[OoC: This was a very long weekend. Sorry for the late update. ]
[OoC2: Ning, I'm curious about the DC of the Spitsear? The DC is 10 + the Host's Dex Modifier (DC14) did I give you the wrong information or do you have something to boost the breath weapon? ]
- 21.2 Tomeal (Damage 3 + 3 = 6)
- 20.4 Ning/Nang
- 20.3 Simon
- 20.1 Creatures (Medium) [#1 Damage 21] [#2 Damage 42]
- 14.6 Kubo
- 12.1 Selina (Damage 4)
- 12.0 Dog
- 9.4 Betimi
- 7.1 Crozar
- 7.1 Elementarii [HD 6; Hp: 49; AC:18; Attack: +7; Damage: (2d6+1)+1d6 Fire ]
- 4.2 Creatures (small) [All 4 are dead]
Ning floats 5' toward the creature Tomeal is battling. He peers down at the skeletal critter and breaths a cone of acidic fire over its body.
Reflex save: [1d20+4]=10+4=14; Of course... So that's a possible success. Waiting on Ning's reply about the DC of the attack. [Damage 19 or 9]
Tomeal shields himself from the wave of caustic flames!
Simon pulls another Acid bomb out of his pouch then lobs it at the medium creature [2]... [Precise bomb to Avoid Tomeal]
Range Attack with Precise/PB Shot: [1d20+10] = 20+10 = 30; Damage: [4d6+10] = 17+10 = 27; Possible Critical!
[/url][url=http://www.unseenservant.com/index.php?do=showone&id=218250&macid=0]Confirm Critical: [1d20+10] = 20+10 = 30, Damage: [1d6] = 6; DOUBLE CRITICAL!

Too bad it can't do more damage!
A split second after the blazing cone of acid washes over the creature, a bomb detonates in a devastating green explosion! With both attacks happening almost at the same time, the combination of flames and fumes makes Tomeal wonder if they opened a portal to some hellish dimension! [33 Damage +9 damage = 42 Damage!]
Creature [#1] lunges at Selina, tearing at her with both it's wicked claws! [Selina has an AC20. Do you have anything that boost's it higher?]
Claw attack: [1d20+6]=15+6=21, Damage: [1d8]=2; HIT!; Please make a Fort Save DC15
Claw attack: [1d20+6]=14+6=20, Damage: [1d8]=7; HIT! Please make a Fort Save DC15
The first claw scratches down her left and manages to find a week spot in the inside elbow. It follows up the with the second claw but this time the beast rips into the armpit of her armor, tearing a hole through the chain and deep into the flesh above her right breast. Any noise made by Selina that sounds like she might be hurt will immediately draw Tomeal's attention!
Creature [#2] is very F-ed up
and might be dead!
It claws frantically at the only target close to it...
Claw attack: [1d20+6]=13+6=19, Damage: [1d8]=1; Miss!
Claw attack: [1d20+6]=17+6=23, Damage: [1d8]=3; HIT!
Fort save: [1d20+11]=6+11=17; Success!
The first claw is deflected by Tomeal's shield...
But the second attack dips low and rips Tomeal across the his left leg. [Damage 3!]
![[Image: DsgILgCm.jpg]](https://i.imgur.com/DsgILgCm.jpg)