[OoC: I think this only affects Tomeal but if you have multiple attacks you can make more than one grapple check a round. ]
Tomeal grumbles,
"The battlefield is too crowded! Can't move!"
Quote:Selina sez: "...Just a touch busy at the moment, darling." *flutters her eyelashes as she wipes oversized vermin off her weapon.
"Worry not my love. [huff] I will be loose, [puff] in but a minute... [gasp]," he says while trying to speak as calmly as possible while struggling with giant bug on the side of his neck.
1st attack:
Tomeal Grapple: [1d20+11]=9+11=20, Small Crab: [1d20+8]=19+8=27; Tomeal Fails!
The critter hangs on...
Tomeal continues to struggle with the creature...
2nd attack:
Tomeal Grapple: [1d20+11]=6+11=17, Small Crab: [1d20+8]=17+8=25; Tomeal fails again!

How do they keep rolling so awesome for grapple checks?
At this point, Tomeal yells at Crozar,
Next Crozar's Turn...
Elphaga was still there, she had just turned herself invisible. She moves another 5' then uses the same trick she used once before... The old woman glances toward Tomeal and suddenly his field of vision becomes cloudy and his body becomes weightless.
"Move!" he suddenly hears within his mind.
"This will only last but a moment!"
Tomeal happily listens to the old woman's wise words and wills himself to move. [Max distance is 10' during Elphaga's round] There were a lot fewer places to move that would put him at an advantage, than would place him within munching distance of a creature. So he floats 10' south and rematerializes [I-7] so he can hopefully flank with Betimi and her 'babies.' He grimaces at the thought of the symbiotic critters.
[FYI: It takes a Full round action to summon Elementals. So if Crozar does decide to summon, he will only be able to take a 5' step. ]
[OoC: I went back to make sure that due to Crozar's Summoning being a Spell-like ability that he did have to make a Torque roll and yes he does.
>Here< ]
[OoC2: Crozar, I wouldn't bother with reduce weaknesses since Light elementals only have weakness to Darkness. I don't even know how that would even work since Darkness doesn't do any damage.

Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
20.6 | Kubo | --- | --- | 00/39 | --- | +2 saves |
20.4 | Small Crab 1 | --- | 16pts (Selina); 13pts (Betimi) | 29/?? | DEAD! | --- |
20.4 | Small Crab 2 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Small Crab 3 | --- | 5pts (simon) | 5/?? | --- | --- |
19.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 00/49 | --- | +2 saves; Flying up 30' |
16.1 | Selina | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
10.2 | Tegab | --- | 2pts(sm.Crab) | 2/?? | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
14.4 | Betimi | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
14.4 | Ning/Nang | --- | --- | 00/27 | --- | Flying up 30' |
11.4 | Medium Lice 1 | --- | 7pts (Betimi) | 7/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 2 | --- | 6pts (Kubo) | 6/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 3 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 4 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 1 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 2 | --- | 19pts (Simon) | 19/?? | --- | --- |
8.2 | Tomeal | --- | 2pts(sm.crab) | 2/60 (Was 66) | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
8.1 | Crozar | --- | 2pts(sm.crab) | 2/13 | --- | +2 Saves; +2 AC |
4.1 | Elphaba | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | +2 Saves |
Everyone except Ning/Nang has Conviction: +2 Morale bonus on all save throws for 50 minutes.
Ning/Nang emanating Circle vs Chaos. No one else currently in radius.
[Elemental Stats: AC: 17+2 = 19; Attack: +7; Damage: 2d6+1 (Slam) ]
Movement: Speed reduced by half and you can't charge or run. 5' steps are still allowed.
Crozar concentrates on his Summoning. Unfortunately he feels the Torque take control of his spell but to his surprise the portal still opens -- to the South-East of where he wanted it to appear. [M-10] The Light elemental steps through portal but it is unable to attack the creature Crozar wants it to attack, so it targets the closest creature. Which happens to be another swarm.
With the plasma-like tendrils emanating from its body acting like legs, the elemental glides toward the Swarm and attacks...
Attack: [1d20+7]=4+7=11, Damage: [2d6+1]=11+1=12; Miss
The Elemental's attack complete misses the swarm!
Everyone hears Elphaga's disembodied voice yell,
"You need Energy attacks to harm swarms! But not spells that target individual creatures!"
(09-05-2021, 09:43 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I went back to make sure that due to Crozar's Summoning being a Spell-like ability that he did have to make a Torque roll and yes he does. >Here< ]
[OoC2: Crozar, I wouldn't bother with reduce weaknesses since Light elementals only have weakness to Darkness. I don't even know how that would even work since Darkness doesn't do any damage.
[[OOC: Oh, I thought they might have a weakness to cold or something like that. In that case I would just go with the AC bump instead.]]
(09-05-2021, 11:01 PM)Kubo Wrote: [ -> ]Kubo will use his move action to grab 2 throwing axes from his belt to use as hand axes to attack the lice at E8.
Handax(Primary) Attack = [1d20+5]=8+5=13
Handax(Primary) Damage=[1d6+3]=1+3=4Dmg
Handaxe (Offhand) Attack=[1d20+5]=14+5=19
Handaxe (Offhand) Damage=[1d6+1]=1+1=2Dmg
[OoC: Kubo, pulling out each weapon is considered a move action unless you have the Quickdraw feat. Then it's considered a Free Action. So you would have to do 2 move actions to pull them out but that uses up all your actions.

