Kubo would take a 5' step back to N10 before shooting his crossbow. [OoC: sorry I missed reading a few posts. I am finding that this board is not working consistently since the update! Hopefully they can get the bugs worked out so it is consistently accessible and useable on all devices soon]
Seeing that Selina needs an alternate target to the disgusting flesh-tornado to focus on, Crozar drops the rivebow and unfurls it's gnoscourge. As the long whip uncoils pinpoints of light begin to coalesce at the ends of his spines and along the length of the arcane tool. The plantman begins to whirl the whip, preparing to summon reinforcements.
[[OOC: Crozar will begin summoning a Luceat, with increased Armor and Health, to K9]]
(04-28-2021, 05:43 PM)Crozar the Sunspot Wrote: [ -> ]Seeing that Selina needs an alternate target to the disgusting flesh-tornado to focus on, Crozar drops the rivebow and unfurls it's gnoscourge. As the long whip uncoils pinpoints of light begin to coalesce at the ends of his spines and along the length of the arcane tool. The plantman begins to whirl the whip, preparing to summon reinforcements.
[[OOC: Crozar will begin summoning a Luceat, with increased Armor and Health, to K9]]
[[OoC: I updated the post in the New Crobuzon info section. I wanted to make sure I didn't have to go searching for the rules we decided every time you summoned.
Summoning your elemental takes a full round action and you must make a concentration check of 5 + Hit Dice (+4) + Health (+2) = DC11. Please make this check. ]]
Concentration Check: [1d20+5]=7+5=12
[ooc: whew!]
The unsettling tableau of the monstrosity nearly shatters the careful concentration Crozar is attempting to build. At the last moment it focuses on the pain of its new friend Selina and the miracle the old lady had wrought in this zone of madness by her careful cultivation of gourds and melons. Crozar drew strength from the healthy vibrancy around him and the reminder of the power of Sunshad it provied. Eyes snapping open as the gnoscourge snapped in the air in front it, and a brilliant glaring light is wrenched out of the air.
Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
- 24.7 Spider Creature: 22 damage + 11 damage = 33 damage
- 24.4 Ning (1 image left + 1= 2 targets) : Ning takes 31 damage!! (-4/27) Unconscious!
- 19.1 Selina: Damage 10 + 3 + 1 + 2 + 1 = 17 (out of 30); Takes 3 Con Damage + 7 con damage = 10 Total Con damage!
- 18.5 Simon: 12 Damage!
- 18.4 Undead A: Damage 4 + 15 = 19 + 16 damage = 35 damage! +9 damage = 44! Dead!
- 11.6 Kubo
- 10.4 Betimi
- 9.5 Dog: 7 damage
- 7.2 Tomeal: 3 damage + 3 damage = 6 damage
- 5.1 Crozar
- 5.1 Sun Elemental (Luceat)
Quote:Luceat: HD: 6; HP: 45; Speed: 50; AC: 16 (+3 Dex, +3 natural), touch 13, flat-footed 13); Slam +7 melee (1d6+1 plus 1d6 fire); SA: Burn; Feats: Dodge, Improved Initiative, Mobility, Weapon Finesse
Crozar unfurls his gnoscourge, the long whip uncoils pinpoints of light begin to coalesce at the ends of his spines and along the length of the arcane tool. The plantman begins to whirl the whip, preparing to summon reinforcements. In a blink of an eye, the whip tears open the boundary between this plane and the sunlit domain of the Sun Elementals. The Gnoscourge forces a nearby elemental through the portal and into this world. It seems none to happy but the whip snaps at the creature forcing it to do Crozar's bidding.
The ball of sunlight immediately lashes out at the whirlwind of body parts with a tendril of burning sunlight.
Sun Elemental Slam: [1d20+7]=15+7=22, Damage: [1d6+1]=3+1=4; Fire: [1d6]=5; HIT!; 9 damage!
Immediately the storm of rotting body parts fly apart in all directions. Wherever they land, they immediately dissolve and disappear.
The nearly mindless Spider creature (finally) reacts to the pain caused by Ning's spitfire breath. It squeals shrilly and begins to rapidly stab at Ning, trying to spear him and drag him into a grapple. [Re Mirror image: A roll of 1 hits Ning. ]
Leg rake 1: [1d20+14]=16+14=30, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11;
Mirror image: [1d4]=3; Miss! Image Destroyed; 3 targets left
Leg rake 2: [1d20+14]=16+14=30, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10;
Mirror image: [1d3]=1;
HIT Ning!; 10 Damage
Leg rake 3: [1d20+14]=12+14=26, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10;
Mirror image: [1d3]=3; Miss!; Image Destroyed; 2 targets left
Leg rake 4: [1d20+14]=5+14=19, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11;
Mirror image: [1d2]=1; Miss Ning!; Still 2 targets left
Leg rake 5: [1d20+14]=15+14=29, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10;
Mirror image: [1d2]=1;
HIT Ning! 10 Damage! Still 2 targets left
Leg rake 6: [1d20+14]=15+14=29, Damage: [1d6+6]=6+6=12;
Displacement (1-50 misses): [1d100]=66;
HIT Simon!; 12 damage!
Leg rake 7: [1d20+14]=5+14=19, Damage: [1d6+6]=5+6=11; Miss Simon!
Leg rake 8: [1d20+14]=5+14=19, Damage: [1d6+6]=4+6=10; Miss Simon!
[Grapple Checks: When the creature hits with two legs it grapples as a free action!!]
The creature grapples Ning and immediately begins to constrict him!
Constrict [3d6]=11;
Plus 20 from the 2 attacks = 31 damage!!
