Tomeal Initiative: [1d20+2]=5+2=7, Simon Initiative: [1d20+5]=20+5=25;
Initiative: [1d20+2]=7+2=9
- 25.5 Simon
- 24.4 Ning
- 19.1 Selina
- 11.6 Kubo
- 10.4 Betimi
- 9.5 Dog
- 7.2 Tomeal
- 5.1 Crozar
Selina gathers the group around the best she can and casts her bless spell. The pumpkins and vines woven into the Permanent Protection from Chaos circle glow briefly a bright purple in response. Everyone suddenly feel their morale bolstered.
Quote:Each ally gains a +1 morale bonus on attack rolls and on saving throws against fear effects.
The humanoids in the woods separate and begin to carefully creep toward the group. [Using a single move action.]
First Round: Simon, Ning and Selina start the round.
![[Image: AfwYrWE.png]](
[[I forgot to mention that you can't run or charge while inside the circle. I'm not going to inflict a movement penalty for regular movement but there is just too many vines and pumpkins your feet can get tangled up in if you're moving faster than your base movement. ]]
[[Time to test out a theory...]]
Selina steps out ((moves to M10)) to confront the creatures, eyes narrowed to thin slits. In her right hand she grips her sword fiercely. In her left, the metal circle of her symbol of Selune almost shines with softly glowing light as the residual effect of a recent spell slowly wears off.
If you are of the undead or anything at all similar, Begone!
Her eyes open and flare with pale light to match the symbol. The glow pulses out to fill the area with moonlight.
[[Selina attempts to Turn Undead]]
Turn Check: [1d20+3]=15+3=18 ((Cleric level 4 + 2 = 6))
Turn Damage: [2d6+7]=12+7=19 ((Whoa! Max turning damage! She affects 19 total HD of undead within a 60' radius, and can affect undead of up to level 6, starting with the closest.))
When the glow fades, Selina has her sword gripped in both hands, has set herself into her favored guard position, and casts her gaze around the battlefield.
"Now...Come at me!"
[[Selina sets herself in Iron Guard's Glare stance, all enemies within her threatened area take a -4 penalty to any attack they make against anyone else. I know there's no one in her vicinity, but she just did an absolutely MASSIVE Turn Undead and wants to force any undead that may be out there to attack her first if they managed to get past it.]]
[[Selina's chosen Maneuvers, once more chosen directly from her sheet:
Maneuver Readied: [1d5]=4 Douse the Flames
Maneuver Readied: [1d4]=2 Vanguard Strike
Maneuver Readied: [1d3]=3 Leading the Attack]]
I can't seem to find our current map so I can visualize our placement
(04-20-2021, 12:39 AM)Kubo Wrote: [ -> ]I can't seem to find our current map so I can visualize our placement
[[I removed the spoiler tags. Can you see the map now?]
(04-19-2021, 11:53 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Time to test out a theory...]]
Selina steps out ((moves to M10)) to confront the creatures, eyes narrowed to thin slits. In her right hand she grips her sword fiercely. In her left, the metal circle of her symbol of Selune almost shines with softly glowing light as the residual effect of a recent spell slowly wears off.
If you are of the undead or anything at all similar, Begone!
Her eyes open and flare with pale light to match the symbol. The glow pulses out to fill the area with moonlight.
[[Selina attempts to Turn Undead]]
Turn Check: [1d20+3]=15+3=18 ((Cleric level 4 + 2 = 6))
Turn Damage: [2d6+7]=12+7=19 ((Whoa! Max turning damage! She affects 19 total HD of undead within a 60' radius, and can affect undead of up to level 6, starting with the closest.))
When the glow fades, Selina has her sword gripped in both hands, has set herself into her favored guard position, and casts her gaze around the battlefield.
"Now...Come at me!"
[[Selina sets herself in Iron Guard's Glare stance, all enemies within her threatened area take a -4 penalty to any attack they make against anyone else. I know there's no one in her vicinity, but she just did an absolutely MASSIVE Turn Undead and wants to force any undead that may be out there to attack her first if they managed to get past it.]]
