Nacesh lingers nearby, observing their family affairs with as much an unintrusive way as possible. He could remember all too well how ... something... was welling inside him... when he came to realise his sorcerous inheritance. A divine sorcerer? There are dragons who understand the Divine Powers, so why not?...
When Meek withdraws to meditate, he approaches Ningalu, talking in Draconian,
"You and your twin must be proud of each other. You both have the noblest ancestry. "
In Draconic:
"Yes, we both have the blood of The Great Green Mother running in our veins. It makes us powerful."
[OoC: No one is posting so I'm going to move on.]
If Forge wishes, Simon will retrieve anything he want from the market. He will also allow any of you to use whatever Lab equipment he has on the promise if anything gets broken it will be replaced.
When the time comes for the group to start thinking about turning in for the night, the evening is uneventful except for Forge who seems to continue to be plagued by dreams of a strange graveyard and a sense that he's being watched.
Most of you are awoken in the morning by the automated cleaning sheen activating to begin its regular morning sweep and dusting. Simon will make some eggs and bacon with coffee or tea. It's likely none of you have heard of coffee but Simon insists it's a morning ritual for many people as it helps to wake people up.
Betimi will try the coffee, but nakes a face at the bitter taste.. she devours the bacon and eggs, seeming to be extra hungry.
After breakfast she retreats to a corner where she sits with her eyes closed, murmuring quietly as if having a whispered conversation with someone. She even giggles a few times as if at some jest. If anyone approaches her eyes snap open instantly as if she could see them approach even with her eyes closed.
Selina is roused almost instantly by the scent of the coffee, thinking it is the most amazing smell on Earth. The bacon and eggs quickly follow and she is soon sitting down and eagerly devouring something from this world in mere moments. The coffee surprises her, giving her a jolt of energy, but also providing a strange enjoyment with its bitter taste. A lady could get used to fare such as this.
"You call this drink 'Coffee'? It is wonderful. I can actually think now!"
[OoC: It's been a week and Forge, Nacesh and Kee, has yet to post. I know Kee's player is still away. I guess I'm going to keep moving forward. ]
(10-16-2018, 02:17 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina is roused almost instantly by the scent of the coffee, thinking it is the most amazing smell on Earth. The bacon and eggs quickly follow and she is soon sitting down and eagerly devouring something from this world in mere moments. The coffee surprises her, giving her a jolt of energy, but also providing a strange enjoyment with its bitter taste. A lady could get used to fare such as this.
"You call this drink 'Coffee'? It is wonderful. I can actually think now!"
Simon replies,
"Perhaps once you've found your way home, the coffee will someday lure you back to New Crobuzon."
You all eat breakfast and begin talking about your plans for your voyage. Nacesh's lizard will scurry down his arm and snatch a strawberry in its mouth, then scurry back up to his shoulder to enjoy its feast. The Cheetah stays close to Kee accepting any food he offers. While the hound sits dutifully beside Selena, rarely taking his eyes off of her, as if waiting for any sign they were going to run out and do something fun.
Simon asks,
"Do any of the pets have names?"
At some point, Simon says.
"So have you decided who was going with you tonight. It's my understanding there is only so much space available on the ship. Likely Selena, Nacesh, Betimi, Kee, Ningalu, Forge and myself are for sure. The familiars and animal companions will likely be going as well. I think there is room for two more people if you want to bring them."
Tomeal replies,
"I would like to join you but if you feel I am needed elsewhere then I will be happy to go where ever I am needed."
Jonath says,
"My fists and mind are yours, as always."
Gilley adds,
"My bow is ready."
Piper chimes in.
"I would be happy to document your tales of heroics and bravery. I'm sure Meek would also be happy to help too."
Meek grumbles encouragingly from beneath the stairs.
(10-22-2018, 07:10 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: It's been a week and Forge, Nacesh and Kee, has yet to post. I know Kee's player is still away. I guess I'm going to keep moving forward. ]
(10-16-2018, 02:17 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ]Selina is roused almost instantly by the scent of the coffee, thinking it is the most amazing smell on Earth. The bacon and eggs quickly follow and she is soon sitting down and eagerly devouring something from this world in mere moments. The coffee surprises her, giving her a jolt of energy, but also providing a strange enjoyment with its bitter taste. A lady could get used to fare such as this.
"You call this drink 'Coffee'? It is wonderful. I can actually think now!"
Simon replies, "Perhaps once you've found your way home, the coffee will someday lure you back to New Crobuzon."
You all eat breakfast and begin talking about your plans for your voyage. Nacesh's lizard will scurry down his arm and snatch a strawberry in its mouth, then scurry back up to his shoulder to enjoy its feast. The Cheetah stays close to Kee accepting any food he offers. While the hound sits dutifully beside Selena, rarely taking his eyes off of her, as if waiting for any sign they were going to run out and do something fun.
Simon asks, "Do any of the pets have names?"
At some point, Simon says. "So have you decided who was going with you tonight. It's my understanding there is only so much space available on the ship. Likely Selena, Nacesh, Betimi, Kee, Ningalu, and myself are for sure. The familiars and animal companions will likely be going as well. I think there is room for two more people if you want to bring them."
[OoC I think you meant to include Forge in that list]
(10-22-2018, 07:10 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Tomeal replies, "I would like to join you but if you feel I am needed elsewhere then I will be happy to go where ever I am needed."
Jonath says, "My fists and mind are yours, as always."
Gilley adds, "My bow is ready."
Piper chimes in. "I would be happy to document your tales of heroics and bravery. I'm sure Meek would also be happy to help too."
Meek grumbles encouragingly from beneath the stairs.
Betimi looks at the collection of people ready to assist them.
