- Simon 21 - Spot Succeeded
- Ning 20 - Failed Both
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18 - Failed Both
- Selina 17 - Both Succeeded
- Dog 17 - Scent - Succeeded
- Tomeal 16 - Spot Succeeded; Listen Failed
- Betimi 10 - Failed Both
If Spot or Listen Succeeded:
(Simon, Selina, Dog, Tomeal)
Selina, Dog and Tomeal suddenly feel tingling between their ears that dances back and forth in a thin band across the top of their heads.
[Selina, Dog, and Tomeal must make Will Saves. This save will not affect your next action.]
Nang points the wand at his brother and reads the magic word. The wand flashes and as it's magic takes effect, Nang lets out a scream that's abruptly cut off. Ning looks on in horror as his brother's reptilian body suddenly twists and shrinks until all that's left is what appears to be a human hand with a whip-like tail thrashing about.
[OoC1: But the wand's magic works normally on Ning. He gains +5 on his level checks against the torque. Too bad Nang didn't use the wand on himself first.

[OoC2: It's now Selina, Dog, Tomeal, and Betimi's Turns]
[OoC3: Once the first group have gone, Simon and Ning may act.]
![[Image: JXbGBU9.png]](
Selina's ears do her justice and she turns her head to see...something else (Wasn't clear what she sees). She points it out
"There!" and positions herself between it and the others...
[[Can't finish her turn until I get a better idea of where it is, what it is, etc. Unless it's invisible, can I get its size, approximate location, and such?]]
Will: [1d20+7] = 18+7 = 25
(07-15-2020, 01:01 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina's ears do her justice and she turns her head to see...something else (Wasn't clear what she sees). She points it out "There!" and positions herself between it and the others...
[[Can't finish her turn until I get a better idea of where it is, what it is, etc. Unless it's invisible, can I get its size, approximate location, and such?]]
[OoC: In the description I mentioned the movement was coming from H-12. Unfortunately, the foliage is still covering the Creature as it -- you assume -- is moving toward the group, likely attracted by the noises that are being made. [Talking, Screaming, etc.] Its actual dimensions are not visible but it's at least, size large. It may even be bigger. ]
Selina glances between the two unknowns, her blade held at the ready in a defensive position in front of her. She reaches down and casts a spell as she holds her divine symbol.
[[Selina casts Avoid Planar Effects, affecting Tomeal, herself and Dog.]]
Then, waves a hand to Tomeal
"Back. Defend the others."
[[Basically, she cast the spell,
then directed Tomeal]]
(07-15-2020, 02:00 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina glances between the two unknowns, her blade held at the ready in a defensive position in front of her. She reaches down and casts a spell as she holds her divine symbol.
[[Selina casts Avoid Planar Effects, affecting Tomeal, herself and Dog.]]
Then, waves a hand to Tomeal "Back. Defend the others."
[[Basically, she cast the spell, then directed Tomeal]]
[OoC: Selina would know this since Simon told you about the Torque.
Avoid Planar Effects, specifically states: You gain a temporary respite from the
natural effects of a specific plane. This is not a natural effect of this plane. The area you're in was created by Torque technological Weapons. Kind of like how Chernobyl wouldn't be a natural effect on earth.
It's a nice try though.]
[[If Selina knows about it, can I take the spell casting back?]]
(07-15-2020, 03:55 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[If Selina knows about it, can I take the spell casting back?]]
[OoC: Of course. That's why I said you would know about it.

[[In that case, Selina goes total defense in case the creatures reveal themselves.]]
[OoC: I'm not sure if I told you but in my game, when you confirm a critical you automatically do maximum damage on the initial damage roll and then you roll for the crit damage. This makes criticals feel more potent. Otherwise, on a critical, someone with a Greataxe could roll two 1's on a d12 and inflict hardly any damage. Not much of a critical.

Additional damage from other sources such as from a flaming weapon are rolled normally as usual.]
- Simon 21
- Ning 20
- Monsters 19
- Nang 18
- Selina 17
- Dog 17
- Tomeal 16
- Betimi 10
[OoC: Poor Nang. No one seems to care that the Torque just turned him into essentially a crawling claw.

Selina feels the slight tingling at the top of her skull but brushes it off as easily as one might blow away a gnat. Then despite distance and distraction, Selina was the only one to succeed on both listen and spot. Quickly she points out the direction from which the creature approaches to the party and then stands ready for any approaching enemy.
Dog whimpers from whatever effect the trio were being assaulted by but remains close to Selina. The wolf-hound begins growling at the treetops above both him and Selina and then changes position slightly to indicate that he also detects the creature approaching form the south. Dog's glare flickers back and forth toward both creatures.
Tomeal feels the tingling in his mind. He fights against it, whatever it is. He also stands ready for any attack.
Betimi moves North-East and stops beside Dog. Then she flips a shard up into her hand and throws it at...
[ No target square was indicated... ]
Simon is startled by the sudden transformation of the small lizard man into a creature he's only heard about but never seen. He pulls out his rapier [move action] and immediately stabs into Nang (the hand)! The hand silently squirms in pain on the tip of his blade!
"Die, fiend!" Simon growls.
In defiance, the hand gives Simon the middle finger and [with 1hp left] begins attempting to drag itself toward Ning.
Attack: [1d20+7] = 11+7 = 18, Damage: [1d6+2] = 2+2 = 4; POSSIBLE CRIT!!
Confirm Crit: [1d20+7] = 10+7 = 17, CRITICAL CONFIRMED!
[Damage: Auto max first roll (8) + 4 = 12 points! ]
[NING'S TURN! And Betimi still needs to tell me what square she's shooting at! ]