Nacesh snickers at Simon's description,
Eastern rim of the universe? As if there were directions on planar scale. he thinks to himself, recollecting his sparse memories of his academic training on the Planes.
Listening to Selina he nods, thoughtfully.
"This whole government thing sounds like lawful to the extremes. And extremes tend to wrap over to the opposite pole, in our case, chaos. ReMaking sounds like a lawful act but I wouldn't be surprised if it harnessed some kind of chaotic energy. Which made me think whether we could use some more generic protection, like magic that protects from chaos. Not for days, sure, but when we get close to the core."
OOC - I don't suppose we would have the power to negate it but even a temporary +2 to saves would help a lot. 24h Guidance, anyone?

Forge listens as Simon answers questions. He had not considered any deeper meaning behind this mission, only that it would help his friends. Being a soldier all his life, he had not considered the deeper meaning like Selina had. Truthfully, Forge did not have the same urgency to leave but he would do anything he could to help the group that saved him.
"When was the last expedition to the ruins?"
"Who went and why?"
Ooc - I don't mind the Torque, as long as it turns me into Optimus Prime

(04-11-2018, 04:05 PM)Forge Wrote: [ -> ]Ooc - I don't mind the Torque, as long as it turns me into Optimus Prime 
[OoC Our luck it would transform you into Soundwave. Not the new Soundwave that takes over satellites and is nigh unstoppable.. no.. the 80's soundwave.. a useless obsolete sony walkman.... 'What do you do?' "I play cassetes" "Well, that will be f***ing helpful in a fight!"]
Ooc - As long as I can reclass to Bard

"Play us some inspirational music Forge!" Inserts
Raffi Concert Tape.
[[Question...Protection from Chaos grants +2 resistance bonus to saves, but I’m not clear if that’s in general or just to effects generated by chaotic creatures. Judgement?]]
"I do not believe remaking is accomplished through Torque energy. It is a delicate process but it's a process you can learn (There's actually a prestige class). Torque energy is much too unstable and I know of very few who has done much study into controlling it because even the smallest failure could end your investigation rather abruptly. But I will reach out to scientist who has done a little research into the Stain's effects. They may be able to provide more precise information as my knowledge might be outdated."
"I believe some of you are confusing magic with technology. When I say Torque energy is chaotic I don't mean it is drawn from the Elemental Chaos of the planes. That energy as well as the energy which marks a creature as chaotic is completely or probably different than Torque. It's difficult to explain mainly because I know so little about magic and you know so little about technology. So we don't have any solid point of reference. Also as I've said I'm not a specialist in Torque energy I should know more by tomorrow."
[OoC: Basically it's the difference between Fantasy and Sci-fi. There are many sci-fi movies where a new type of energy is found and it's not magic. It's just a new kind of previously unknown energy And when Simon says they came from the eastern rim of the universe he may not mean the inner and outer planes. He could mean the known universe made up of stars, planets and galaxies. Or perhaps this world's cosmology does include compass directions to travel to different planes of existence.]
[OoC: RE Protection from chaos, Haagenti, ect. All the ideas you've been coming up with to protect yourself have been creative. I'm always happy to reward creativity so I may allow you to use such magics to help resist the transmogrifying effects of the Torque. I will get back to you soon.
"I did not know her personally. I believe her name was Rova and she left to explore the ruins around two and a half years ago but did not return. Or perhaps she did return but her expedition weren't recognized and they were slain on the spot. It's too bad. I hear she was an excellent explorer and an exceptional botanist. A specialist in fungi if I recall correctly."
(04-16-2018, 06:32 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]"I do not believe remaking is accomplished through Torque energy. It is a delicate process but it's a process you can learn (There's actually a prestige class). Torque energy is much too unstable and I know of very few who has done much study into controlling it because even the smallest failure could end your investigation rather abruptly. But I will reach out to scientist who has done a little research into the Stain's effects. They may be able to provide more precise information as my knowledge might be outdated."
"I believe some of you are confusing magic with technology. When I say Torque energy is chaotic I don't mean it is drawn from the Elemental Chaos of the planes. That energy as well as the energy which marks a creature as chaotic is completely or probably different than Torque. It's difficult to explain mainly because I know so little about magic and you know so little about technology. So we don't have any solid point of reference. Also as I've said I'm not a specialist in Torque energy I should know more by tomorrow."
[OoC: Basically it's the difference between Fantasy and Sci-fi. There are many sci-fi movies where a new type of energy is found and it's not magic. It's just a new kind of previously unknown energy And when Simon says they came from the eastern rim of the universe he may not mean the inner and outer planes. He could mean the known universe made up of stars, planets and galaxies. Or perhaps this world's cosmology does include compass directions to travel to different planes of existence.]
[OoC: RE Protection from chaos, Haagenti, ect. All the ideas you've been coming up with to protect yourself have been creative. I'm always happy to reward creativity so I may allow you to use such magics to help resist the transmogrifying effects of the Torque. I will get back to you soon.
"I did not know her personally. I believe her name was Rova and she left to explore the ruins around two and a half years ago but did not return. Or perhaps she did return but her expedition weren't recognized and they were slain on the spot. It's too bad. I hear she was an excellent explorer and an exceptional botanist. A specialist in fungi if I recall correctly."
"Regardless of what you may have been told, this entire situation smells very strongly to me. I know not what this 'technology' that you speak of is, but if it has anything to do with the madness I have witnessed, it can remain here as far as I am concerned. And I will do all I can to prevent it from reaching our plane!" She sighs. She was so uncomfortable with her own skin...and here they were being shepherded towards a place that might well change them into something completely...different.
Betimi shakes her head, bewildered.
"I am not sure what we are hoping to find in this place? What are we to be looking for? Relics? Open portals? People? A specific person? it sounds like a vast area. Without knowing what we are looking for we might wander lost for some time. Also how soon could you have such 'gliders' ready? Or how could we acquire an airship for use?"
"Why not get official authorization to explore the Stain? The Magistrate has an airship. It's information should be worth something to us and New Crobuzon right?"