[OoC: No one except Betimi seems to be posting for the last few weeks. I know I've been off quite a bit so can't really throw stones. But in the interests of speeding this along I'm going to post a few events that happen throughout the day. React or not react, it's up to you. Also if there is anything in particular that any of you players what to do before getting on the airship, feel free to post!]
1) Betimi gets her fancy new masterwork armor immediately.
2) In the evening, Simon finishes off Betimi's other project.
3) A Wyrman flies to the window and drops off two packages throughout the day.
4) Creel asks Simon if he is going to the carnival tonight. Simon declines as he has too much work to do finishing Betim's special request. So Creel asks the group if they care to join him?
5) Piper sits with the twins to talk about in what direction the NPC twin wants to go in his life. Does he want a life of adventure with his Twin or does he want to return home to repair the damage done by the flood and Unreth?
6) Forge daydreams about a strange junkyard.
7) Betimi's new mule arrives.
Forge will continue to work on his project as humble as it is.
Ooc - Still around, just busy. Is there a book on thaumaturgy or other magic book/items that could help him expand into a new class? He will purchase one if he has enough money. I was thinking Artificer, but really looking for anything that can make him a better crafter. Also, he makes a good mule Betimi

(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: No one except Betimi seems to be posting for the last few weeks. I know I've been off quite a bit so can't really throw stones. But in the interests of speeding this along I'm going to post a few events that happen throughout the day. React or not react, it's up to you. Also if there is anything in particular that any of you players what to do before getting on the airship, feel free to post!]
1) Betimi gets her fancy new masterwork armor immediately.
Betimi tries on the new black, chitin armour, marvelling at its flexibility.
"This is perfect, I must thank you. If we are still here later I might come to you with more requests like this."
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]3) A Wyrman flies to the window and drops off two packages throughout the day.
Does Simon share the contents of these packages. Hard to imagine a wyrman delivering a mule.
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]2) In the evening, Simon finishes off Betimi's other project.
Betimi disappears behind the screen with Simon, after requesting that the party stay clear no matter what they hear.
There are the sounds of first pained whimpers, soon followed by a muffled scream, as if someone is biting down on a leather strap to stop from screaming.
A few minutes later Betimi comes out from behind the screen looking exhausted, covered in sweat, but she has a smile on her face, a tired but happy glow.
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]4) Creel asks Simon if he is going to the carnival tonight. Simon declines as he has too much work to do finishing Betim's special request. So Creel asks the group if they care to join him?
"i would think that might offend the Magistrate. He was pretty clear he did not want us roaming about."
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]5) Piper sits with the twins to talk about in what direction the NPC twin wants to go in his life. Does he want a life of adventure with his Twin or does he want to return home to repair the damage done by the flood and Unreth?
6) Forge daydreams about a strange junkyard.
Betimi does not interfere in either.
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: No one except Betimi seems to be posting for the last few weeks. I know I've been off quite a bit so can't really throw stones. But in the interests of speeding this along I'm going to post a few events that happen throughout the day. React or not react, it's up to you. Also if there is anything in particular that any of you players what to do before getting on the airship, feel free to post!]
4) Creel asks Simon if he is going to the carnival tonight. Simon declines as he has too much work to do finishing Betim's special request. So Creel asks the group if they care to join him?
"Car..neeval?? What is car-ni-val? Will they has food?"
(09-12-2018, 01:16 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]5) Piper sits with the twins to talk about in what direction the NPC twin wants to go in his life. Does he want a life of adventure with his Twin or does he want to return home to repair the damage done by the flood and Unreth?
Eek looks at his brother...
"You were to mate Jas'reel. If she lived she will be looking for you. You could make pups..."
(09-07-2018, 03:33 AM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]"I believe something a bit more intelligent and less exotic than a walking barrel or chest. A waling chest would not know when to run in abject terror, which might be a good ability to have. I guess just a mule will do fine, with a pack saddle, some sacks, and enough feed for a week. I was unsure you would have such creatures here is why I asked. From what we have seen of your city, I would not have been surprised if the standard pack animal was a three-legged aberration."
"If you can send one of those messengers along with the funds, I will not venture out to get it but have it delivered if possible."
She looks at Selina, who is oddly silent.
"I believe our leader has agreed to accept your offer, divided evenly amongst our group, even those that are but recently joined and yet might need kit."
She nods towards Kee.
[OoC 10 shares 800 gp each = Selina, Nacesh, Forge, Betimi, Tonreal, Piper, Eek (Ningalu), Meek, Gilley, and Kee]
[[So sorry. Life is getting very hectic for me lately. Work, Class, expectant wife. All of it together makes it very hard for me to post. I apologize.]]
Selina merely nods in agreement. She had been thoughtful for awhile about what may happen if they arrived at the Stain and found nothing to help them return. All that danger for, potentially, nothing? What was the goddess's true plan?
