[OoC: I'm not sure why this thread is closed. I did not knowingly close this thread. I'm trying to figure out how to open it again. I may have to contact the admin for them to open it for me.
Stay tuned...]
[OoC sorry for what is about to happen.. but the devil.. well actually Naberius.. made me do it.]
[OoC2: note Naberius allows me to make rushed diplomacy checks at no penalty. It also allows me to take 10 on Diplomacy even under duress. I will not be taking 10 though. ]
Frog-Betimi croaks in a gravelly voice.
"Perhaps some smooth talking is in order to avoid bloodshed, allow me."
The frog-creature moves to the doorway and pauses briefly, before opening the door and standing tall in the doorway starts to pontificate.
[OoC3 hoping Kee has enough room to slip back inside past me should he desire.]
"There has been no willful breaking of the law by anyone inside. I can ensure that they will cooperate with authorities, if we have assurances that there will be no rash action. I can ensure there is no rash action from anyone inside. What say you?"
Rushed Diplomacy (Naberius) [1d20+5] = 13+5 = 18 - whatever the adjustment is for using pidgin.. ]
[OoC4 this is gonna hurt.. silhouetted in the doorway for every dart to find]
[OoC -
STR [1d20+4] = 16+4 = 20 vs carrying Chris to the smithy
I didn't find rules for temporary overloading, but we let this happen with a successful STR check. The carrying rule is strict and sometimes unfair in 3.5: you could walk 8 hours with your maximum load, but if you are overloaded with 10 percent or just with 1 pound then you must spend a full round to take a 5 foot step.]
Kee wants to bring Chris in to a safe place as faster as he could:
a) Kee collects all his power to pick up his cat and bring him to the smithy.
b) If the STR check is not enough or not allowed then Kee just drags his cat to the smithy.
He shakes his head with a short chuckle. "Nothing so mystical. At least not that I know of. I've said that I've lived three lives, but they have all been in one body." His expression sobers quickly, and it becomes obvious that even thinking about this is painful to him. "I never found what I was looking for. And I lost my wife because I was looking for it... She took her own life... the townfolk said out of loneliness. And that was the end of my second life. But I still feel it."
Nacesh buries his face into his palms upon the self-proclaimed spokesfrog and mutters,
"They are not necessarily 'authority' so take care"
Then moves ten feet behind Betimi to avenge her...
(OOC - ready Ice Dagger for the event that Betimi is attacked, aiming at the first sign of movement.)
[OoC: Sorry, I haven't been feeling well. I tried complete my posting yesterday and I did get my characters posted for in other games but when I went to post in my game my internet wouldn't go anywhere.

And since I was still feeling crappy I just went back to bed. Thankfully it's working now...
OoC2: Kee can carry his kitty without a strength check. ]
The metallic voice replies,
"You will not be harmed as long as all of you come out with your hands up!"
Kee moves his cat into the Smithy.
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss," Piper replies quietly.
"You should not blame yourself for other people's choices. There are always other options even if someone may not see them." Piper pauses a moment then adds,
"You know, I'm well educated, especially for a Kobold, I might be able to help you find whatever it is that you've been searching for."
Selina nods her agreement to Nacesh as she kneels behind cover. "In addition to this, they have officially forgone diplomacy by leaping into combat from the outset. Colloquially speaking, they shot first and asked questions not at all. And all of you get behind cover!"
(09-27-2017, 03:49 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][Meanwhile...]
"I'm terribly sorry for your loss," Piper replies quietly. "You should not blame yourself for other people's choices. There are always other options even if someone may not see them." Piper pauses a moment then adds, "You know, I'm well educated, especially for a Kobold, I might be able to help you find whatever it is that you've been searching for."
Gilley chuckles morosely.
"I would be skeptical of that claim, had I not seen you turn into a tiny dragon. But where to start...?"
Not yet ready to give up on diplomacy, even if it is just to by time, Betimi remains in the doorway and croaks out loudly.
"Before we come out, we request to know what we are accused of. And we request to know the source of accusation."
[OoC Again a rushed Diplomacy with no penalty thanks to Naberius -
Diplomacy [1d20+5] = 4+5 = 9.
This is gonna hurt.]