Keen observers may notice that Nacesh wakes up a few minutes after his best part does. As if still being caught in some dreamlike thoughts, he looks at Betimi, amused. His hair is a mess but his faithful-looking brown eyes twinkle like little stars... or at least that's how many ladies have seen them in the past. He sits up, looking at his lap, giggling.
"Morning, pal."
Emitting a crickety chirping sound, he watches as the bulge under the blanket swiftly moves up from his lap through his chest until Mil appears on his shoulder. Then repeats, caressing the lizard,
"Morning, pal."
Having a look at his spear, he gets up and takes the shaft, appraising the tip of the weapon.
"I'm in your debt, Forge," he says, with a sincere smile.
Looking at Betimi again, he notes,
"I prefer this form to yesterday's old man."
"I may yet use the disguise.. that is one of the reasons I asked the length of the journey ahead."
Forge begins to converse with the mechanical broom and dustbin. The Sheen stands motionless and completely silent. Forge soon realizes that it did not seem sentient like him. It was little more than a lifeless tool, only capable of doing what it was programmed to do.
Simon replies, "The most direct route to The Stain is approximately 250 miles from New Crobuzon. But we won't be traveling directly to the Stain because we want to limit your exposure to it so we will be traveling west, through the mountains until we reach Neovadan, which is about 900 miles away. Then we will turn south to enter the Stain soon after. As for how long, that depends upon wind direction and speed. On average a flying ship travels 24 times its sailing speed."
Simon will make breakfast for everyone and will even have a few live treats for Nacesh's lizard he fished out of the dustbin that were swept up from the night before. He tells you all that he hasn't heard any news yet but he will need to retire soon to finish Betimi's request. He also tells Betimi that he had one of his Scientist friends look at the spider-thing and he believes he can help with creating her armor much quicker than an armor smith. His friend, Marik, will come by for a visit in a few hours.
The wolf-hound and cheetah remained quiet for most of the night. Strangely neither animals seem to be wary of each other and they even slept on one another for a good portion of the evening.
"I have no idea what you men by 24 times it's sailing speed?? Will that be more than one day?"
She is obviously baffled by such ideas as such long distances and overland travel.
"It is not that we do not travel graet distances, but there is never a straight passage through the depths of my home. Measuring a journey by distance is confusing, better to measure by tume."
"I will look forward to your friend helping me with my promise."
(07-10-2018, 04:02 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][Everyone]
Simon will make breakfast for everyone and will even have a few live treats for Nacesh's lizard he fished out of the dustbin that were swept up from the night before. He tells you all that he hasn't heard any news yet but he will need to retire soon to finish Betimi's request. He also tells Betimi that he had one of his Scientist friends look at the spider-thing and he believes he can help with creating her armor much quicker than an armor smith. His friend, Marik, will come by for a visit in a few hours.
The wolf-hound and cheetah remained quiet for most of the night. Strangely neither animals seem to be wary of each other and they even slept on one another for a good portion of the evening.
Selina wakes up to the smell of breakfast. She gives the wolfhound a good scratch without any comment on the fact that a dog and a cat slept in the same room without ripping each others throats out.
Then she gets dressed and helps herself to some breakfast.
Ningalu greedily gobbles down what is on his breakfast plate. The little lizard seems like he is about to eat the plate. He watches with wide eyes when the little familiar is fed the live treats from the dustbin.
Then a few minutes later a crash is heard as the lid of the dustbin clatters to the floor. Ningalu's tail can be seen swishing back and forth, the rest of him completely in the dustbin as he digs for grubs, maggots, whatever other vermin might be tasty. No one even noticed him leaving the table [Hide +17, Move Silent +19, unless someone was actively metagaming/using magic the passive take 10 on spot is not going to be enough].
((Or, if you're Selina, you probably don't care and just want to leave this plane forever.))
Forge watches the small kobold dive inside the Sheen dustbin. It's tail swishing back and forth as it hunts for vermin creates an almost hypnotic effect on Forge. He is overcome by deep thoughts. Am I just a machine? What is my purpose?... A desire to forge weapons and swing a heavy hammer comes over Forge.
Simon repies to Betimi, "I'm not a sailor so I'm not sure the maximum speed of the various air-ships. So we will have to wait to find out what type of vessel we are given, if any at all."
When Selina scratches the dog's head, the wolfhound happily accepts the attention. Tomeal says, "Strange that they seem comfortable around each other. Actually, they seem almost peaceful."
The Kobold is accompanied in his grub search by his twin. He will playfully fight with his brother over the most succulent critters.
While Forge mulls over his existence and wonders what his purpose is in the universe, he gradually senses a presence. A feeling of the shivers creep up his metal spine. He momentarily wonders if that was even possible when there's a knock on the door.
Simon calls for the person doing the knocking to come in but they don't. He looks at all of you then gets up to open the door a crack. There's some quiet whispering emanating from beyond the threshold. Simon removes a handkerchief from his pocket and covers his mouth and nose. Then he looks over his shoulder and with a bit of a confused shrug, he says, "This person says they have information and ask that we please close the curtains?"
Assuming someone closes the curtains, Simon opens the door and steps back to allow the person on the other side to enter into the lab. The stooped figure wears a curiously well kept, thick, dark cloak over tattered breeches. The person's facial features are hidden within their black hood and with the way the stranger stooped over, even those with darkvision can't get a good look at them. The smell that clings to the stranger slowly creeps through the room to assault your nostrils. The stranger smelled of rot and if possible, desperation.
"Please, I'm thirsty," the stranger whispers. "Before we begin, can... can I have just a sip?" From under his robe the stranger produces an old beaten, tin, cup in a gloved hand. You all notice the cup has what looks to be red stains crusted all over it. The Wolf-hound begins to growl while the cheetah runs past Kee to hide behind its master.