Crozar nods to Betimi and says to the old lady, "We will take care of whatever is outside. You should take the time to bottle up as much of that brew as you can." Crozar will then step outside while readying its rivebow.
[OoC: I'm waiting for Crozar and Ning to go outside. But if we hear nothing I'll be pushing forward sometime tomorrow. ]
The old woman nods at Crozar's suggestion. She gathers some fragile clay viles and then moves over to her pot. She carefully moves the lid so it's slightly askew, so a thin vapour escapes up the chimney. Then holds a vial close to the vapor and whispers a word of magic which causes the vapor to be sucked into the tiny vial. The old woman then quickly stoppers it with some soft wax, then with a smile she says, "Taa daa! One down and another couple dozen to go." As another vial floats into the air, she says, "You should go outside to help your friends."
Ning will wait til Crozar is going out the door, and will then use the cacticae's bulk to hide his exit, so he can exit the door and hover just up in the eaves of the cottage (outside, under the overhang of the roof)
[Hide +18]
Coming out the door, Crozar will see if it can spot what has gotten everyone nervous about and ask Betimi, "What's going on?"
[OoC: Sorry for the delay. When it rains it pours. Now my right foot is broken
TOO! That's right, I shit you not! Both of my feet are now broken! Good times...

[OoC: A couple things about the map:
1) I put the pumpkins (no vines though) on the map to illustrate how the old lady created a powerful permanent circle of Protection from Chaos. I've also placed the actual circle on the map so you know what area to stay within to cast your spells.
2) I know there are a couple of people with sight impairment who might find the map too busy with all the pumpkins. I kind of think it's too busy myself. If you players would rather me remove the pumpkins I have no problem doing so.
3) Currently only Selina, Tomeal, and Simon (and the dog succeeded on his second check) can see the creatures. Everyone else knows they're to the north but they haven't spotted them yet. I told everyone they could make a second spot check with a +5 but Betimi and Kubo have not tried. Both Ning and Crozar may check with a +5 when its their initiative.
4) The Circle is Level 10. So with the bonus for the goldilocks zone you get a
+12 on your CL checks while inside the circle. The circle protects up to 40' in the air at the center.
[[So sorry to hear about your feet. Rest well and I wish you a complete recovery. Damaged feet suck.]]
+12??? Woooow. Basically, every spell Selina casts is autopass for the CL check. Good to know.]]
Init: [1d20+1]=18+1=19
Selina's only response, if anyone asks about what's going on, is to repeat herself in a very terse manner
"Gather. Around." When everyone has gathered, and she has urged the dog to get behind her, she grips her holy symbol and whispers a mystical word, beseeching Selune to Bless all of her allies with her strength and guidance.
[[Selina casts Bless. Everyone in line of effect within 50' gets +1 morale bonus to attack rolls and saving throws against Fear effects.]]
Hearing Selina call for everyone to gather, Crozar will move over towards her, cocking a chakri into his rivebow as he does so.
Int Check: [1d20+1]=4+1=5