you're telling me of a recent alignment shift. Thanks for the information about the sword's intelligence.]]
[[For some reason I thought Selina was CG. Maybe cuz Selune is CG. Well in your case it doesn't really matter what alignment YOU are. There's more involved with the blade than good or evil, or law and chaos. ]]
[[Tonight, on Selina, Warrior Priestess...

Once the spider-thing's corpse has been disposed of, Crozar will attempt to recover any chakri's it can find and will then stump over to the side of the cabin. "I can rest here to be readily available if needed," It says as it pulls out a small hand-written book filled with obviously arcane formula and notes.
Ning will fly up and wave a lazy greeting at the giant, attempting to show that they are okay.
When Crozar is finished moving the spider and collecting all of his chakris, Simon approaches the Cactacae and asks, "May I see the fruit you collected from your body. I'd like to test it to see if it as any special properties."
When Betimi waves at the wooden giant, it remains perfectly still. "I told you he's quite the conversationalist," Ela says sarcastically to Betimi. "He just won't shut up. But seriously, it has been here for so long it has lost most of its personality."
Once the spider business has been dealt with, Tomeal will join both Selina and the dog, who has been sitting protectively beside his master. The dog seems to sense Selina's physical distress from her constitution loss so it stays glued to her side, ready to defend her from any further attacks.
The old woman asks, "Where are you all going to sleep? I would offer to let one of you squeeze into my single bed with me but I doubt it would be very comfortable. Especially for some of you larger fellows."
Kubo is currently standing on top of the shack.
With no one asking for the bandage, Selina carefully unbuckles her armor, hissing in pain as it comes loose and then drops heavily onto the ground. She then ties the bandage around her midsection where there were a few bruises and cuts that still seemed to be oozing capillary flow. The bandage quickly turns deep, dark crimson as it soaks in her blood and begins the magical healing process. She then sits back down with a sigh and gives Dog a few rubs along his sides, a few scratches behind the ears. "What should we call you? I'm not sure I like calling you 'Dog'. It's like calling Tomeal 'Human' or Kubo 'Dwarf'. What do you think, Brave One?" She turns to look up at her other guard.
[[White Bandage is Fast Healing 1 for 11 rounds. That gives Selina 11 HP healing which puts her up to 40. That is her current max until her Con damage is restored.]]
[OoC: If any of that 'damage' was from con damage, those hit points are returned as soon as you get that con back.]
Tomeal replies, "I'm not sure what to call him. Maybe something that translates into meaning, Bestest Boy, or Brave boy."
[[Yeah, that's what I was saying. Right now, her Con is 11. She has 18 fewer HP than what she should have. Tonight, her rest will heal one Con damage and return a whole 2 more HP to her.]]
Selina smirks and stifles a chuckle. "I would like to have something about how brave he is, yes. He attacked that massive spider and tore off one of its legs. He also took a bite out of that overly-large, two-headed crocodile. A strong, brave, powerful canine deserves a strong, brave, powerful name."
(05-25-2021, 03:51 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]When Crozar is finished moving the spider and collecting all of his chakris, Simon approaches the Cactacae and asks, "May I see the fruit you collected from your body. I'd like to test it to see if it as any special properties."
Crozar closes the book and opens its hip bag to dig out one of the odd fruit. "
Thank you for the reminder, Simon. I had meant to take a closer look at them as well. As far as I am aware Cactacae do not produce fruit of any kind, although flowering is common if well-fed and well-watered. Reproduction involves the production of a bulb but these fruit are very different than that," says Crozar. It pulls a fruit from the bag and holds it out for Simon. Crozar adds, "
I was also surprised, although I don't know why, that it appears to have been a single growth. I would appreciate if you could check my back periodically to see if there are any more appearing. Perhaps it is some influence of the giant? Either that or I was hit by just a fraction of the Torque effect that cause Ning to spawn rodents."