Betimi does a little scouting around the mouth of the cave. It all seems pretty quiet until she moves (North-West) 60', to the limit of their darkvision. Betimi needs to squint to detect movement at the furthest limits of her darkvision to pick up the no longer glowing Furbees buzzing around in a very agitated state. She remembers that that's about where the group defeated the mutant-wolves.
[OoC: Oh shit! some of them critters showed signs of regenerating durng the fight, maybe one or two of them where not killed enough to keepfrom regenerating]
[[I think that was Fast Healing, not Regeneration. Besides, DM sez “Down” and that means Down.]]
Betimi returns to Kubo and quietly shares her concern, she wants Kubo to come out 60' from the cave so he can see her, while she moves the 60' to investigate. Perhaps wake Tomreal as he is not a spellcaster so will not get his spells ruined by being awakened.
(11-01-2020, 05:04 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[I think that was Fast Healing, not Regeneration. Besides, DM sez “Down” and that means Down.]]
[DM said "down" not "dead."

[OoC: Why wouldn't he!


Hearing evil DM laugh] kubo rushes into the cave and quitely wakes Taemyl,
"We may have trouble stirring outside the cave, I'm going to go asist Beltmi, if you hear me shout we be needin help, please come a runnin!". He then he back to Beltimi to check the developing situation.
[[Better to fight them here, where charging and 5’ step tactics are a thing.]]
[OoC better yet lightning strike into puddles them before they even get up. Then figure out how to destroy them]
[That works too. Don’t know who else has Call Lightning though. Also, Selina’s weapon seemed to do quite well at destroying one, so sonic damage mebbe?]]