The creatures legs begin stabbing at Ning but one of his images foils the first attack. But then one of its spear tipped legs stab into the Kobold and he yells in agony. Another stabs at him and again one of the images foils the attack! A third leg stabs for Ning but at the last moment he throws himself out of the way. A Fourth leg then catches Ning in its grasp and immediately the two spiny legs begin to crush the life out of the small Kobold. His lungs release a high pitched whine as he's crushed into unconsciousness...
NING is Unconscious and at -4 hit points!!
The creature then begins flailing its limbs at Simon! The first attack strikes Simon despite his displacement. He yells in pain but sees 2 more legs coming for him. This time he dives and dodges as the spearlike tips stab twice into the ground, covering him with dirt and debris. Simon yells,
"Holy FUCK! This thing is a killing machine!!! HELP NING!"
~Brother Ning?~ Nang, the arm thinks.
Next it's everyone else's turns!
![[Image: pLUX4qg.png]](https://i.imgur.com/pLUX4qg.png)
Selina gasps deeply, head throbbing, heart pounding in her ears.
That's...can't breathe. I can't breathe! "I can't breathe!" She stumbles backwards a few steps, nearly cleaving Dog with the blade before she remembers and drops it. She goes to one knee, coughing a few times and tasting the coppery tang of blood. Her eyes open and she sees through bleary vision red on her gauntlets, on the ground. She pants heavily, blinking at all the fuzzy sounds and muffled shapes. Bright light. Darkness. Bright light again. Something is...very wrong.
Woozy. Climbing weakly to her feet. Selina fumbles for her charm, her symbol, her guiding light, clutches it, panting heavily.
"Selune...help us. Please!" A whisper, a prayer, a release.
[[Selina moves (stumbles, really) to L6 and uses Turn Undead positively to channel healing energy into everyone except the disgusting things that is still probably the thing I think it is. Unless she is not allowed to use it this way and I misunderstood what you meant by "Pathfinder Version". Because then, of course, I'll just have to figure something else out...]]
Turn Healz: [2d6]=7
[[It has not escaped my mind that if we'd stuck with the original Turn Undead, those clouds that nearly killed Selina would have run off in absolute fear (probably) for several minutes, allowing us to destroy this thing with a big Avengers Assemble and still have time (probably) to prep for their return. Also, everyone remember you still have +1 morale to attack rolls and saves v. fear.]]
[OoC: Channeling energy causes a burst that affects all creatures of one type (either Undead or living) in a 30-foot radius centered on the cleric.
So of you're not careful, you'll heal the creature too. You could probably move to K6 or L6 to get everyone except Simon and avoid the creature. Simon would need to move over 5' to be caught in you're healing. You could delay and tell him to move to get him too.]
[[Oh OK. I just checked. Moving to L6 means that 30' burst ends at Simon and Ning's space but doesn't enter one of the creatures' spaces.]]
When Nang can't hear into his brother's mind he begins to panic. With Ning unconscious he can't speak to cast any of his spells to help them escape. He could detach himself but that wouldn't help his brother. Instead, he places his hand on his brother and concentrates on channeling Divine energy.
[Touch of Healing: Cure 3pts of damage per level of the highest-level conjuration (healing) spell (Cure Moderate: 2nd level) you have available to cast,
healing Ning 3 x 2 = 6 hit points of damage cured. ]
Ning moans as his eyes flutter open. The creature still has its flexible legs wrapped around his body.
[If Ning can do something, he can!]
Then Selina moves and concentrates upon her goddesses divine power. Suddenly wave after wave of moonlit energy washes over the battlefield. Everyone feels the energy regenerate their wounds.
[Cure 7 damage on everyone! A total of 34pts cured.]
Simon moves 5' toward Ning, hoping to keep himself between the beast and Betimi. He then winds up and throws a bomb at Ning.
Displacement (1-50 misses): [1d100]=41; AoO MISSES!!!
Bomb: [1d20+11]=19+11=30; HIT!!
Cure serious wounds: [3d8+8]=12+8=20 The bomb explodes 20/11 cured.
The creature lashes out one of it's hairy legs at Simon but the spider creature gets confused by Simon's displacement and just spears the ground beside him. More dirt bursts from the hole it makes. Simon then lets the vial fly! The bomb bursts on Ning's face, instantly curing him [20 hit points cured] and splashing himself [11 hit points cured]. He uses Precise bomb to avoid the spider thing!
Everyone is now fully healed except Selina! 
She's at 24/30 and 10 con damage!
[It's Kubo, Betimi, Dog, Tomeal, Crozar/Luceat Turns! ]
Initiatives: (Damage) (>Actions)
- 24.7 Spider Creature: 22 damage + 11 damage = 33 damage
- 24.4 Ning (1 image left + 1= 2 targets) : Ning takes 31 damage!! (-4/27) Cured 6pts + Cured 7pts + cured 20 pts = 0 damage! [27/27 hit points] Spitfire returns: [1d4]=4
- 19.1 Selina: 17 + cured 7pts =24 (out of 30); 10 Total Con damage!
- 18.5 Simon: 12 Damage + 7 damage cured + 11 cured! = 0 damage!!
- 11.6 Kubo
- 10.4 Betimi
- 9.5 Dog: 7 damage Cured 7 = 0 damage!
- 7.2 Tomeal: 6 damage + Cured 7 = 0 damage
- 5.1 Crozar
- 5.1 Sun Elemental (Luceat)
![[Image: M6A8h4M.png]](https://i.imgur.com/M6A8h4M.png)