First she looks at Jonath.. and at Eek (Ningalu)..
"Your trapfinding skills are excellent, but we will have a very skilled trapfinder with us already."
Then she looks at Gilley..
"While your tracking and ranged attack skills are excellent, I think others will have that covered as well"
She looks at Tomeal.
"You are definitely needed, your steadfastness on our front-line beside Forge will free both Selina up to command, andd myself to alternate between functions,rather than dedicating myself to the front-line."
Then she looks at Piper, and towards Meek under the stairs..
"Will Meek be out of his 'cocoon' in time? If not we can definitely use you or Meek, both of you have healing spellcasting ability, but also stay clear of melee in support roles, so will be free to use that healing or support" [OoC bardic music or archivist knowledge both has a similar effect, enhancing their party]
Her opinions voiced, she looks toward Selina for the final decision.
Ooc - he did, I'm an animal companion :p lol
Forge continues to work tirelessly on some project, not needing to break, even for cof-fee. The liquid sounded like some expensive sickness. Cough-Fee.
Ooc2- are the daydreams of the junkyard just that, or do they have a supernatural feel? Are they more like visions that interrupt his work?
Ooc2- forgot to post Forges wish list for his materials.
Betimi Wrote:[OoC I think you meant to include Forge in that list]
[Ooc1: What are you talking about? His name is there...

(10-23-2018, 06:15 PM)Forge Wrote: [ -> ]Ooc - he did, I'm an animal companion :p lol
Forge continues to work tirelessly on some project, not needing to break, even for cof-fee. The liquid sounded like some expensive sickness. Cough-Fee.
Ooc2- are the daydreams of the junkyard just that, or do they have a supernatural feel? Are they more like visions that interrupt his work?
Ooc2- forgot to post Forges wish list for his materials.
[OoC2: When I was reviewing Warforged, I made the mistake of looking at the 4e version which is slightly different than 3.5e. The 4e Warforged require a 4 hour 'stand-by' mode which is why I was in earlier posts I said he was having dreams. But Warforged in 3.5 don't have any such limitation. So Forge does not shut down and any past mentions of him 'Dreaming' should be considered more like his mind wandering or just Day Dreams that can happen at any time. PM will be incoming shortly.]
Forge's mind wanders, drawing his thoughts to the strange junkyard that almost feels more like some kind of Sheen graveyard. Piles and piles of Sheens, carelessly thrown onto one another that were discarded through either them breaking down or them being replaced by more modern models. You think it's strange that for a world so full of mechanical creatures that no Sheens have been created to have any kind of sentience or to be able to do more than one or two simple tasks. While you wander the crooked pathways of the graveyard inside your mind you can't help but feel uneasy with all the blank mechanical face staring at you and you begin to get the sense that you're being watched. At first the feeling feels like it's coming from all around you until you're suddenly spotlighted from above by two intense beams of light. You're blinded for a moment so you put your arm up in front of your face to block the light. But as you peer around your arm to get a better look, you find yourself mesmerized (like a deer caught in headlights) by something beyond the beams. An intelligence that you feel drawn toward. You hear it repeating,
"Forge... Forge... Forge..."
"Forge? Forge? Are you alright," Simon asks, finally pulling your mind from your day dream.
"You seemed really out of it."
(10-23-2018, 04:59 PM)Betimi Wrote: [ -> ]Betimi looks at the collection of people ready to assist them.
First she looks at Jonath.. and at Eek (Ningalu).. "Your trapfinding skills are excellent, but we will have a very skilled trapfinder with us already."
Then she looks at Gilley.. "While your tracking and ranged attack skills are excellent, I think others will have that covered as well"
She looks at Tomeal. "You are definitely needed, your steadfastness on our front-line beside Forge will free both Selina up to command, and myself to alternate between functions,rather than dedicating myself to the front-line."
Then she looks at Piper, and towards Meek under the stairs.. "Will Meek be out of his 'cocoon' in time? If not we can definitely use you or Meek, both of you have healing spellcasting ability, but also stay clear of melee in support roles, so will be free to use that healing or support" [OoC bardic music or archivist knowledge both has a similar effect, enhancing their party]
Her opinions voiced, she looks toward Selina for the final decision.
Selina listens to her "number one" as she feeds her hound a few pieces of bacon, nodding in response to her choices. In truth, she wanted to get them all away from this place as soon as was possible and spare them as much danger and scrutiny as she could. Hopefully she could manage that.
"Agreed, on all counts. While I appreciate your offers of assistance, only so many can join us. Do not feel this a rejection. I mean in it in no such way. I simply agree with my companion that this will be the strongest group for a most dangerous journey."
GM Marvel Wrote:'Simon replies, "Perhaps once you've found your way home, the coffee will someday lure you back to New Crobuzon."
You all eat breakfast and begin talking about your plans for your voyage. Nacesh's lizard will scurry down his arm and snatch a strawberry in its mouth, then scurry back up to his shoulder to enjoy its feast. The Cheetah stays close to Kee accepting any food he offers. While the hound sits dutifully beside Selena, rarely taking his eyes off of her, as if waiting for any sign they were going to run out and do something fun.
Simon asks, "Do any of the pets have names?"
Selina has no comment regarding Simon's first offer. She really wasn't sure she wanted to return here...unless it was for the purpose of freeing these people from their oppressive government. And even then, only those who wished to be freed. She was not a tyrant to force people to follow.
"The large feline is named 'Chris', I do believe. As for our good boy here..."
She gives the hound a good, solid rub along his neck and shoulder as she looks inquiringly at Betimi, Nacesh, Jonath, and Tomeal.
"I do not believe that we ever agreed upon a name. Our journey has been so hectic that we have had few moments of down time in order to discuss this."