Crozar looks closely at the stones and back up at the great tree creature. "Thank you for this aid. Am I correct in guessing that these could be planted to produce an animal ally for a time?"
[[Sorry. She asked twice and I was worried Simon was ignoring her

Selina nods and looks around.
"Where is it directing us now?" She had her suspicions, but he was the expert here.
(03-01-2021, 08:35 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar looks closely at the stones and back up at the great tree creature. "Thank you for this aid. Am I correct in guessing that these could be planted to produce an animal ally for a time?"
The creature lifts the shrub it was chewing high into the air. It's joints sound like straining timber. It then suddenly throws the shrub to the ground then makes a motion with its hands like something is slowly growing. The creature then gives you a lazy smile.
(03-01-2021, 09:11 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Sorry. She asked twice and I was worried Simon was ignoring her
Selina nods and looks around. "Where is it directing us now?" She had her suspicions, but he was the expert here.
[OoC: It's ok. I've been easily distracted lately. As I've said in the Marvel game, don't feel uncomfortable giving me a poke if I've forgot anything or seem to be lagging in my posting. ]
"Sorry. I thought I spoke but I guess I didn't." Looking at the device again he says,
"It's pointing in the general direction of the thin column of smoke but I don't think that's our final destination. But I do think we're close. Depending upon the obstacles we might even make it by tonight or early tomorrow. I must remind everyone, the Torque is constantly bombarding our bodies with Chaos energy. It's only a matter of time before our luck runs out and the group wakes up to find that one of us have been turned to jelly or a bag of assholes. The possibilities are endless. This gigantic creature here has likely been subject to several transformations. And it's only because we're in this kind of 'goldilocks zone' that it has turned into a viable creature and not completely dissolved into chaos energy."
Crozar says, "I understand. Thank you again. May Sunshad bless you with prosperous growth." Turning to the group the cacatae says, "I think I understand how these are to be used, and can think of nothing else to ask our great friend here. Anyone else have any questions before we move on?"
(03-02-2021, 10:49 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: It's ok. I've been easily distracted lately. As I've said in the Marvel game, don't feel uncomfortable giving me a poke if I've forgot anything or seem to be lagging in my posting. ]
"Sorry. I thought I spoke but I guess I didn't." Looking at the device again he says, "It's pointing in the general direction of the thin column of smoke but I don't think that's our final destination. But I do think we're close. Depending upon the obstacles we might even make it by tonight or early tomorrow. I must remind everyone, the Torque is constantly bombarding our bodies with Chaos energy. It's only a matter of time before our luck runs out and the group wakes up to find that one of us have been turned to jelly or a bag of assholes. The possibilities are endless. This gigantic creature here has likely been subject to several transformations. And it's only because we're in this kind of 'goldilocks zone' that it has turned into a viable creature and not completely dissolved into chaos energy."
[[We all have crazy lives. This is just my favorite game and I don't want it to peter out like so many others I've been in.]]
Selina looks in that direction, sighs almost tiredly despite the fact that they were all fairly fresh off a night's rest, and nods once.
"Very well. I know you will agree that the sooner we find this source, perhaps the sooner we can get away from this place."
(03-02-2021, 03:25 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Crozar says, "I understand. Thank you again. May Sunshad bless you with prosperous growth." Turning to the group the cacatae says, "I think I understand how these are to be used, and can think of nothing else to ask our great friend here. Anyone else have any questions before we move on?"
Selina shrugs and shakes her head.
"There seems to be some sort of disconnect. I'm certain this being understands you, but has no orifice capable of responding in kind, so non-verbal communication would be the only way forward there. The only thing we could ask is what the terrain looks like further ahead and it may have quite a bit of knowledge on that topic. Time is of the essence, as Simon has intimated, so there's only so much we can endure before we are turned."
Can Nang tell anything about the seed-stones when he looks at them with Knowledge:Arcana/Spellcraft?
Betimi nods in agreement at Selina's assessment. "Ithink it is giving us what aid it can already in the form of those seeds. We should thank itr for the aid and press on, unless it wishes to accompany us, which I for one will not object to. Who knows, it may have once been another cacticae, or even someone or something that was not plant-like. Maybe it would like to escape the Stain as well."
(03-02-2021, 11:18 PM)Ningalu Baal'urki Wrote: [ -> ]Can Nang tell anything about the seed-stones when he looks at them with Knowledge:Arcana/Spellcraft?
Ning suspects they are summoning stones. The runes are in a language you do not know. Likely druidic. [Didn't you cast comprehend languages? ]
Simon replies to Betimi, "I think its eyes provide a clue to its original form. They seem human."
Ning does have comprehend languages on yes. I asked the question iF Nang as opposed to Ning could tell anything as he has the archivist knowledge skills.