[OoC: Sorry for the delay. ]
[OoC2: Ning, K-9 is directly under Simon but your post says you're directly 'behind' and below Simon. So is it k-9 or J-9 or K-10? For now, I'm assuming you mean K-10. Double check and let me know which square you want to be in.]
- 21.2 Tomeal (Damage 3)
- 20.4 Ning/Nang
- 20.3 Simon
- 20.1 Creatures (Medium)
- 14.6 Kubo
- 12.1 Selina (Damage 4)
- 12.0 Dog
- 9.4 Betimi
- 7.1 Crozar
- 7.1 Elementarii [HD 6; Hp: 49; AC:18; Attack: +7; Damage: (2d6+1)+1d6 Fire ]
- 4.2 Creatures (small) [2 are Dead] [#1 taken 1 damage] [#3 taken 10 damage]
Ning effortlessly casts his Mirror image which creates a shell game of 5 images merging and separating from the real Ning, making it impossible to know which is which.
Simon Melts one creature and severally damages a second.
The first medium charges past the Spiritual weapon and toward the Elemental.
Attack: [1d20+8] = 9+8 = 17, Damage: [1d8] = 6; Miss! by 1 point!
But the boost Crozar gave to the his sun elemental is just enough to deflect the creature's vicious claw attack!
The second medium creature charges at Tomeal.
Attack: [1d20+8] = 8+8 = 16, Damage: [1d8] = 5; Miss!
The creature's claw attack manages to slip around Tomeal's shield but his Elven chainmail deflects the attack.
[Now it's Kubo, Selina, Dog, Betimi, Crozar and the elemental's turns.]
![[Image: QBaQsxQm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/QBaQsxQm.jpg)
[[On my mobile so I’ll post the crunch first]]:
Attack: [1d20+9] = 19+9 = 28; Slicey: [2d6+4] = 10+4 = 14; Sound and Fury: [1d6] = 5
[[...I think that hits, right? Should be enough to pacify the angry blade? Maybe it gives her that juicy +2 to damage so she can chop the garbagey thing to ribbons?]]
Selina glares angrily at the wretched... thing. It reeked to the stars above. She was angry, and flustered, and irritated about how this journey has gone. True, she had met some new allies, but everything else had gone literally to shit.
You’re angry. Good. It makes you strong. Now. Release your anger!
With a grunt of effort as she remembers too keep holding her breath, she brings the weapon in an arcing slice that cuts deeply through the distracted enemy before her.
[[If her attack killed it... then:]]
Giving one last look of disgust at the strange, yet disgusting creature, she takes a few steps past the glowing orb that Crozar brought in [[moves to i11]] and glares at the next target as if to say
No, you’re attacking me.
[[Sets herself in Iron Guard’s Glare stance. Anything she threatens takes a -4 penalty to attack anything else.]]
Crozar will advance to stand near Betimi,[[i14]] drawing it's rivebow as it does so. Once in position, it draws a bead on one of the creatures [[#3 at n9]] and releases a chakri with a loud
twang! The circular bolt ripped through the air only to harmlessly whizz by it's target and slap into the moist ground far beyond. [[
Rivebow shot: [1d20+3] = 1+3 = 4]]
Crozar sighs in exasperation and directs the avatar of Sunshad to direct it's holy fury at the abomination that Selina glared at. [[The one at I10, presuming Selina did indeed kill the one at G12. If not it will continue to attack G12. I believe you were wanting to roll the attacks for it?]]
[OoC: I forgot to say that once Kubo takeshi shot he will load his xbox for his next shot.]
[OoC: I was asked this question IRL so I will also answer it here. The circle of purplish mist around Ning is his circle of Protection vs Chaos. Additionally, his post says, "he rises
to 15' off the ground," so I assume he means the blue line would be the ground (see spoiler below). This would allow anyone in the 9 squares, on the ground, below him to gain the benefits of the Protection from Chaos (+4CL). ]
(02-01-2021, 04:34 PM)Kubo Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: I forgot to say that once Kubo takeshi shot he will load his xbox for his next shot.]
[OoC3: You're loading your xbox?

- 21.2 Tomeal (Damage 3)
- 20.4 Ning/Nang
- 20.3 Simon
- 20.1 Creatures (Medium) [#1 Damage 9]
- 14.6 Kubo
- 12.1 Selina (Damage 4)
- 12.0 Dog
- 9.4 Betimi
- 7.1 Crozar
- 7.1 Elementarii [HD 6; Hp: 49; AC:18; Attack: +7; Damage: (2d6+1)+1d6 Fire ]
- 4.2 Creatures (small) [3 are Dead] [#3 taken 10 damage]
Kubo takes his shot (becoming visible) and when the bolt strikes the creature it's body jerks and releases a puff of spores. [Hit. Damage: 4 ] He then reloads.
Selina blade strikes the creature and expels a loud rattling hiss. [You rolled a 19 so that's a possible critical!] The creature's body suddenly bursts into a cloud of spores and bits of plant matter! [Hit, Damage 19; Drops it to -11! ]
Dog just tilts his head and watches the spores slowly float away.
Betimi is about to shoot at the closest creature but it literally explodes. So she turns slightly and aims for the next closest (I-10). The bolt thumps into the creature's chest [Hit; Damage 9] creating a tiny puff of spores. The medium creature seems to have been damaged but not enough to make any noticable difference. Clearly the medium creatures aren't as easily felled as the small ones. She reloads.
[Crozar: Roll20's ruler is saying [C-17 to I-14] is 35'. So I'm adjusting you back 5' [to H-14] to stay within your 30' movement.]
Crozar fires his Rivebow. A rather large buzzsaw blade slices just over both Kubo's and the creature he was aiming at heads.
[Crozar: It doesn't matter this time because your roll was so low but shooting through Kubo's square gives the creature a +4 cover bonus. You also don't have Precise shot to fire into melee so that's another penalty of 4. Thankfully in 3.5 you can't hit cover.]
[Crozar: Please decide your Elemental's action. Remember it can flank so it could move to [I-9]. It will take an AoO though. Stats are in the Initiatives beside Elementarii.]
![[Image: oxs7h4Jm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/oxs7h4Jm.jpg)
(02-01-2021, 05:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: [ -> ][[I didn't realize there was additional cover due to Kubo or a penalty for shooting into melee. I will keep that in mind. I had thought I would be in position at I14, so would have avoided shooting through kubo's square in that case.
[[You're correct. My mistake, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of the shooting rules.]]
(02-01-2021, 05:53 PM)GM Anthraxus Wrote: [ -> ]If Selina's attack took out the one at G12, I don't get why the elemental would take be subject to an AoO in moving to I9 to flank, but regardless it will move there before making an attack at the thing at I10.]]
[OoC: The reason is, when you're threatened, leaving your square results in an AoO. So as soon as he moved from H-11, the Creature would try to smack the elemental. To avoid an AoO you can either 5' step or use the Withdraw action to avoid ONLY the initial 5' that triggers an AoO. Your elemental can Withdraw then move around to flank but when you withdraw you can't do anything but move. So it wouldn't be able both withdraw and attack in the same round.]
[That's right, I forgot in 3.5 that triggers on leaving and leaving threat, not just leaving threat like in 5. regardless, the elemental will take the consequences on the AoO to moving into flanking position and attack.]