[[Selina's chosen Maneuvers, once more chosen directly from her sheet:
Maneuver Readied: [1d5]=4 Douse the Flames
Maneuver Readied: [1d4]=2 Vanguard Strike
Maneuver Readied: [1d3]=3 Leading the Attack]]
[OoC: I have one question. Are you sure you want to try to turn them? The reason why I ask is if you are successful then they will flee for a minute. You know they're floating so they will likely outrun everyone because they won't have terrain modifiers. Then after a minute, they will just return. You can't pin them in a corner and beat them to death like you could in a dungeon. So effectively you're just delaying the inevitable. The only way I can see of this working is if they have only 2hd. Then you would destroy them outright.
This is one of the reasons why I have thought about using the optional rule where Turning blasts undead with positive energy causing them damage. Because just making them run away is kind of boring when they can just return in 1 minute.]
[[That was mostly what I was hoping for (Destroying). I also didn't realize they were floating. Pretty sure I can't transfer those great rolls now and she can't reach them with her slow base speed, so there isn't a whole lot else she can do. The only thing I can think of now is that this gives everyone a better chance to prepare themselves. Bless lasts for 4 minutes at her level and they'll spend 1 of those minutes running away and hiding while we gather up and prepare. In terms of your rule, an ACF exists in Expedition to Ravenloft that replaces the Cleric's regular Turn Undead with a Destroy Undead. So it's a total possibility. Obviously, Selina has never been to Ravenloft (or even heard of it), so I couldn't select that.]]
(04-20-2021, 01:39 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[That was mostly what I was hoping for (Destroying). I also didn't realize they were floating. Pretty sure I can't transfer those great rolls now and she can't reach them with her slow base speed, so there isn't a whole lot else she can do. The only thing I can think of now is that this gives everyone a better chance to prepare themselves. Bless lasts for 4 minutes at her level and they'll spend 1 of those minutes running away and hiding while we gather up and prepare. In terms of your rule, an ACF exists in Expedition to Ravenloft that replaces the Cleric's regular Turn Undead with a Destroy Undead. So it's a total possibility. Obviously, Selina has never been to Ravenloft (or even heard of it), so I couldn't select that.]]
[[Since there are only two creatures (that you can see) it's doubtful they would be 2hd. You guys would wipe them out faster than it took me to place all those pumpkins on the map!
The Variant I was thinking of was from the Complete Divine, pg 87: In a 30' radius of the cleric, the priest does 1d6/level of damage. Undead get a will save (DC10 + Cleric Level +Charisma modifier).
There's also the Pathfinder Variant: In a 30' radius the cleric does 1d6 + 1d6 per 2 levels. Undead get a Will Save (DC10 + Cleric Level + Charisma modifier). However, you can choose to have it affect the living instead so you heal the same amount of damage in a 30' radius. You must choose which effect your using. So while you do less damage then the Complete Divine Variant, it's ultimately more useful because you can heal everyone. At your 4th level you would heal/damage 2d6. At 5th you'd heal/damage 3d6. ]
[[The Pathfinder one is Channel Energy I think. Ecclesitheurges are really good at it but it supposedly doesn't scale very well for healing, so it's best used to damage evil things. Anyway, I'm not sure what to do about her turn now. I guess I can give up the strong rolls and just have her hold an attack while saying "Simon...get your chemicals ready..." or something.]]
(04-20-2021, 04:46 AM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[The Pathfinder one is Channel Energy I think. Ecclesitheurges are really good at it but it supposedly doesn't scale very well for healing, so it's best used to damage evil things. Anyway, I'm not sure what to do about her turn now. I guess I can give up the strong rolls and just have her hold an attack while saying "Simon...get your chemicals ready..." or something.]]
[[It's totally up to you if you want to keep your turning rolls. But for a different standard action you can use Total Defense.
As for the healing not scaling well, it's a 30' radius healing that can use 3 + Charisma Mod per day. You can also take Extra Turning Feat to gain 4 uses a day. The only downside is it will heal enemies too unless they're undead. Since there are 8 people in the group, that's the equivalent of 16d6 healing with ONE use at your level. When you gain 5th, it will 24d6 with one use! This is without including any NPC's or summoned creatures that get caught in the radius! That's a lot of healing.
Anyways, it's just something I've been thinking about. What does the Ravenloft Variant do? ]