Selina sees the injured kobold and, still wary of the fact that their enemy can use illusion, moves over to administer her first aid expertise at trying to ensure the kobold survives the shock. She waves Tomeal over to help Gilley unbury the kobold.
Heal +8
While Selina, GIlley and Tomeal aid the injured kobold while Betimi keeps watch, Jonath takes the opportunity to creep around the pile of rubble and scout ahead a bit, careful to stay near enough for Betimi to be able to see him.
Giley starts digging the Kobold out from under the rocks. None of them are too heavy for the Ranger to move but all together the weight had injured the creature pretty badly. When Selina checks him out she fears he has a two broken right ribs, a broken right tibia, a broken left hand and with the abdominal pain and swelling there could be some internal bleeding.
Betimi and Tomeal guard Giley and Selina while they tend to the injured Kobold while Jonath continues to scout around the pile of rubble. He finds the path leads back toward the entrance. They have traveled in a circle. The only other way to continue would be to travel across the river.
The cave rumbles ominously while a little dust and pebble shake loose and shower down upon everyone. It stops again after about 5 seconds.
"The best we can do for him at the moment is stabilize him and get him into a spot where he is safer from cave-ins. We dare not drag him into danger. And we must hurry."
"We can keep the hemorrhaging down, that is the greatest danger, it could lead to hypovolemic shock. I can't tell if there is any in this light, or how much. I can only see that he has a lot of broken bones. Those must be set and immobilized. Moving him could actually make things worse." She looks around for a moment and thinks.
"I can use the wand to heal his internal injuries, but we need to set those broken limbs and brace the ribs. Then we can pile some of these rocks up between the kobold and where we are going, giving him some cover."
That being done setting she sets to work creating a splint for the kobold's leg and hand, then makes sure they and his head are elevated as she touches the wand to its stomach and whispers the activation word. She hopes that is enough. Besides, she had borrowed the wand from Powwaw to help the Kobolds destroy Unreth anyway. Now she was using their own item in a way they would have anyway.
That being done, she nods to the others and nods across the river.
“We must go."
heal wand: [1d8+2] = 2+2 = 4
[OoC1: Remember you can take a full minute to cast a healing (or cause wounds) spell to automatically maximize the spell. This includes cure spells off wands. If not taking the full minute you roll what you would normally roll with a wand which is d8's plus wand level. If a spell is cast from yourself you heal d4+4's plus your caster level. This is because the influence of your god is stronger with the priest than it is with a mere stick.]
The kobold is at first wary of Selina drawing too close but when it becomes obvious she was trying to help, the creature offers no resistance. When she calls upon the wand there is a cracking noise as the bones start to reset and mend themselves. The creature grits his teeth but is soon feeling much better. Its body relaxes and he hisses, "Thhhank you ffffor your aid ssssstranger. But beware, Unrethhhh is closssse."
[OoC2: It's up to you if you want to spend a full minute to maximize your healing]
[OoC3: I'm currently at work but I will have an updated map soon.]
((I'm worried we don't have the time to spare a minute. Quick and dirty will have to do.))
Selina nods and smiles, one in gratitude of his information and the other in support as he works his way back to health. She turns to her friends and waves them onward.
[OoC: Here is the map. So you get some idea of the areas you've been in, I've left what you've already explored visible. The big black circle is the 60' area which Jonath can see with his darkvision. Just keep in mind your own light sources and what you would be able to see.]
Each square is 10'
Black = Jonath
Orange = Tomeal
Purple = Betimi
Blue = Selina
Red = Nacesh
Green = Gilly
The Red "K" = Kobold squash victim.
"You all know full well that both those bridges are trapped. The kobolds would know how to avoid them, and Unreth doesn't even need to use the bridges. He can simply climb across the ceiling."
She turns and crouches by the injured kobold.
"Powwaw sent us. We are here to destroy Unreth. Can you tell us how to cross the bridges?"
Nacesh approaches the scene, crouching next to the reptilian humanoid and looks for some soothing words on the creature's native tongue.
"Easy. Big people here to help dragonkin."
With the same soothing tone he addresses Gilley and whoever helps the kobold,
"I'm no healing expert but check the injury before you lift that rock."