She shakes herself out of her reverie at the subject of a carnival.
"Are you certain it would be wise for us to be seen at such a public event? Especially given our outsider status and the obvious...discomfort the local constabulary views us with?"
GM Marvel:
Almost immediately after coming out from behind the screen her ill condition seems to improve, and soon she is once more hale and healthy.
However when she speaks, her vice is again like gravel, no longer her light, feminine tone.
"I do not think we should go to this carnival, but if we choose to I can again disguise myself."
OOC - sorry for hiatus, my office is mostly back in operational status now...
OOC2 - Creel's payment... I may have missed it but does it mean 800gp as in, 800 coins, weighing exactly... ? I guess official rule is 10 coins to a lb, I've always assumed 50 coins to a lb since 2Ed... but even then, 16lbs extra weight is probably waaaay too much for Nacesh. More on wealth in OOC thread.
The spearman bows at Selina's omnipresent wisdom and notes with due respect,
"I agree that us humans may be outstanding but kobolds may blend in... if they want to... Personally, I wouldn't start any risky activities before our departure."
[[Coin wealth can be converted into larger denominations, or into gems.]]
Forge Wrote:Ooc - Still around, just busy. Is there a book on thaumaturgy or other magic book/items that could help him expand into a new class? He will purchase one if he has enough money. I was thinking Artificer, but really looking for anything that can make him a better crafter.
OoC: Well, I wouldn't let you pay gold to pick up another class. That wouldn't be fair. But having knowledge of a region would help. Since War Forged come from Eberron you certainly would be aware of the Artificer. And if you wanted to specialize in Crafting arms and armor I think I read some feats that could easily be adapted to assist in crafting martial equipment. I may be able to find or convert something from this world that might interest you too. As I stated before, anyone can take a rank in Knowledge Local History and puts a point in New Crobuzon to get knowledge of the region. Otherwise you need to make the time to go find someone with a few ranks in this area. But I do want to make clear that ranks stack. So if you take Local History: New Crobuzon and then take Local history: The Sword Coast (Forgotten Realms), your rank would be 2 for both. If you then added a Local History: Solamnia (DragonLance) then you would then have 3 ranks in all three regions.
Betimi Wrote:Betimi tries on the new black, chitin armour, marvelling at its flexibility.
"This is perfect, I must thank you. If we are still here later I might come to you with more requests like this."
Creel nods. "I'd be happy to help."
Betimi Wrote:Does Simon share the contents of these packages. Hard to imagine a wyrman delivering a mule.
[OoC: Sorry, I forgot to mention your mule. It does arrive within the hour. As for the packages, Simon doesn't say anything about them but you're free to ask.]
Betimi Wrote:Betimi disappears behind the screen with Simon, after requesting that the party stay clear no matter what they hear.
There are the sounds of first pained whimpers, soon followed by a muffled scream, as if someone is biting down on a leather strap to stop from screaming.
A few minutes later Betimi comes out from behind the screen looking exhausted, covered in sweat, but she has a smile on her face, a tired but happy glow.
Simon follows Betimi out from behind the screen. He looks at her with a little concern and says,
"Are you sure you're alright. It is pretty big. I hope it didn't hurt too much."
Selina Wrote:She shakes herself out of her reverie at the subject of a carnival. "Are you certain it would be wise for us to be seen at such a public event? Especially given our outsider status and the obvious...discomfort the local constabulary views us with?"
Betimi Wrote:Almost immediately after coming out from behind the screen her ill condition seems to improve, and soon she is once more hale and healthy.
However when she speaks, her vice is again like gravel, no longer her light, feminine tone.
"I do not think we should go to this carnival, but if we choose to I can again disguise myself."
Nacesh Wrote:The spearman bows at Selina's omnipresent wisdom and notes with due respect,
"I agree that us humans may be outstanding but kobolds may blend in... if they want to... Personally, I wouldn't start any risky activities before our departure."
Creel gives Selina, Betimi and Nacesh a puzzled expression. "Oh? Interesting..."
Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote:"Car..neeval?? What is car-ni-val? Will they has food?"
"Yes, there will be loads of food of all kinds to satisfy even the most exotic or picky eaters," replies Creel.
Ningalu Baal\urki Wrote:Eek looks at his brother... "You were to mate Jas'reel. If she lived she will be looking for you. You could make pups..."
"But me want to stay with brother. What you think I show aptitude in? Magic? Fighting? Something else?," the twin asks.
Piper looks thoughfully for a moment and states,
"You've always been adept at studying creatures and the clergy spoke of your gift in the understanding of divine scrolls. The High Scale of the Divine told me once that you could, if given enough time, decipher any divine scroll, no matter its origin. That being said, the tribe could use more pups too!"