(01-26-2018, 01:07 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]While Forge reminisces about his home world, specifically about the Lightning-Rails that connect cities far across Khorvaire, Betimi's Vestige whispers lore to her, that the people and leaders of New Crobuzon are far too Xenophobic to connect their Sky-Rails to other cities. Even strangers to the city are usually watched with suspicion and it's truly a miracle you all weren't put to death for being Out-Worlders.
As you watch the skyline you think you yourselves that New Crobuzon suffers from a remarkable lack of city planning. Much of the city seems almost squeezed in upon itself. Open sewers flow through the slums, and houses are built at random or even on top of other houses. The old slowly being forced into the earth under the weight of the new. In the direction you're traveling you see gigantic ribs looming over a section of the city called Bonetown. Ivory shards of a leviathan, these arching ribs of a fallen giant almost meet about two hundred feet about the ground. Betimi's Vestige whispers that the land around them are unlucky; tools breakd projects run away into the dust and dirt, nothing prospers. They do make a useful landmark to a visitor: just look up, and if you see the Ribs, you can orient yourself. The Ribs themselves are a bit of a draw for gawkers, so most residents here are hawkers, buskers, salespeople, and acrobats.
Soon you approach the fork in the river where the River Tar and River Canker join together to form the River Gross Tar and where Strack Island the Parliament builder rest. Over the whir of the engines you hear the Captain bellow, "Arriving at Brock Marsh. Prepare to disembark!" The Sky-Yacht's engines begin to slow as you start to descend. Eventually the ship stops and the Yacht moors itself near the top of a militia tower. The wind is blowing in gusts as you carefully step off the ship and make your way down the long spiral staircase that hugs the side of the tower all the way to solid ground. One of the ship's crew who joins you tells you all that he was instructed by the Magistrate to make sure you get to the Smith safely. So as ordered he guides you through Brock Marsh until you arrive at the Shop.[/spoiler]
Selina sighs as they approach the shop because, frankly, she doesn't really trust herself to be able to say what needed to be said. She was here to finalize her purchase of a sword and plate armor...but she knows that there is also the need to inform the young boy of his father's current situation. She didn't really want to do that and then, in the same conversation say something to the effect of
'Oh, yes, your father's been incarcerated by a corrupt, xenophobic, Evil government, but we're still looking to finish our purchases. Might you have them?' (Thought bubble, by the way...) How could she honestly do both at once? How could they?
"No buying anything... me stay with you outside"
Betimi silently nods and remains outside with the spearman and kobold.
Those of you who wish to enter the shop do so. As soon as you step inside the young Cactacae looks up from where he was polishing a sword and waits hopefully until the last of you enter. When he sees that his father is not with you he asks, "Why isn't my father with you? Where is he?"
Kee waits a few seconds and if none of them answer to the boy then he accepts his role, steps forward and tells the truth to him:
- As I know your father was being interrogated and a Magistrate will be chosen for them to pass judgement.
Before Selina has a chance to gather herself...Kee steps in and blurts it all out. Sighing, she realizes that the cat is now officially out of the bag and nods solemnly to the shopkeeper. "I am afraid Master Kee is correct. In abducting all of us, the Magistrate was only able to secure our freedom if we provided an 'Ambassador' with information on where we came from. We spoke for your father and vouched for him as best as we could. I'm hopeful that he will be set free."
(02-13-2018, 04:33 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Before Selina has a chance to gather herself...Kee steps in and blurts it all out. Sighing, she realizes that the cat is now officially out of the bag and nods solemnly to the shopkeeper. "I am afraid Master Kee is correct. In abducting all of us, the Magistrate was only able to secure our freedom if we provided an 'Ambassador' with information on where we came from. We spoke for your father and vouched for him as best as we could. I'm hopeful that he will be set free."
"The Commander did her best in requesting your father's freedom. Only time will tell." Forge tries his best to back up Kee's and Selina's words. If the smaller Cactii was anything like Forge then it would use it's pain as fuel for work, he thought.
"There is fine craftsmanship here." He says, examining a nearby blade.
"Have you been taught to swing hammers and bend metal to your will?" Forge asks.
[OoC: Ughhh! Working 60 hours of overnights this week... Why do I keep doing this to myself? I'm getting too old for this crap!

[OoC: Keep in mind that Betimi has to come with them so she can fully translate their dialect of common.]
The young Cactacae face falls at the news of his father.
"But it's just me and him left. Who's going to tend to the bulbs? I... I've never done it by myself before." The boy's eyes begin filling with sap.
"Without father they could all die. And what about the shop?" He seems to suddenly get weak in the knees so he leans against the counter for support. The boy takes a few minutes to gather his composure. Wiping the sap off his prickly cheeks he says, "Thank you for telling me." Then looking at Forge he replies,
"I've learned a thing or two but my father does most of the work. I've done some repairs on your equipment while you were gone. Everything looks good." He then steps into the back room to retrieve any armors or weapons that required repair. When he returns the boy says to Kee,
"Your friends have already paid for the all the repairs as thanks for saving them from the militia when you suddenly appeared. They hope you think about returning soon to help them out with a problem they are having."
Forge feels genuinely concerned for this young creature and also obliged to help it after all that has occurred. "I will stay and help you with the shop. I know how to forge weapons of war." He blurts out before asking permission from his commander. His head drops as he realizes he has just put her in a bad position, feeling ashamed, he then looks for permission from Selina knowing full well what he just did.
-If you need I could also give some advise and/or help to you to start your business but first I must meet with Chris.