Betimi takes the hint that she may have crossed one of those social boundaries she is still trying to fathom.
"Yes, maybe it was her heritage rather than any other instinct. He actually did not seem interested in my homeplace at all. Even the Ambassador seemed to find it something he was not overly curious about. That bodes well, if the Ambassador thinks they can withstand the masters when they come."
Selina recoils in disgust at the implication Betimi presumed to make, hissing slightly...before remembering that she is not from the same places Selina has been.
“It wasss, in fact, the Ambasssador who expresssed interesst in our home. That will not be what aidss us, and I have no desire to make a pact with a devil or daemon. However, I do believe that an in-person requesst may result in a more favorable conclusion.”
Ningalu is completely confused by the entire concept.. you protect the brood, young, mates, eldders.. everyone.. why would instinct be stronger one way over another. The young and the breeding females are the most important to protect, as always. That is normal isn't it?
(05-28-2018, 04:28 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina recoils in disgust at the implication Betimi presumed to make, hissing slightly...before remembering that she is not from the same places Selina has been.
“It wasss, in fact, the Ambasssador who expresssed interesst in our home. That will not be what aidss us, and I have no desire to make a pact with a devil or daemon. However, I do believe that an in-person requesst may result in a more favorable conclusion.”
Kee just nods when he is listening Selina and heard her words.
"The Magistrate did tell us that he wanted knowledge of our existence kept from the masses as much as possible, to avoid panic. If we take those transport wagons on tracks, whatever they were called, all the way to to Perdido Station and walk around trying to get in to see the Magistrate, we are going to be doing the exact opposite of what he wants. Better to send the messenger if we are asking a favour, better still to ask in writing with Selina's mark."
Nacesh nods on Betimi's words.
"Agreed, but I don't think we should overexert ourselves with this. I'm pretty sure we can simply do something that raises the Magistrate's attention but not others. Like, sending him some kind of signal that we would like to talk, without anyone else being able to realise our intent. Then he can surely make sure that our passing goes unnoticed, as long as it's his best interest."
(06-04-2018, 11:15 AM)Nacesh Wrote: [ -> ]Nacesh nods on Betimi's words.
"Agreed, but I don't think we should overexert ourselves with this. I'm pretty sure we can simply do something that raises the Magistrate's attention but not others. Like, sending him some kind of signal that we would like to talk, without anyone else being able to realise our intent. Then he can surely make sure that our passing goes unnoticed, as long as it's his best interest."
"You mean like send a messenger with a note??" Betimi cannot help but giggle at the others overthinking this. the sound of her gravelly baritone voice giiggling is somewhat disturbing.
- Agreed, just a few words and nothing else.
Forge stand patiently as the conversation goes on. Surely there was a need to plan and deliberate so extensively but he couldn't think why...
Why are they talking so much?.. Because these things must be well thought out. One mistake and lives are in danger... But our choices are limited. Search for a way out, or stay and risk destruction... Oh Forge, your mind is so simple. This is politics, the real art of war... His head jerks from side to side and sometimes his jaw moves as if he is saying something but only the slightest whispers can be heard. It's as if Forge is talking to someone who isn't there.
Ooc -
Golem cough Golem.. Smeagul! 
Simon listens to the group's conversation. He gets parchment, pen and ink and places them neatly on a table nearby. Then when there is a dip in the conversation he says, "I put out quill and paper for you to write your note. Tomorrow, after I confer with some colleagues about the effects of Torque energy has on magic and the portals, I have a request. But it must wait as I'm still focused and quite tired from working on Betimi's private request. I can't afford to get too excited and exhaust myself during such a delicate procedure."