Despite the low knowledge check, to learn more about the sword you'd actually have to look at it. So far all you know is the scabbard seems to be made from some kind of lizard skin, gilded in what appears to be thin, ornate, curls of polished cold-iron. The handle itself is also made from polished cold-iron with the shiny green jeweled pommel being held in place in the mouth of a fanged serpent. It appears to be quite exquisite.
Ning watches his twin head downstairs in consternation. As usual Nang was the more rational and reasoned of the two, and he owed his twin an apology. He would allow Nang some time alone to calm down first. He resolved that he would not allow his fears to override their connection again.
"When Nang come back.. he smart.. have him look at sword."
Assuming lack of posts mean there is nothing further to address, you all eventually retire for the night. It's uncomfortably quiet on the strange airship. Anyone who peers out a porthole only sees the frosted tips of the mountain tops reflecting the moonlight through the haze of the sparse clouds you're flying through.
In the morning you all are startled awake from a cry from above.
[[Selina would have asked Nang about the sword. It was suggested and she still thinks quite highly of the kobolds that joined her.]]
(06-12-2019, 01:08 PM)Selina Parcellus Wrote: [ -> ][[Selina would have asked Nang about the sword. It was suggested and she still thinks quite highly of the kobolds that joined her.]]
"Monsters are more my thing," Nang replies, when asked about taking a look at the sword.
"But I'm also not totally a novice with appraising such things." The kobold asks to see the sword. Assuming Selina hands the weapon to Nang, he takes it from her and begins its inspection.
"It's magical. Strong magic too. I think I sense... yes... I definitely sense necromancy, as well as lingering transmutation magics that are slowly dissipating. Perhaps this blade was once something else. I would need more powerful magic to learn more. Though maybe Piper would be able to tell you more about the blade's history." Nang removes the scabbard from the Great Sword to reveal a cold iron blade with a faint etchings that appear to be a delicate lacework of scales. He takes a couple of extremely awkward swings and jabs with it and says,
"I know this blade is not meant to be wielded by someone my size but it seems very unbalanced. Too unbalanced to be wielded with any precision. You might as well be using a club." The kobold pauses a moment and adds,
"Curiously, I feel like... this will sound strange but... I feel like this blade is not fond of me."
Selina frowns at the information. “Necromancy? That is not good to hear. The undead revile me, but perhaps it is associated with something else from that branch...” She trails off in thought. At the mention of the blade not liking the kobold Selina quirks an eyebrow. “That sounds very much like a quality specifically crafted against your kind. Or perhaps...dragonkind in general? And cold iron means it would be crafted against the fey, yesss? Strange...strange indeed. I would very much like to know that the weapon I shall be wielding will not endanger the lives of myself or my allies.”
As day yields to night, she takes a well-earned rest...only to be roused in the morning by the cry of alarm. She is awake and alert, reaching for her weapons and armor, but knows it will take some time for her to don her full plate.
“Have we been boarded?”
[OoC is this before or after my 24 hours with Leraje has passed?]
[OoC: OMG! I posted a large post here early afternoon and it's gone!! WTF!!!

[OoC2: I want to be more specific about the time. This is very early morning. The sun is just starting to change the color of the eastern sky]
It depends when you normally refresh your abilities. I believe Selina said she regains spells at midnight. If you regain abilities at dawn then I guess technically you could squeeze in learning spells or setting up vestiges as long as it takes 15min or less. The pirates aren't going to wait an hour for you to set up your abilities for the day.
Quote:Selina frowns at the information. “Necromancy? That is not good to hear. The undead revile me, but perhaps it is associated with something else from that branch...” She trails off in thought. At the mention of the blade not liking the kobold Selina quirks an eyebrow. “That sounds very much like a quality specifically crafted against your kind. Or perhaps...dragonkind in general? And cold iron means it would be crafted against the fey, yesss? Strange...strange indeed. I would very much like to know that the weapon I shall be wielding will not endanger the lives of myself or my allies.”
Nang replies, "Though I don't have any way of detecting evil today, I didn't sense any malevolence just a sort of... I'm not sure how to describe it. You know when you meet someone and you're expecting the meeting to go a certain way but when you're finished you feel, 'meh'? Well that's how I felt." Nang returns the sword to its scabbard and hands it back to Selina. "Did you feel anything when you wielded the blade?"
Quote:As day yields to night, she takes a well-earned rest...only to be roused in the morning by the cry of alarm. She is awake and alert, reaching for her weapons and armor, but knows it will take some time for her to don her full plate.
“Have we been boarded?”
The guard who has been stationed outside, replies through the door, "Not yet. They were spotted in the distance."
(06-13-2019, 09:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ][OoC3: It depends when you normally refresh your abilities. I believe Selina said she regains spells at midnight. If you regain abilities at dawn then I guess technically you could squeeze in learning spells or setting up vestiges as long as it takes 15min or less. The pirates aren't going to wait an hour for you to set up your abilities for the day.
[OoC Soul binding doesn't work the same.. as per Tome of Magic page 10...
"Whether the binding check succeeds
or fails, you gain the powers
granted by the vestige for 24 hours.
During that time, you cannot rid
yourself of the vestige unless you possess
the Expel Vestige feat. Success or
failure does, however, determine other
aspects of the pact."...
And yes, it does take time to bind a new vestige. At least one minute to draw the seal and a full round action to perform the ritual.
What I really needed to know was since she bound Leraje the morning before, just before going above for breakfast.. has Leraje left her already or still around for an hour or two.. if Leraje has left I am not expecting the pirates to wait the time it takes her to bind a new vestige. As a result I am hoping the pirates are attacking earlier rather than later

(06-13-2019, 09:23 PM)GM Marvel Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Selina frowns at the information. “Necromancy? That is not good to hear. The undead revile me, but perhaps it is associated with something else from that branch...” She trails off in thought. At the mention of the blade not liking the kobold Selina quirks an eyebrow. “That sounds very much like a quality specifically crafted against your kind. Or perhaps...dragonkind in general? And cold iron means it would be crafted against the fey, yesss? Strange...strange indeed. I would very much like to know that the weapon I shall be wielding will not endanger the lives of myself or my allies.”
Nang replies, "Though I don't have any way of detecting evil today, I didn't sense any malevolence just a sort of... I'm not sure how to describe it. You know when you meet someone and you're expecting the meeting to go a certain way but when you're finished you feel, 'meh'? Well that's how I felt." Nang returns the sword to its scabbard and hands it back to Selina. "Did you feel anything when you wielded the blade?"
Quote:As day yields to night, she takes a well-earned rest...only to be roused in the morning by the cry of alarm. She is awake and alert, reaching for her weapons and armor, but knows it will take some time for her to don her full plate.
“Have we been boarded?”
The guard who has been stationed outside, replies through the door, "Not yet. They were spotted in the distance."
Already clad in The Hide of Unreth (light armour), Betimi grabs her weapons and scrambles outside, readying her longbow as she moves
[Edit to readying light crossbow if Leraje is no longer bound]
"Me go up and see if me can create cover for the sailors and marines."
Ning will sneak up onto the deck, looking around to get his bearings, where the pirates are located and prepares to cast an illusion. [His intent will be to use Silent Image to create the illusion of netting protecting a large area of the airships deck. Thick rope netting would provide great cover rom missile fire but be believable for us to shoot through.]