[OoC: Even with an armor check penalty, Tomeal has a climb 8. Simon has a Climb 0. Elphaba has a climb 4. ]
[All spells were successful. Without protection from chaos, Primal Hunter would have failed. But otherwise all the other rolls were quite good even without the protection! ]
Crozar can carry the Sunrod. As you move downward the Cameo will continue canceling out the magical darkness leaving a sphere of normal darkness around the party. The Sunrod will light up that 20' sphere the cameo canceled out. Does that make sense?
[[What about Simon? Couldn’t we cast it on him as well?
[OoC: Well, as usual life finds a way to screw me over. I tested positive for COVID.

I assume I got it from the tenant who lives below me. The intensity of the symptoms seem to come and go. Earlier today I was feeling pretty good. Then after having a nap my joints and head were aching terribly. What's kind of funny is I normally suffer from joint pain far worse than what COVID is giving me. So while I'm uncomfortable it's strangely not really that bad. The sore throat started Saturday or Sunday and I was immediately suspicious because it felt different than other sore throats I've had. My doctor has given me additional medication that's suppose to help keep me out of the hospital. ]
[OoC2: You guys can cast the spider climbs on anyone you want but you have to lock in your choices so we can continue. Simon also has 1 or possibly 2 (if he vomits up the 1st one to use it again) fly infusions. ]
[[Gross. And so is the part about Fly infusions

(07-28-2022, 08:27 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Well, as usual life finds a way to screw me over. I tested positive for COVID.
I assume I got it from the tenant who lives below me. The intensity of the symptoms seem to come and go. Earlier today I was feeling pretty good. Then after having a nap my joints and head were aching terribly. What's kind of funny is I normally suffer from joint pain far worse than what COVID is giving me. So while I'm uncomfortable it's strangely not really that bad. The sore throat started Saturday or Sunday and I was immediately suspicious because it felt different than other sore throats I've had. My doctor has given me additional medication that's suppose to help keep me out of the hospital. ]
[OoC2: You guys can cast the spider climbs on anyone you want but you have to lock in your choices so we can continue. Simon also has 1 or possibly 2 (if he vomits up the 1st one to use it again) fly infusions. ]
[OOC: Sorry to hear that for you. Did they put you on Paxlovid? They gave that to me when I was testing positive a couple weeks ago. The metallic fecal taste that I had for the full 5 day run of the medication was worst than anything Covid did to me, but it sounds like my symptoms were more mild that yours.]
[OoC Sorry to hear about the battle with COVID. Hopefully by now, you have recovered somewhat.]
Ningalu will cast the spider climbs on Crozar, and Tomreal, allowing them to act as anchors.
[[Tomeal is much better as an anchor. Much higher Strength. Selina is much more a priestess than a warrior at this point. But she will need the spider climb because of how clumsy the armor makes her.]]
(07-28-2022, 02:06 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ] (07-28-2022, 08:27 AM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC: Well, as usual life finds a way to screw me over. I tested positive for COVID.
I assume I got it from the tenant who lives below me. The intensity of the symptoms seem to come and go. Earlier today I was feeling pretty good. Then after having a nap my joints and head were aching terribly. What's kind of funny is I normally suffer from joint pain far worse than what COVID is giving me. So while I'm uncomfortable it's strangely not really that bad. The sore throat started Saturday or Sunday and I was immediately suspicious because it felt different than other sore throats I've had. My doctor has given me additional medication that's suppose to help keep me out of the hospital. ]
[OoC2: You guys can cast the spider climbs on anyone you want but you have to lock in your choices so we can continue. Simon also has 1 or possibly 2 (if he vomits up the 1st one to use it again) fly infusions. ]
[OOC: Sorry to hear that for you. Did they put you on Paxlovid? They gave that to me when I was testing positive a couple weeks ago. The metallic fecal taste that I had for the full 5 day run of the medication was worst than anything Covid did to me, but it sounds like my symptoms were more mild that yours.]
I can't remember the name of the meds but Paxlovid sounds familiar but I don't remember any metallic fecal taste but unless I'm taking something like Acetaminophen, I always take meds with food. That might be why I didn't notice the taste.