BUT if you move (even 5') you can arm yourself as a free action. (It's one of the games weird rules.) So if you move at least 5' you can pull out both weapons and make your attacks. Do you want to move (arm yourself) and attack or just arm yourself and wait until next round to attack. If you want to move to attack, please tell me where you're moving.]
(09-05-2021, 10:36 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ] (09-05-2021, 09:43 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I went back to make sure that due to Crozar's Summoning being a Spell-like ability that he did have to make a Torque roll and yes he does. >Here< ]
[OoC2: Crozar, I wouldn't bother with reduce weaknesses since Light elementals only have weakness to Darkness. I don't even know how that would even work since Darkness doesn't do any damage.
[[OOC: Oh, I thought they might have a weakness to cold or something like that. In that case I would just go with the AC bump instead.]]
[OoC: Ok, done. I've included the AC adjustment in the Elemental's stats. I guess "light" in this case is pure light with no heat.]
Kubo will move 5' to the left and attack the lice immediately in front of him.
[Reminder: I'm allow players to still make a 5' step. ]
[OoC: Crozar, you are surrounded by swarms. Are you sure you don't want to make a 5' step? Also I don't mind making the attack rolls for the Elemental but you can make the rolls if you want to.]
(09-05-2021, 09:43 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]
Initiative | Name | Damage Healed | Damage Inflicted | Current Hit Points | Conditions | Notes! |
20.6 | Kubo | --- | 1pt Sm.Crab; +2pts Sm.Crab | 03/39 | --- | +2 saves |
20.4 | Small Crab 1 | --- | 16pts (Selina); 13pts (Betimi) | 29/?? | DEAD! | --- |
20.4 | Small Crab 2 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Small Crab 3 | --- | 5pts (simon) | 5/?? | --- | --- |
19.5 | Simon | --- | --- | 00/49 | --- | +2 saves; Flying up 30' |
16.1 | Selina | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
10.2 | Tegab | --- | 2pts(sm.Crab) | 2/?? | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
14.4 | Betimi | --- | --- | 00/58 | --- | +2 Saves |
14.4 | Ning/Nang | --- | --- | 00/27 | --- | Flying up 30' |
11.4 | Medium Lice 1 | --- | 7pts (Betimi) | 7/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 2 | --- | 6pts (Kubo)+2pts (Kubo) | 8/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 3 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
20.4 | Medium Lice 4 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 1 | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | --- |
9.4 | Large Swarm 2 | --- | 19pts (Simon) | 19/?? | --- | --- |
8.2 | Tomeal | --- | 2pts(sm.crab) | 2/60 (Was 66) | --- | +2 Saves; -1 Con |
8.1 | Crozar | --- | 2pts(sm.crab) | 2/13 | --- | +2 Saves; +2 AC |
4.1 | Elphaba | --- | --- | ??/?? | --- | +2 Saves |
Everyone except Ning/Nang has Conviction: +2 Morale bonus on all save throws for 50 minutes.
Ning/Nang emanating Circle vs Chaos. No one else currently in radius.
[Elemental Stats: AC: 17+2 = 19; Attack: +7; Damage: 2d6+1 (Slam) ]
Movement: Speed reduced by half and you can't charge or run. 5' steps are still allowed.
While pulling out his axes, Kubo steps to the east and starts hacking... The critter sidesteps Kubo's first attack. Then the dwarf swipes low with his second attack and hacks into one of the creature's legs. [2 damage]
The next 2 small crabs leap at Crozar... The first critter that sidestepped Kubo's attack, leaps on him...
Attack: [1d20+4]=14+4=18, Damage: [1d4]=1; Grapple: [1d20+8]=15+8=23; Hit! 1 Damage!
and bite's Kubo in the thigh! [Kubo must make a Grapple check. Roll [1d20+7]; Target 23!
The second critter chitters in pain when Kubo strikes it in the leg. It leaps at him...
Attack: [1d20+4]=14+4=18, Damage: [1d4]=2; Grapple: [1d20+8]=18+8=26; HIT! 2 Damage! [Make another grapple check. Same +7 bonus] (OMG @ those Grapple checks! Unless he's very lucky, Kubo's about to be turned into a drink box.)
Now it's Simon, Selina, Tegab, Betimi, and Ning/Nang.
Nang thinks to Ning, he should lower himself down 20' to catch people in the circle vs Chaos so they can cast spells. [Lowering by 20' will allow you to affect a 10' square beneath you. Choose whatever square areas you want to protect.]